Tuesday 23 February 2016

269) PUNPEX 2016, held at Chandigarh from 06-09 February 2016: (Part 3) “Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary, Chandigarh”: Special Cover released on 07.02.2016:

269) PUNPEX 2016, held at Chandigarh from 06-09 February 2016: (Part 3) “Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary, Chandigarh”: Special Cover released on 07.02.2016:

The State Level Philatelic Exhibition of Punjab Circle, PUNPEX – 2016 was held from 06.02.2016 to 09.02.2016 at Chandigarh, Punjab. Tradition, culture and modernity were reflected in the Exhibition through the various exhibition frames, stalls of various dealers and cultural activities. 

On the first day of the Exhibition (i.e. 06.02.2016), two interesting Special Covers were released – one on “INDIAN DAK RUNNER” and the other on “PUNPEX 2016 Logo”. 

On the second day of the Exhibition (i.e. 07.02.2016), the theme of the three Special Covers released was Conserving Bio-diversity and saving Wildlife. Under this theme, another three interesting Special Covers were released – one on “BUTTERFLIES OF CHANDIGARH” and the other two on “MIGRATORY BIRDS OF SUKHNA LAKE, CHANDIGARH” and “SUKHNA WILDLIFE SANCTUARY, CHANDIGARH”. 

The Special Cover on the “Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary, Chandigarh”:

The above is an image of the Special Cover brought out on 07.02.2016 at the, PUNPEX – 2016, depicting the “SUKHNA WILDLIFE SANCTUARY, CHANDIGARH”. On the left of the Special Cover are shown four varieties of Wildlife found in Chandigarh – 1) Spotted Deer 2) Indian Peacock 3) Indian Grey Mongoose 4) Indian Wild Boar. In the centre is shown the Kansal Log Hut.

The Rs.5/- Postage stamp depicts a bed of flowers, the most prominent being Cineraria flowers. The Cancellation Stamp is dated 07.02.2016 and is inscribed “State Level Philatelic Exhibition, PUNPEX – 2016, Chandigarh”. The logo of PUNPEX 2016 is to the left of the postage stamp.

On the Back of the Special Cover is the slogan “Protect Wildlife, Protect Nature”. The names of the Species of Wildlife shown on the Front of the Cover and a mention of the Kansal Log Hut is made on the Back of the Cover. The number of the Special Cover PB/03/2016 is mentioned along with the reference of the Chief Postmaster General, Punjab Circle, Sandesh Bhawan, Sector 17 E, Chandigarh.

Sukhna Lake:

In 1958, Sukhna Lake was constructed.

 During the sixties and early seventies, the rate of siltation of the Lake was very high due to soil erosion from its catchment area.

  Till the 1980s almost two-thirds of the original water holding capacity of the Lake was lost due to siltation. 

 Soil and water conservation measures have resulted in excellent results and reduced the rate of siltation considerably. Soil Conservation measures supplemented with massive afforestation have also  led to the development of a good forest cover in the hilly catchment area which is now an ideal habitat for a wide variety of fauna leading to this area being designated as the “Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary”.
Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary, Chandigarh : Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary is spread over an area of 2600 hectares and is located about one kilometre North-East of Sukhna Lake. It forms a part of Sukhna Lake catchment area falling in the Shivalik Hills.

The following species of Flora and Fauna etc., inter alia, are found in the Sanctuary:


There are a wide variety of trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses and climbers in the Sanctuary. Some of them being – Acacia catechu (Khair), Acacia modesta (Phulai), Acacia arabica (Kikar), Acacia leucophloea (Raeru), Dalbergia sisoo (Shisham), Anogeissus latifolia (Chhal), Azadirachta indica (Neem), Bombax ceiba (Semal), Butea frondosa (Dhak), Bauhinia racemosa (Kachnar), Emblica officimalis (Amla), Morus alba (Tut), Lannea grandis (Jhingan), Diospyros montana (Kendu), Murraya koenigii (Curry Patta), Prosopis juliflora (Musket), Cassia fistula (Amaltas), Zizyphus jujoba (Ber), et al.


