Monday 14 October 2019

1111) State Bank of India Inaugural Essay Competitions - 1994: 25th Anniversary (1994-2019): Winning the II Prize at the Whole Bank Level on my Essay titled "State Bank in the New Banking Era" in a grand Presentation Ceremony at SBI Central Office, Bombay:

1111) State Bank of India Inaugural Essay Competitions - 1994: 25th Anniversary (1994-2019): Winning the II Prize at the Whole Bank Level on my Essay titled "State Bank in the New Banking Era" in a grand Presentation Ceremony at SBI Central Office, Bombay:

The State Bank of India Essay Competitions were started in 1994, primarily for the purpose of getting suggestions from the grass-roots staff as State Bank of India (SBI) was undergoing a reorganisation, with McKinsey & Co.  and the then Chairman, Shri Dipankar Basu was very keen that the grass-roots suggestions are also examined during the reorganisation.

In 1994, I was posted at the Vigilance Department in the Lucknow Local Head Office of State Bank of India. The Central Office, Mumbai HRD Circular was brought to our Department by Viplov Ghosh, a colleague in my Department, who suggested that we should enter the Essay Competition in our respective categories. Not only that, to motivate me to write an Essay, he brought several editions of financial/monetary policy magazines.

The topic for me was "State Bank in the New Banking Era" and for Viplov it was "Improving Customer Satisfaction in our Bank".

Although we were very busy with our office work, we found time to write our essays, which were completed in about three days time. We handed over our Essays to the Personnel Department desk which was handling the Essays at the Lucknow Local Head Office level. 

I distinctly remember that a panel of eminent bankers/economists was set up by the Lucknow LHO  to evaluate the Essays. Both Viplov and I won first prizes at the Local Head Office level and our essays were forwarded by the Lucknow Circle to Central Office for evaluation at the whole Bank Level, where three Essays in each category were submitted by every one of the 13 State Bank of India Circles making it a total of 39 + 39 = 78 Essays for the panelists to evaluate.

A few days later we were informally informed by our friends in the HRD Central Office that my Essay had won the II Prize at the whole Bank level, while Viplov's had been ranked fifth.

Then came the great news - the Whole Bank Level Essay Competition winners were to be felicitated at a special function being organised at Central Office level

So Sumita (my wife) and I packed our bags on 12th August 1994 (incidentally my birthday falls on the 12th) and headed to Mumbai to participate in the Presentation Ceremony at Central Office on the appointed day.

Interaction/Interviews with the McKinsey Group tasked with the State Bank of India Reorganisation:

The three prize winners in each category were subjected to a series of interactions/interviews individually & all together with the McKinsey Group - interacting with junior level functionaries, senior level functionaries and then the top man of the McKinsey Reorganisation Team. The Reorganisation team was profusely taking notes on whatever we discussed. We felt quite important as we kept moving from one discussion room to another.

My friend A.V.S. Pal from Lucknow Circle, who was then posted in the Personnel Department  called out to me from his desk as we passed him, wanting me to spend some time with him, but I told him I was very busy with the McKinsey Group interactions, so he smiled and said "You guys are hot property today".

Interaction with Shri D.Basu, Chairman:

Finally the McKinsey Group team had their paper on the points which emerged during our discussions and we were ushered into the Chairman's office. 

Shri D.Basu, Chairman was ready and waiting for us. He enquired from the McKinsey Group officials whether thay had found any meaningful suggestions from our interactions that could be implemented in the Reorganisation and was promptly handed a paper on which bullet points had been typed out. He was very pleased with the suggestions given by us and personally congratulated us for giving excellent suggestions and told us that the McKinsey Group had found several items from our Essays/interactions feasible for implementation in the SBI Reorganisation. He knew me very well, as he was the Chief General Manager of Lucknow Circle in an earlier assignment and I had interacted with him several times during my posting in the HRD Department at the Local Head Office, Lucknow. 

He kept the paper with him and a  few days later, he used these bullet points in a Press Conference on the SBI Reorganisation. I was very happy to see seven of my suggestions figure in the detailed press release. 

