Sunday 22 March 2015

176) 25 Dirham Commemorative Banknote issued by the Central Bank of Morocco in 2012 by using an innovative paper-polymer-paper technology for the first time:

 176) 25 Dirham Commemorative Banknote issued by the Central Bank of Morocco in 2012 by using an innovative paper-polymer-paper technology for the first time:

The use of scanners and colour printers in the nineties brought new challenges for Banknote printing. The embedded metallic threads have now given way to optical effects such as changing colours or images. Holograms and colour shifting effects in the form of threads, stripes or patches now protect many different Banknotes to prevent counterfeiting.

Fortress Paper Ltd. has brought out the World’s first Banknote which was printed on its new Durasafe substrate, which is an innovative paper-polymer-paper composite substrate produced at its Landqart Mill.

Hybrid polymer Banknote substrate used on this Banknote brings the advantages of paper Banknotes and polymer Banknotes together in an innovative cotton film around a polyester fiber core.

The Landqart Mill:

The Landqart Mill is a leading producer of Banknote and high security papers. The high security papers produced by the Landqart Mill incorporate internationally recognised overt and covert security features which are embedded into the paper. 

 Since 1979, the Landqart Mill is the sole provider of Banknote paper for Swiss currency which is widely recognised as the lost secure currency in the world. In addition, the Landqart Mill provides paper for over 100 currency denominations in over 50 countries.

The new 25 Dirham Moroccan Commemorative Banknote brought out on 28.12.2012 is the first to be printed on Durasafe. The new Banknote was printed on a substrate consisting of a polymer layer embedded between two layers of paper. (Interestingly, in 2014, the reverse combination has been used on the Ryder Cup Banknote with one cotton paper core encompassed in two polymer outer layers).

The new Swiss 50 Franc Banknote was earlier expected to be the first in the World to use Durasafe technology, but its introduction was delayed till 2015 due to technical difficulties acting as an obstacle to the Banknote’s production. The new Moroccan 25-Dirham Banknote which was issued in December 2012 by the Bank al Maghrib, Morocco,  stole a march over the Swiss 50 franc Banknote, by becoming the first Banknote in the World to be printed on Durasafe and that too in Switzerland.

The Front of the 25 Dirham Moroccan Banknote features an intaglio vignette and a watermark of King Mohammed VI, and a magenta/green colour shift security thread developed by Fortress Optical Features Ltd. The thread, like the watermark is embedded inside the Banknote, yet is visible behind a one-sided Viewsafe polymer window. It also has a fully transparent polymer window embossed with the King’s Royal crest.
 The Commemorative 25 Dirham Banknote as it appears against a normal background.
 The Commemorative 25 Dirham Banknote as it appears against a partially dark/black background. Notice that the King’s Royal crest is more visible in the transparent window against the black background.

 The Back of the 25 Dirham Moroccan Banknote carries a print vignette commemorating 25 years of Banknote printing at the Moroccan State Printing Works, Dar As-Sikkah.


4.2 million pieces of the new 25 Dirham banknote were issued to commemorate the 57th Anniversary of Morocco’s independence and the 25th Anniversary of the commissioning of the Mint at “Dar-Assikkah”.

A limited Series of 200,000 Banknotes numbering 00001000 to 200000 were reserved for Collectors. This Banknote is numbered 388386 indicating that it is a Banknote received through general circulation. 

 The Special paper technology used on these Commemorative Banknotes is a  technology pioneered by Landqart AG (a Swiss Security Paper making Company):

Durasafe: This is a new high security composite paper-polymer-paper Banknote substrate which has been launched in 2010 pioneered by Landqart AG and was developed in collaboration with the Swiss National Bank. This technology is a platform for the world’s most secure banknotes.

Durasafe is an innovative Banknote substrate composed of two cotton paper outer layers with a fully transparent polymer core which can contain all the security design options as compared to conventional paper Banknotes, but it offers numerous new design options. Durasafe has the unique ability to implement security features consisting of semi and fully transparent windows of different shapes, sizes and positions and the three layer substrate greatly increases the durability of the Banknote.

 The paper is high security cylinder mould which is made containing a watermark and security fibres as well as other security features including paper tactility. The polymer core adds strength and security, while allowing windows to be formed virtually anywhere on the Banknote. Windows can be formed to look into the core of the substrate or directly through the substrate.

Durasafe combines the ideal characteristics of polymer and traditional paper notes to create a new standard for high security Banknote substrates.

Thrusafe: These windows are fully transparent and can be designed in different shapes for various banknote denominations or commemorative Banknotes. The windows in Durasafe are formed by die cutting each side of the three layered composite substrate separately. One-sided Viewsafe windows give a clear view inside the substrate where the thread and the watermark of King Mohammad VI are protected, but are fully visible behind the polymer core. The transparent “Thrusafe” window is created by die-cutting both the outer paper layers to reveal only the transparent polymer core.

Viewsafe: Viewsafe windows allow a clear view into the core of the Durasafe banknotes. The security foil or watermark or the unprinted inside surface of the differently coloured security paper layer on the opposite side of the banknote sealed behind the clear polymer one can be easily/safely seen. This window draws the holder’s attention to the visible security features sealed inside the substrate of the banknote.

Durability: The polymer core affords stability and higher mechanical strength properties to the banknote for a much longer life span than ordinary paper banknotes, particularly when combined with an effective post-printing varnish.

Fortress Optical Security Features: This facility produces optical thin film and other optical security products for Banknote and Security papers, however this unit has been sold to another Company in October 2014, hence, this  the production of optical thin film has been stopped by Landqart.

(The above Banknote is from the collection of Jayant Biswas. Article researched and written and Banknotes scanned by Rajeev Prasad)

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