Mammals: Leopard, Sāmbhar, Spotted Deer (Chital), Pangolin (Ant eater), Wild Boar, Jackal, Small Indian Civet, Jungle Cat, Porcupine, Hanuman Langur, Rhesus Monkey, Indian Hare, Common Mongoose, Common Rat, Squirrel et al.

Birds:  More than 262 varieties of birds are found in the Sanctuary, including, aquatic birds. Prominent among them are : Indian Peacock, Red Jungle Fowl, Grey Partridge, Cuckoos, Night Jars, Golden Oriole, Kingfisher, Swifts, Hoopoes, Hornbills, Barbets, Woodpeckers, Rollers, Barn Owl, Parrots, Doves, Jacanas, Plovers, Coots, Hawks, Geese, Swan, Ducks et al.

 Reptiles: include Cobras, Rat Snake, Common Krait, Russell’s Viper, Indian Python, Common Monitor (Goh) et al.

 Insects: There is a large variety of Butterflies, Moths, Honey-bees et al.

Every effort is made to protect, preserve and propagate the wildlife of the area by creating habitats and promoting water facilities by constructing water holes, provision of salt licks etc.

Kansal Log Hut: In the Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary, there are three beautiful Rest houses – Kansal Log-Hut, Kansal Inspection Hut and Nepli Inspection Hut.

To visit Sukhna Wildlife sanctuary, one has to take a written permission from the Forest Department. There are two entry gates to the Sanctuary – Kansal Gate and Nepali Gate.

The Forest Department maintains two Animal Rescue Centres in the Nepali and Kansal areas.

1) Spotted Deer (Axis axis): The Spotted Deer is also known as the “Cheetal” or “Chital” or Axis deer. It is found mainly in wooded regions of India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Pakistan. The name “Chital” comes from the Bengali word “Chitral” meaning “spotted” and the Sanskrit word “Chitra” also meaning “spotted or variegated”.
                         A Spotted Deer herd

The Spotted Deer is found in large numbers in dense deciduous or semi-evergreen forests and open grasslands. The highest numbers are found in the Forests of India, where they feed upon tall grass and shrubs. Chitals are primarily grazers and also feed on short, sprouting grasses. They prefer heavy forest cover for shade and are intolerant of direct sunlight. They also eat fruit and branches of trees which are within reach by standing on their hind legs. Interestingly, they can also eat their shed antlers as a source of nutrients and are fond of “mineral/salt licks”.
            A Spotted Deer feeding by standing on its hind legs

 They are at risk from predators like Lions, tigers, leopards, wolves, Indian rock pythons, dholes (red dogs), stray or pariah dogs, crocodiles, foxes and jackals. They have a symbiotic relationship with the Northern Plains Grey langur, keeping a lookout from tree-tops and give a warning when a predator approaches while the spotted deer does likewise relying upon its superior sense of smell which helps it to give out an early warning in case a predator is approaching. Chitals and Langurs graze together silently, and when in danger, the langurs disperse into the safety of high trees, while the Chitals run away in groups, making bursts of high-speed running but tire out very quickly, after which they prefer to hide in heavy cover.

  The male Chital has an average height of about 90 cm (or 35 inches) tall at the shoulder and has a total length of about 170 cm (or 67 inches), including a 20 cm (7.9 inches) long tail. A male Chital weight about 30 to 75 kg and very large males can weigh upto 98 to 110 kgs. On the other hand females weigh in at about 25 to 45 kgs. The average life-span of a Chital is about 8 to 14 years.

The Chital’s Conservation Status is presently listed by the (International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as of “least concern” because it occurs over a very wide range within which there are many large populations. The Chital is protected under Schedule III of the Indian Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.