The Presentation Ceremony:

Then we were ushered into the room where the Presentation Ceremony was going to take place. The entire Central Management Committee (CENMAC), the Top Management managing the SBI operations was present. I believe Shri Basu had personally given instructions to everyone of the Managing Directors and Dy. Managing Directors to cancel all their out-station programmes and be present for the Presentation Ceremony

Such was the importance attached to interacting with the Essay Competition prize winners that the Chairman announced that we could ask any of the CENMAC members any questions relevant to their area of operations. We had a field day inter-acting with the Top Management. The Presentation Ceremony was a grand affair, with the Chairman personally congratulating each and everyone of us while handing out the medals and Congratulatory D.O.  letters signed by him personally.

The centre page of a special magazine issued by the SBI Central Office, Mumbai showing photographs of the prize winners in the Officer's category receiving their prizes from the Chairman:

 Shri V.V. Unnikrishnan, Purnea Zonal Office (First Prize) Shri R. Prasad, Vigilance Department, Lucknow LHO (Second  Prize), Shri T.S. Santhanam, State Bank Staff College, Gurgaon (Third Prize).  The topic for the Essay was "State Bank in the new Banking Era".

The fourth and last photograph shows the Chairman, Managing Director and the Dy. Managing Directors.

The Chairman interacted with each one of us and spoke to Sumita, whom he knew very well from his Lucknow Circle days. Then came a surprise for me. He walked up to  me and handed me his personal folder marked "CHAIRMAN", adding that he wanted me to keep it as a memento too (which I have kept with me ever since, although it has started disintegrating into many pieces now).

The folder marked "CHAIRMAN" in my personal collection. It is now disintegrating over time.

We were treated to a sumptuous lunch with the CENMAC, where we had another opportunity to interact on-on-one with them.

The Prize winners in the Clerical Staff Category - Shri I. Chowdhury, Northern Avenue Branch, Calcutta (First Prize), Shri J.P. Sinha, Purani Godam Branch, Gaya (Second Prize) and Ms. Manju Kumari, Premises Department, Local Head Office Chandigarh (Third Prize). The last photograph on this page shows the Chairman and CENMAC officials interacting personally with the prize winners.

The Front Cover of the special edition of the magazine titled " 39th-wan State Bank Divas" (in Hindi) and "State Bank Day Celebrations" (in English), which carried circle-wise activities from everyone of the 13 SBI Circles.

The D.O. letter of appreciation dated 17th August 1994, from Shri Dipankar Basu, Chairman reads, inter alia:

"My dear Rajeev,

Essay Competition - 1994

Congratulations on your winning the second prize in the essay competition by the Human Resources Development Department at Central Office. The essay was thought provoking and I enjoyed reading it.

With best wishes,

yours sincerely,


We were also given medals titled "ESSAY COMPETITION" (on the upper Periphery) and "HRD DEPT CENTRAL OFFICE (on the lower periphery). In the centre is the State Bank of India logo and the year of the Competition "1994".

The other side of the medal presents the State Bank of India logo in the centre

The above D.O. Letter of Appreciation from Shri R.P. Srivastava, Lucknow Circle Chief General Manager reads, inter alia:

"My dear Prasad,

Celebration of Bank Day
Essay Competition

Hearty Congratulations on your winning the coveted Second Prize in the whole Bank Level Essay competition. The Dy. Managing Director (HR & OD), Central Office, Bombay has also conveyed his congratulations to you on your winning the prize. Your achievement has brought the Circle good fame and we feel extremely proud of it. Hope in future too, you will win many more laurels for the Circle.

2. With best wishes,

yours sincerely

(R.P. Srivastava)"

The above D.O. letter from the Dy. General Manager HRD Department, Central Office, Bombay forwarded with it the photograph of my receiving the prize from the Chairman, which appeared in the magazine shown above. Over time, I seem to have lost the original photograph.

The above letter dated 10th August 1994, was my getting relieved from my duties in the Vigilance Department in Lucknow LHO for a deputation to attend the Presentation Ceremony at Central Office, Bombay on 17th August 1994.

