Tuesday 10 November 2020

1544) Endangered Butterflies (Fauna), Bosnia and Herzegovina: A set of four Postage Stamps in the denomination of 2.90 BAM each, depicting four endangered butterflies found in Bosnia & Herzegovina, issued by HP Mostar: Date of Stamp set issue: 01.11.2020:

1544) Endangered Butterflies (Fauna), Bosnia and Herzegovina: A set of four Postage Stamps in the denomination of 2.90 BAM each, depicting four endangered butterflies found in Bosnia & Herzegovina, issued by HP Mostar: Date of Stamp set issue: 01.11.2020:

About Fauna:

 HP Mostar has brought out stamps on four species of diurnal butterflies that live on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Diurnal butterflies are one of the most beautiful Lepidoptera group, but are now endangered due to human activities. Meadows are the most endangered habitats. With their disappearance and the depletion of traditional livestock farming, the fauna that lives there is also under threat of extinction.

The First Day Cover (FDC) titled "Fauna 2020" shows, at left, a stylised drawing of flowers in a garden, being visited by three butterflies.

At top right, the four stamps issued in the set are affixed cancelled with a special Handstamp/Postmark which has a butterfly image in the centre. The Cancellation is of HP Mostar and is dated - "01.11.2020".

Two Blocks of four stamps each of the four different variants issued in the set.

The individual stamp variants:

 Yellow Banded Skipper (Pyrgus sidae Esper):

This species has been confirmed in several localities and is a common species in Herzegovina.

This species has a wingspan of 32-38 mm and is easily recognised by two bold black-edged yellow bands on the underside of the hindwings. The dark brown upper forewings are also boldly marked with numerous large white spots. The adults fly in June and July.

The larval food plant is "Abutilon avicennae".

Dalmatian Argus or Dalmatinski okas (Proterebia afra dalmata):

This butterfly was found in the Dobrici locality near near the Busco jezero lake.

This is a small butterfly found in the Palearctic (Dalmatia, South Russia, South Urals, Kazakhstan, Caucasus, Asia Minor - Kopet - Dagh).

Freyer's Purple Emperor or Panonska preljevalica (Apatura metis Freyer):

This butterfly was discovered in Northern Bosnia near Srbac.

Freyer's Purple Emperor has dark wings with reddish and yellow bands. The wings of males are bluish purple if seen from the right angle.

This butterfly usually inhabits forests and is often found in nearby rivers and streams. It can produce one to two generations every year. The catterpillars feed on willow species.

Assmann's fritillary or Asmanova rida (Melitaea britomartis Assmann):

This species was first recorded at the locality Vjestic Gora.

The larvae feeds on species of Plantago and Veronica.

The first form of development of a butterfly is the egg, in which the young larva (caterpillar) develops, which settles in a sheltered place before pupating.

After the butterfly pulls out of the pupa, it spreads its wings to dry and is ready to fly.

Technical Details:

Stamp Set Issue Date: 01.11.2020

Designer: Ernesto Markota

Printer: AKD d.o.o. Zagreb

Stamp Sizes: 35.50 mm x 25.56 mm

Stamp Values: 2.90 BAM (x 4 Stamps)

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