 2) The Indian Peacock or the Indian Peafowl (Pavo cristatus): The Indian Peacock or blue Peafowl is a large and brightly coloured bird largely native to South Asia.
                  An image of a displaying Peacock

Male Peacocks have a length of about 100 to 115 cm (or 39 to 45 inches) and weigh about 4 to 6 kgs, while the Females measure about 95 cm (or 37 inches) in length and weigh about 2.75 to 4 kg.  The Indian peafowl is found across the Indian sub-continent and in parts of Sri Lanka.  The male peacock is predominantly blue with a fan-like crest of spatula tipped wire-like feathers and has a long train made up of elongated upper-tail covert feathers which bear colourful eye-spots. These stiff feathers can be raised into a fan and quivered in a beautiful display.
                         An image of a Peahen

The Indian peafowl lives mostly on the ground in open forest or on land under cultivation where they feed on berries, grains, snakes, lizards and small rodents. They emit loud calls, particularly to warn against approaching predators.

 The Peacock is widely mentioned in Indian and Greek mythology and is the National Bird of India. The Indian Peacock is listed as of “Least Concern” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

 There are more than 1100 Peafowl in the Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary and their numbers are growing due to the Conservation efforts of the Forest officials.

 3) Indian Grey Mongoose (Herpestes edwardsii): The Indian Grey Mongoose or Common Grey Mongoose is found mainly in Southern Asia – in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh et al.

The Indian Grey Mongoose is medium sized tawny or yellowish grey with a lighter underside, darker feet and dark red tail tip. Its body length is between 36-45 cm (or 14 to 17 inches) and its tail length is about 45 cm (or about 17 inches). Its weight is about 0.9 to 1.7 kg. Male Mongooses are much larger than the females.

 Interestingly, Mongooses can see colour although most mammals have only partial colour vision.

 Found mainly in open forests, scrublands and cultivated fields, often close to human habitation, it lives in burrows, hedgerows and thickets among groves of trees, taking shelter under rocks or bushes and drains. Usually found singly or in pairs, it preys on rodents, snakes, bird’s eggs and hatchlings, lizards and a variety of invertebrates.

 Interestingly, a mongoose can crack eggs open by standing with its back to a wall and throwing the eggs under its body and between its back legs so that the eggs break against the wall. Indian Mongooses are often kept as pets to keep houses free from rats and other pests.

 The story of “Brownie”, a baby Mongoose:
When we were visiting Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh, Sumita chanced upon a tiny baby mongoose, (whom we named “Browny”) in distress crying out for his mother. Sumita and Maggie managed to revive him and on the Guest House Gardener’s suggestion, Browny was left in the evening in its nest. Browny did not survive the cold of the harsh winter night and we were very upset. On return to Pune, Sumita wrote a story about Brownie which has been read around 2000 times by visitors to her blog “Fab Hobby Ideas”. The Story of Brownie was the first story on “Fab Hobby ideas”. She included a fact file on Mongooses habits and habitats under a section called “Fact File”. Although “acquainted” with Browny for about four hours, we still feel that Browny was our pet and are reminded of him every time we see or read about a Mongoose.

It is quite interesting to read about Browny and the Fact File on the following Link:(The Story of a Baby Mongoose called "Browny")

 4) Indian Wild Boar (Sus scrofa cristatus): The Indian Wild Boar also known as the Andamanese Pig or Moupin Pig is considered to be the wild antecedent of the domestic pig on the Indian sub-continent. It belongs to the Suidae biological family which also includes the Warthog and Bush Pig of Africa, the Pygmy Hog of Northern India and the Babirusa of Indonesia.

                              An image of an Indian Wild Boar
Wild Boars are found inhabiting the woodlands of Central Europe, Mediterranean Region (including North Africa’s Atlas Mountains) and most of Asia, including India. In the Indian sub-continent it is native to India, Nepal, Burma, western Thailand and Sri Lanka.

 Wild Boars eat anything, including nuts, berries, carrion, roots, tubers, refuse, insects, small reptiles, young deer, lambs etc.

 Wild Boars roam around in groups, known as Sounders. A typical Sounder consists of about 20 to 50 animals of which two or three are sows and the rest of the members are young ones. Adult males join a sounder only during mating season and prefer to stay alone for the rest of the time.

 Interestingly, the Indian Wild Boar finds a mention in Vedic Mythology.

 The Indian Wild Boar population is declining alarmingly due to large scale poaching and habitat destruction. Of the 7 species which inhabited the Indian sub-continent at one time, only one species of Wild Boar remains. There is an urgent need to conserve its population and restore it to the IUCN category of “Least Concern”.