The circular instructions through which intimation had been sent to all the branches/offices to participate in the Essay Writing Competition - 1994.

Essay Competition - 1995:

The next year (1995), Viplov and I again wrote essays in the next Essay Writing Competition in our respective categories. My topic was "Improving Productivity/Profitability in the Bank". When we went to the Personnel Department at Lucknow Local Head Office to submit ou Essays, the desk officer said "The Prize winning Essays for this year have come" and everyone gathered around to read them.

This time too, I won the second prize at the Whole Bank level, while Viplov won the First Prize at the Lucknow Local Head Office level. But it was not as "magical" as the first time.

 My congratulatory letter signed by the Managing Director was delivered to me at my desk by a messenger along with my prize-winning cheque of Rs.2,000/-. 

At the Circle level State Bank Day celebrations my colleague and close friend Shri Nagesh Prasad who was compering the programme began the programme by speaking about my Essay writing feats and I received a standing ovation from the assembled SBI personnel. Viplov went to the podium and collected his first prize.

This time the Congratulatory message was written by Shri N. Gomathinayagam, Dy. Managing Director & CDO, Central Office Bombay (& not the Chairman). Even my name was spelt wrong. The letter read, inter alia:

"My dear Prasad,

I am pleased to inform you that the essay on "Improving productivity/profitability in the Bank" sumbitted by you in the Essay Competition - 1995 organised by HRD Department at this office has been selected for award of second prize by the panel of judges.

I have gone through the essay and was impressed by the efforts put in as also the pragmatic and analytical approach to the issues involved.

I heartily congratulate you on your achieving this distinction in the competition. I am sure, you are displaying similar enthusiasm in other activities organised by the Bank and also in your work situation.

With best wishes,

yours sincerely,


Essay competition - 1996:

By now we both Viplov & I had become veterans at writing Essays and were quite well know all over the Lucknow Local Head Office. Our success had  motivated several staff members to participate in the Essay Competitions during 1996.

 Sumita who was posted at the Staff Training Centre, Lucknow participated in the Essay Competition on the topic "Role and Efficacy of Monetary Policy in a Globalised Economy". Her essay won the Third Prize at the Whole Bank Level Essay Competition. My Essay ranked a poor second at the Lucknow Circle level, while Viplov went on to win the First Prize again in his category (a hat-trick for him).

Sumita's Congratulatory Letter of Appreciation signed by M.G. Bhide, Managing Director & Group Executive (National Banking) read, inter alia:


Essay Competition - 1996

I am pleased to inform you that the essay on "Role and Efficacy of Monetary Policy in a Globalised Economy" submitted by you in the Essay Competition - 1996 organised by HRD Department at this office has been selected for award of third prize by the panel of judges.

I have gone through the essay and was impressed by the efforts put in as also the pragmatic and  analytical approach to the issues involved.

I heartily congratulate you on your achieving this distinction in the competition. I am sure, you are displaying similar enthusiasm in other activities organised by the Bank and also in your work situation.

yours sincerely,

(M. G. Bhide)".

The lady handling the Essay Competitions at Central Office rang me up at Lucknow LHO telling me that this is the last time that the husband and wife "team of Essay writers" from Lucknow LHO is being awarded a prize at Central Office level. She added jocularly, that the panel of judges is being intimated not to award any prizes to Lucknow Circle entries, especially ours and to let other Circles win for a change.

Essay Competition- 1997:

I participated in the 1997 Essay competition, for the last time. I was again awarded the Lucknow Circle level First Prize for the Officer's category and Viplov won the First prize (for a fourth time) in the Award Staff Category.

This time, I could not win a prize at the Central Office level. The HRD Department lady Officer's words proved quite prophetic.

I received a Congratulatory D.O. letter from Shri V.K. Dutt, Dy. General Manager (Vigilance), which read, inter alia, as under:

"My Dear Rajeev,

 Bank Day Celebrations
 Essay Competition - 1997
 Category for Officers

I am pleased to inform youthat your essay submitted for the Category for Officers has been awarded the Ist Prize at the Circle Level Essay Competition held on occasion of the Bank Day Celebrations - 1997. As a token of appreciation for your excellent achievement, please accept my compliments together with a cheque for Rs.1,000/-.

