Wednesday 6 November 2019

1132) 500th Anniversary of the "First Circumnavigational Voyage" by the Magalhaes - El Cano (Magellan - El Cano) Expedition: Portugal-Spain Joint Philatelic Issue: Stamp issue date: 12.09.2019:

1132) 500th Anniversary of the "First Circumnavigational Voyage" by the Magalhaes - El Cano (Magellan - El Cano) Expedition: Portugal-Spain Joint Philatelic Issue: Stamp issue date: 12.09.2019:

The Magellan-Elcano Circumnavigation was the first voyage around the world, recorded in human history.

A Spanish expedition that sailed from Seville in 1519 under the command of Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer, in search of a maritime path to East Asia through the Americas and across the Pacific Ocean, and concluded by Spanish Navigator Juan Sebastian Elcano in 1522. 

Elcano and the 18 survivors of the expedition were the recorded as the first men to circumnavigate the globe in a single expedition.

A Brief about the Circumnavigation:

The Spanish fleet, the "Armada de Molucca" that left Spain on 20.09.1519 and consisted of five ships and 270 men, the ships being - "Trinidad" under Magellan, Captain General, "San Antonio" under Juan de Cartagena, "Concepcion" under Gasper de Quesada, "Santiago" under Joao Serrao and "Victoria" under Luiz Mendoza.

After crossing the Atlantic and wintering in South America, the expedition navigated what is now known as the "Straits of Magellan", then crossed the Pacific to the Philippines.

Enroute, on 01-02.04.1520, the crew of "Victoria", "Concepcion" and "San Antonio" mutinied, resulting in the death of Louis de Mendoza and the execution of de Quesada and marooning of de Cartagena. Alvaro de Mesquita became the captain of "San Antonio", while Duarte Barbosa took command of "Victoria".

At the end of 04/1520, "Santiago" is sent on a mission to find the passage, was caught in a storm and was wrecked. 

In 10/1520, "San Antonio" charged with exploring the Magdalen Sound failed to return to the fleet and sailed back to Spain under Estevao Gomes, who imprisons captain de Mesquita, returning back to Spain on 21.05.1521.

On 27.04.1521, Magellan was killed by a poison arrow  in the Battle of Mactan in the Philippines fought between the warriors of the indigenous chieftain of Mactan Island Lapu-lapu who overpowered and defeated a Spanish force fighting for Rajah Humabon of Cebu, under Magellan's command. Magellan had ordered all local Chiefs to convert to Christianity which diktat Lapu-lapu resisted leading to the armed conflict. Several of Magellan's men and several  of the locals who had converted to Christianity  were also killed in this battle. Lapu-lapu is treated as the first "Philippine national hero" who resisted foreign rule/diktat.

On 01.05.1521, Barbosa and 27 sailors (including Afonso de Gois, the new captain of "Victoria") were poisoned at a banquet by the indigenous people and Serrao was captured and executed. The three remaining ships escaped with the remnants of the crew.

As not many men were left to sail the three ships left in the fleet, the worm-infested "Concepcion" was burned down and the remaining two ships - "Victoria" and "Trinidad" continued the circumnavigation, with Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa the captain of "Victoria" and Joao Lopez Carvalho as the Captain General of the flotilla, aboard the "Trinidad". Later Carvalho was replaced by Juan Sebastian Elcano.

On 06.04.1522, "Trinidad" was wrecked in a storm.

On 06.09.1522, "Victoria" was the lone ship to return to Sanlucar de Barrameda under Elcano's command and on 08.09.1522, reached Seville, technically completing the circumnavigation.

The circumnavigation was completed by Elcano and a crew of 18 men in Victoria, returning to Spain nearly three years after they left on 06.09.1522.

The importance of the expedition:

The cultural and scientific heritage of the first Circumnavigation Voyage led by Ferdinand Magellan and Juan Sebastian Elcano, as well as its relevance, remain current to the present day.

The celebration of the First Circumnavigation, which began in 1519 and concluded in 1522,  records the crew commanded by Ferdinand Magellan, included sailors of more than ten nationalities. In other words, this historical achievement was only possible thanks to a real effort of international co-operation.

As it was five centuries ago, this stamp issue has sought inspiration from the spirit of those explorers who set out for the unknown and, more than any material wealth, brought back "treasures" in the form of encounters with new people, new cultures and new art forms.

The route opened by the two navigators represents in a real way the first integral "vision" of the world, manifest in the singularity of a certain geographical, cultural, scientific and socio-economic point of view. 

The Philatelic issue:

This philatelic issue celebrates this voyage of discovery which is illustrated on this stamp - as small fragments of graphic art. 

The First Day Cover (FDC) show the images of Ferdinand Magellan (on the 3.50 Euro Stamp) and that of Juan Sebastian El Cano on the Miniature Sheet together with the image of a ship which participated in the Circumnavigation of the World Expedition, which is titled "V CENTENARIO DA EXPEDICAO MAGALHAES - ELCANO, EMISSAO CONJUNCTA PORTUGAL/ESPANA" (meaning "Five Hundred Years of the Expedition of Magallen and Elcano - A Joint Issue of Portugal and Spain").

The Special Cancellation Handstamp is dated "12.09.2019".

The Miniature Sheet (MS) shows the Stamp of 3.50 Euro  with the image of Ferdinand Magellan and  Juan Sebastian El Cano, together with a single-masted  ship that participated in the expedition

The Information Brochure (IB) explains the details of the voyage.

The technical specifications of this stamp issue are:

Issue Date: 12.09.2019

Issuer: Joint issue - Portugal-Spain

Designer: Juan Antonio Gonzalez/Filatelia/Correos y Telegrafos Espana

Printer: Cartor Printing Press

Process: Offset

Size: 150 mm x 100 mm

Stamp value:  3.50 Euros

For more interesting posts on Coins and stamps of Portugal, please visit the following links:

3) "Four Leaf Clover": Endangered Flora Species: A Silver Proof 5 Euro Coin and a Brilliant Uncirculated Cupro-Nickel Coin issued by the Impresa Nacional Casa de Moneda (INCA) in September 2018

4) 500th Anniversary of the "First Circum-navigational Voyage" by Magalhaes - El Cano (Magellan - El Cano) Expedition: Portugal-Spain Joint Philatelic Issue: Stamp issue date: 12.09.2019

Interesting links to posts on Spanish Coins and interesting postage stamps on this blog:

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