Links to posts on Indian Post-Cards:

1) Historical First Day Covers on Post Cards compiled by Karnataka Postal Circle on Post Independence India

2) For Part I of the DYKS (32) "Birds of the Himalayas", please click on the following link: ("Birds of the Himalayas" (Part I) - Description of 16 birds with picture postcards)

3) For Part II of DYKS (32): "Birds of the Himalayas", please click on the following link: ("Birds of the Himalayas" Description of 16 Birds with picture postcards)

4) For Part III of DYKS (32): "Birds of the Himalayas" please click on the following link: ("Birds of the Himalayas" Description of 16 Birds with picture postcards)

5) Two Series of Postage Stamps issued during the reign of George V: Inauguration of New Delhi in 1931 and Silver Jubilee of the reign of George V in 1935 compiled by Karnataka Postal Circle   

6) Aero India 2015: Asia's Premier Air Show: A set of 10 Post cards issued by Karnataka Postal Circle, India Post in 2015. 

7) Himalayan Lakes: Chandratal, Roop Kund, Sela, Tsangu and Tsomo Riri: A set of five post cards issued by India Post in 2015 

8)  Incredible India: (Part I) A set of 48 Post Cards issued by India Post in 2015
9) Incredible India: (Part II) A set of 48 Post cards issued by India Post in 2015
10)   Incredible India: (Part III): A set of 48 Post cards issued by india Post in 2015
 11) Olympic Events: A set of 12 Post cards issued by the Karnataka Postal Circle, India Post on 11.07.2016  

12) "Orchids": A set of 12 postcards issued by the Karnataka Postal Cicle of India Post, with designs inspired by 6 Stamps on Orchids issued by India Post on 21.10.1991 and 6 Stamps issued on 08.08.2016 
Maximum or Maxim Cards: 

1) Did You Know series (33): 1) Maxim or Maximum Cards 2) A set of 5 Maximum Cards issued by the Department of Posts, India to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Establishment of the High Court of Judicature at Allahabad

"My Stamps" Albums:

1) "Ajanta & Ellora Caves": "MyStamps" (issued by India Post): Sumita and Rajeev

 2) "Ghats of Varanasi": "MyStamps" (issued by India Post): Sumita

3) "Sun Temple, Konark": "MyStamps" (issued by India Post): Rajeev 

4) "Fairy Queen": "MyStamps" (issued by India Post): Rajeev 

5) "Mahabodhi Temple": "MyStamps" (issued by India Post): Rajeev 
 6) "Port Blair Island": "My Stamps" (issued by India Post): Rajeev

Links to other Commemorative Stamps posts on Indian Stamps issued during 2016:

1)  Special India Post Cover  carried in a dedicated Hot Air Balloon flown during the II International Hot Air Balloon Festival held in Pollachi, Tamilnadu, released by Tamilnadu Circle of India Post in January 2016

2) "Vibrant India": Postage Stamps issued by India Post on this theme

3) MAHAPEX - 2016 held at Nasik from 16-18.01.16: (Part 1) Spl. Covers on Pandu Leni Caves and Smt. Kusum Dhirubhai Mehta released by Maharashtra Postal Circle on 16.01.2016 

4) MAHAPEX - 2016 held at Nashik from 16-18.01.2016: (Part 2) Spl.Covers on Kalaram temple and Nashik "Grape City & Wine Capital of India" released by Maharashtra Postal Circle on 17.01.2016 

5) MAHAPEX - 2016 held at Nashik from 16-18.01.16: (Part 3) Spl. Covers on "Nashik Dhol" and "Dr. Anand Gopalrao Joshi" released by Maharashtra postal Circle on 18.01.2016 

6) International Fleet Review - 2016 (IFR - 16) held at Vishakhapatnam from 04.02.16 to 08.02.16: Commemorative Postage stamps issued by India Post 

7) Celebrating 75 Years of setting up of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal : Commemorative Postage Stamps brought out by India Post. 