2. I am confident that you would continue to participate in such competitions and win many more laurels in future.

With best wishes,

Yours Sincerely,

(V.K. Dutt) "

Later that year, Sumita and I were transferred to Kanpur. I was heading the Leather Tannery branch at Jajmau, while Sumita was posted at Staff Training Centre, Kanpur.

My Essay writing days were now over but Viplov went on to win a few more prizes .

Essay Competition - 1998:

Sumita participated in the Essay Competition - 1998 and won the Second prize at the Lucknow Local Head Office level.

This was the last time that we participated in the Essay Writing Competion, which had now become routine exercise for the Bank. 

The excitement of being awarded prizes from the Chairman in the presence of the CENMAC in 1994 was somehow missing from the later editions of the Essay Competition.

Some other posts on Banks on this Blog:


  1. Santosh Khanna has commented:
    "Excellent work."

  2. Shyam Sunder Shanker Naidu has commented:

  3. Pushkin Sinha has commented:
    "Great !!"

  4. Rakesh Mohan Saxena has commented:

  5. Chandrashekhar Krishnamurthy has commented:
    "Great Rajeev 👌👌"

    1. Thank you so much, Chandrashekhar. Just sharing a 25 year old memory 😊

  6. Viplov Ghosh has commented:
    "Thanks, Sir for the combined efforts."

    1. I still remember most of the efforts made by both of us while writing our Essays. Found an old folder and the medal given to me at the Central Office presentation ceremony.

  7. Anupam Tripathi has commented:
    "Memorable .."

    1. Thanks, Anupam. It is now a 25 year old memory. Found this old folder containing these papers/letters.

  8. Vinod Khurana has commented:
    "Great. Old memories are always golden memories."

    1. Indeed they are, Vinodji. Thought I would pen it down, while I still remember the details.

  9. Rajan Trikha has commented:
    "Relishing old memories really golden moments."

    1. Found this old folder containing the congratulatory letters from the top management in an old suitcase. Thought I would share, Trikha sahab.

    2. Rajan Trikha has further commented:
      "I remember your sharing this information during our golden days posting at Corporate Centre".

    3. Yes, Trikha sahab. We had a very efficient team in the department. Had some memorable experiences too.
      Edit or delete this
      · Reply · 13h

      Rajan Trikha Rajeev Prasad we miss those days spent together n njoying some musical evenings and Derby as well

      Delete or hide this
      · Reply · 13h

      Yes, indeed. Also the time when all three of us wore identical shirts and there was no time to change. The whole Central Office thought we were some kind of a marketing team 😀

  10. Jagdish Keswani has commented:
    "Grown up now, all we got is old memories! Isn't it....Relish n enjoy dear!!"

    1. This old folder which I found a few days ago, revived the days when our Essays were making waves, Keswaniji.

  11. Vikram Bhatnagar has commented:
    "I do remember both these achievements, Rajeev Prasad! Your skills have grown since and, your blogging is going great Guns!"

    1. Thanks, Vikram. You have always been a great support to me ever since we first met.

  12. Devendra Gupta has commented:
    "So pleasant, congrats !!"

  13. Poonam Gupta has commented:
    "Wow Bhaiya, memorable !!"

  14. Krishnayya Ramadana has commented:
    "Wonderful Rajeev Congratulations for that.....your writing prowess can well be gauged from the way you write the articles in your wonder your essays made waves in the Bank competitions...."

    1. Thank you so much, Krishnayya for the extremely encouraging words. Just found this old battered folder in a briefcase, which brought beck old memories.

    2. Krishnayya Ramadana has further commented:
      "Old memories are sweet Rajeev and they rejuvenate you....."

  15. Congratulations Shri.Rajeev Prasad and Mrs.Sumita. I felt proud of both of you ! God bless you and Mrs.Sumita !!

  16. Thank you so much for your extremely encouraging words Rambhau. Your constant encouragement and blessings mean a lot to me. Time has really gone by. Can't believe that 25 years has gone by when zI wrote the first essay.