8) PUNPEX - 16 held at Chandigarh from 06 - 09.02.2016: (Part 1): Spl. Covers on "Indian Dak Runner" & "The PUNPEX-16 logo" released by Punjab Postal Circle on 06.02.2016 

9) PUNPEX - 16 held at Chandigarh from 06-09.02.2016: (Part 2): Spl. Cover on "Butterflies of Chandigarh" released by Punjab Postal Circle on 07.02.2016 

10) PUNPEX - 16  held at Chandigarh from 06-09.02.2016: (Part 3): Spl. Cover on "Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary, Chandigarh" released by Punjab Postal Circle on 07.02.2016 

11) PUNPEX - 16 held at Chandigarh from 06-09.02.2016: (Part 4): Spl. Cover on "Migratory Birds of Sukhna Lake, Chandigarh" released on 07.02.2016 

12) "Gurudwara Shri Paonta Sahib": Spl. Cover released by HP Postal Circle, of India Post 

13) India's First International Fleet review held on 18.02.2001 at Mumbai 

14) "Jal Mahotsav" on the River Narmada from 12-21.02.2016: Spl Cover issued by the Department of Posts, India 

15) "Simhasth Kumbh Mahaparv", Ujjain 22.04.2016-21.05.2016: MAPPEX-2016 Spl Cover released by Postmaster General, Indore Region, India Post on 07.02.2016 

16) Unique Handicrafts of Madhya Pradesh: MAPPEX 2016: A Special Cover issued by the Postmaster General , Indore Region, Indore, on 05.02.2016 

17) Golden Jubilee of The Statesman Vintage & Classic car Rally": Special Cover issued by the Delhi Postal Circle, New Delhi on 28.02.2016 

18) Mahamaham Kumbha Mela Festival, Kumbhakonam, Tamil Nadu: February 13-22, 2016. Special Cover issued by the Postmaster General Tamilnadu Circle, Chennai, India Post. 

19) "Maharaja Agrasen ki Baoli " in New Delhi: "UTSAV 2016"- A Special cover issued by the Delhi Postal Circle on 17.02.2016 

20) Archbishop Benedict Mar Gregorios Birth Centenary celebrations : A Special Cover issued by Delhi Postal Circle, New Delhi, India Post on 15.02.2016

21) Shri Lakshmi Narayan Temple: UTSAV 2016: A Spl Cover issued on 17.02.2016 by Delhi Postal Circle, New Delhi 

22) National Science Centre Delhi: UTSAV 2016: A Spl Cover issued by the Delhi Postal Circle, New Delhi , Department of Posts, India on 16.02.2016 

23) Commemorating the Birth Centenary of Vasantrao Srinivassa Sinai Dempo: A Rs.5/- Stamp issued by  India Post on 04.03.2016 

24) 150th Anniversary of the Allahabad High Court : Commemorative Stamps & Coins issued by the Department of Posts, India & India Government Mint, Mumbai respectively 

25) National Archives of India (Part 1): 125th Anniversary Celebrations: Commemorative Stamps issued by the Department of Posts, India on 13.03.2016 

26) The Gilgit Record (Manuscripts): National Archives of India (Part 2) A 30 paise Stamp issued in 1979,  by the Department of Posts, India. 

27) "A Minor Rock Edict" of Samrat ashok found in Gujarra , Distt. Datia M.P. : A Special Cover issued by the Indore Region, MP Postal Circle, Deptt. of Posts, India

28) "Batesara Group of Temples": A Special Cover issued by Indore Region, M.P. Postal Circle, Deptt. of Posts, India 

29) "India-UN Women HeForShe Programme": Commemorative Stamps issued by India Post  

30) Fire Services of India: A Rs. 5/- Stamp issued by the department of posts, india to honour the "Fire Services of India

31) Govardhanram Tripathi: Commemorative Rs.5/ Stamps brought out in his honour by the Department of Posts, India. 

32) The "Everlasting Flame international Programme 2016": A Special Cover issued by Delhi Postal Circle, Department of Posts, India. 

33) "Ahimsa Ball": Commemorating the 10th Installation Ceremony of the Ball: A Special Cover issued by the Delhi Postal Circle on 26.04.2016 

34) "BRICS Friendship Cities Conclave 14-16 April 2016, held at Mumbai: A Special Cover issued by the Maharashtra Postal Circle on 14.04.2016 

35) "25th Shukla Day Coin and Philately Fair" held from 22-24.04.2016 at Mumbai: A Special Cover issued by the Maharashtra Postal Circle, India Post on 22.04.2016 

36) "Indian Coast Guard Air Station Chennai Silver Jubilee": A Special Cover issued by Tamilnadu Postal Circle of India Post on 07.03.2016 

37) Swami Chidananda: A Rs.5/- Commemorative stamp issued by India Post on 21.05.2016, celebrating his Birth Centenary. 

38) "Brave Fighter Narvir Shivaji Kashid: A Special Cover issued by Maharashtra Postal Circle on 05.05.2016 

39) Tata Power: Commemorating the centenary of the establishment of The Company by India Post, by issuing Rs.5/- stamps on 10.06.16 

 40) "Surya Namaskar": The theme of second International Day of Yoga: Commemorative stamps issued by India Post on 21.06.2016

41) Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose in Jharkhand: DEOPEX:2016: A Special Cover issued by the Jharkhand Postal Circle, India Post on 18.03.2016 

42) "Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar": DEOPEX-2016: A Special Cover issued on him by Jharkhand Postal Circle, India Post on 18.03.2016 

43) "Philatelic Seminar, Jaipur": A Special Cover issued by the Rajasthan Postal Circle, India Post on 28.02.2016 

44) "Shantheyanda Okkada Hockey Namme - 2016": A Spcial Cover issued by Karnataka Postal Circle, India Post on 03.05.2016 

45) The Indian Institute of Architects: Commemorating the Centenary year of the Institute by issuing a Special Cover by Maharashtra Postal Circle, India Post on 12.05.2016  

46) Indian Naval Air Squadron 300 (INAS 300): A Special Cover issued on the Induction of MiG-29Ks and de-induction of Sea Harriers in the Squadron, by the Maharashtra Postal Circle of India Post on 11.05.2016 

47) State Trading Corporation : Celebrating 60 Glorious Years: A Special Cover issued by the Delhi Postal Circle, India Post on 18.05.2016 

48) Christ Church Fort Teppakullam, Tirichirappalli: 250th Anniversary Celebrations: A Special Cover issued by Tamilnadu Postal Circle, India Post on 17.05.2016 

49) "BSE" (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange): Commemorating the 140th Year of its establishment: A Rs.5/- commemorative stamp brought out by India Post on 09.07.2016 

50) "VIKAS PARV - CHHAU DANCE": A Special Cover issued by Jharkhand Postal Circle on 17.06.16 

51) 65th Plenary of the North Eastern Council held on 26-27 May 2016 at Shillong: A Special Cover brought out by the NE Postal Circle of India Post, on 03.06.2016 

52) Platinum Jubilee of the First Philatelic Bureau set up in Mumbai: A Special Cover issued by Karnataka Postal Circle, India Post on 21.06.2016 

53) Chennai Book Fair: A Special Cover issued by the Tamilnadu Postal Circle of India Post on 01.06.2016

54) Chennai Book Fair (Part II) A.K. Chettiar : One of 6 eminent Tamil writers on whom Tamilnadu Postal Circle has issued Special Covers on 10.06.2016 

55) Chennai Book Fair (Part III): T.Janakiraman: One of 6 eminent Tamil writers on whom Tamilnadu Postal circle has issued Special Covers on 10.06.2016 

56) Chennai Book Fair (Part IV): P.V. Akilandam: One of 6 eminent Tamil writers on whom Tamilnadu Postal Circle has issued Special Covers on 10.06.2016 

57) Chennai Book Fair (Part V): D. Jayakanthan: One of 6 eminent Tamil writers on whom Tamilnadu Postal Circle has issued Special Covers on 10.06.2016 

58) Chennai Book Fair : (Part VI): Pudhumaipithan: One of Six Eminent Tamil writers on whom Tamilnadu Postal Circle has issued Special Covers on 10.06.2016 

59) Chennai Book Fair: (Part VII): Va Ramasamy: One of six eminent Tamil writers on whom Tamilnadu Postal Circle has issued Special Covers on 10.06.2016 

60) Tadoba Andhari National Park: Commemorative stamps brought out by India Post on "International Tiger Day" at Nagpur on 29.07.2016 

61) Tara Mata Temple Shimla: Famous Temples of Himachaal Pradesh Series: A Special Cover issued by HP Postal Circle of India Post on 29.04.2016 

62) Bagla Mukhi Temple, Bankhandi, Kangra: Famous Temples of Himachal Pradesh Series: A Special Cover released by the H.P. Postal Circle of India Post on 29.04.2016  

63) Chintpurni Temple , Chintpurni Una, HP: Famous temples of Himachal {radesh Sries: A Special Cover released by H.P.Postal Circle of India Post on 29.04.2016 

64) Ter-Centenary of the martyrdom of Baba Banda Singh Bahadur: A Special Cover brought out by Delhi P0stal Circle of Indiapost on 20.06.2016 

65) "Rio 2016" Summer Olympics: Commemorative Stamps and booklets issued by the Department of Posts, India on 05.08.2016

66) "Orchids": A set of 6 Commemorative postage stamps brought out by India Post on 08.08.2016  

67) Indian Metal Crafts: A set of six Stamps issued by India Post on 26.08.2016 

68) Independence Day - Tourism in India: A Rs. 25/- Commemorative Stamp issued by India Post on 15.08.2016 

Links to other Commemorative Stamps posts on Indian Stamps issued during 2014 and 2015:

1) 2014 FIFA World Cup held in Brazil - A set of four stamps issued by India Post.

2) Commemorative Stamps on "Swachh Bharat" Mission

3) Commemorative Stamps on "Project Rukmini"

4) Commemorative Stamps on "Indian Ocean & Rajenda Chola I"

5) International Day of Yoga - "Commemorative Stamps & Coins" 

6) India-France - 50 Years of Space Co-operation - Commemorative Stamps

7) Commemorative Stamps on 50 years (Golden Jubilee) of "Engineers India Limited"

8Bicentenary of the "Old Theological Seminary" (OTS) Kottayam, Kerala

9Commemorative stamps issued on Nabakalabera (Jagannath Temple, Puri)

10) Commemorative stamps issued on an Indian Game called "Sagol Kangjei" originated in Manipur, from which Polo was adapted all over the World  

11) Samrat Ashok - Commemorative Stamps issued on the legendary Emperor of Ancient India 

12) Women Empowerment - Commemorative Stamps

13) Baba Amte - Commemorative Stamps 

14) Did You Know Series (4): A sample of the beautiful stamps brought out by Department of Posts, India 

15) 10th World Hindi Conference held at Bhopal - Commemorative Stamps issued by Department of Posts India

16) 50th Anniversary of the 1965 Indo-Pak War: Commemorative stamps issued by Department of Posts, India. 

17) Commemorating the 125th Anniversary of the Birth of Dr. B.R. Ambedker by Department of Posts, India with a stamp titled "Dr B.R. Ambedkar and the Indian Constitution" 

18) The "Charkha" or the Spinning Wheel: Commemorative stamps issued by the Department of Posts, India 

19) Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam - Commemorative Stamp issued by the Department of Posts, India 

20) 50th Anniversary of the Border Security Force (BSF): Commemorative Stamp issued by the Department of Posts, India 

21) 3rd India- Africa Forum Summit at New Delhi - Commemorative Stamps issued by Department of Posts, India 

22) Commemorating the Golden Jubilee of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL): Commemorative Stamps issued by India Post.

23) Commemorating the Bicentenary of the Raising Day of the First and Third Gorkha Rifles: Commemorative stamps issued by India Post.  

24) India-Singapore Joint issue: 50 Years of Bilateral Relationship: Two Commemorative Stamps issued by India-Post. 

25) Celebrating 60 years (Golden Jubilee) of EEPC India: Commemorative stamps issued by India Post. 

26) Centenary of the setting up of the Zoological Survey of India: Commemorative stamps issued by India Post 

27) Celebrating Children's Day on November 14th - Commemorative Stamps issued by India Post. 

28) Musicians of India - Commemorating Classical Musicians of India by issue of Stamps by India Post. 

29) Sumitranandan Pant (poet and writer) : Commemorative postage stamps issued on him by India Post 

30) Golden Jubilee of the Establishment of the IDSA, New Delhi: Commemorative stamps issued by India Post 

31) 100 Years of Return of Mahatma Gandhi to India in 1915: Commemorative postage stamps issued by India Post 

32) Commemorating Alugumuthu Kone, one of the first Freedom Fighters against the British: Commemorative Stamps issued by India Post

33) Centennial of the Patna High Court of Judicature: Commoemrative Stamps issued by India Post 

List of Commemorative Stamps Posts on stamps issued in 2013: 

1) Commemorative Postage stamps on the "Wild Flowers of India" issued by India Post.

2) 100 Years of Indian Cinema: 50 commemorative stamps issued by India Post. 

List of Commemorative Stamps Posts on Stamps issued in 2012:

1) Shekhawati and Warli Paintings (Part I) - Warli Paintings - Commemorative postage stamps brought out by India Post in 2012

2) Shekhawati and Warli Paintings (Part II) - Shekhaati Paintings - Commemorative postage stamps brought out by India Post in 2012 

List of Commemorative Stamps Posts  on Stamps issued in 2011:

1) Commemorative Postage Stamp of Rs.100/- issued on Mahatma Gandhi on Khadi Cloth for the first time ever by India Post.

List of Commemorative Stamps Posts  on Stamps issued in 2010:

1) Princely States of Indore, Sirmoor, Bamra and Cochin : Commemorative Stamps issued by India Post

List of Commemorative Stamps Posts issued in 2008: 

1) Centenary of the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru: Commemorative Stamps brought out by Indiapost in 2008

2) Standard Chartered Bank: Commemorating 150 Years of Banking in India: A Rs.5/- Commemorative Postage Stamp issued depicting the SCB Mumbai Heritage Building 

3) "Aldabra Giant Tortoise": A commemorative postage stamp brought out by India Post in 2008 

List of Commemorative Stamps issued in 2007:

1) 2550 years of Mahaparinirvana of the Buddha: Commemorative stamps issued by India Post  

Commemorative stamps issued in 1931, 1947 and 1950:

1) Three Series of original Indian stamps which depict : Inauguration of New Delhi (1931), First Independent India postage stamps (1947) and Republic of India Inauguration (1950)

 Postage Stamps from Thailand depicting Buddhist Jataka Tales:

1) Thailand postage stamps commemorating Buddhist Jataka Tales & celebrating Magha Puja Day (Part I)

2) Thailand Post stamps commemorating Buddhist Jataka Tales & celebrating Asalha Puja Day (Part II)  

3) Thailand Post stamps commemorating Buddhist Jataka Tales & celebrating Visakha Puja Day (Part III)

4) Postage stamps from Thailand commemorating Buddhist Jataka Tales

Forever Stamps from United States Postal Service (USPS):

1) Forever Stamps: A Series of Stamps commemorating the "US Civil War 1861-1865"

2) Forever Stamps: The Hindu Festival of Lights - Diwali (2016) 

Postage Stamps from the Bailiwick of Jersey

1) "Man of Steel": A Superman movie. Jersey post stamps commemorating a local lad Henry William Dalgliesh who played Superman in the Movie 

Postage Stamps from Gibraltar:

1) 800th Anniversary of the Magna Carta - the Universal guidepost/landmark in Liberty and Freedom: A miniature stamp sheet issued by the Gibraltar Philatelic Bureau

Postage Stamps issued by Hongkong Post:

1) Working Dogs in Government Service: A sheetlet showing six dogs issued by Hongkong Post in June 2012

Postage Stamps issued by New Zealand Post

1) ICC Cricket World Cup - 2015 14 Commemorative Stamps issued with the theme "Have A Ball"

International Philately Exhibitions :

1) World Stamp Show New York 2016

2) Thailand 2016 - FIAP 32nd Asian International Stamp Exhibition 10-15 August 2016

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