Monday 2 August 2021

1964) The Columns of Gediminas or Pillars of Gediminas: Symbols of the Lithuanian State: A set of four stamps issued by Lietuvos Paštas (Lithuanian Post): Date of Stamp set issue: 05.01.2018:

1964) The Columns of Gediminas or Pillars of Gediminas: Symbols of the Lithuanian State: A set of four stamps issued by Lietuvos Paštas (Lithuanian Post): Date of Stamp set issue: 05.01.2018:

The Columns of Gediminas (or Pillars of Gediminas):

These  are one of the earliest symbols of Lithuania and its historical Coats of Arms. They were used in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, initially as a rulers' personal insignia, a state symbol, and later as a part of heraldic signs of leading aristocracy.

The symbol appears in the following form: Horizontal line at bottom, vertical lines extend up at both ends. The Square at the middle of the horizontal line is about half as tall as the vertical lines. Another vertical line rises from the top center of the square, giving an overall appearance that is close to a trident. This form is the one usually seen in modern times, often drawn on walls and fences as protest against the Soviet occupation of Lithuania.

It is notable that the ancient pre-Christian symbols of Lithuania did not follow the same strict rules of heraldry as their western counterparts. Thus this symbol was used in Or and argent, usually on the field gules, and was depicted in various shapes on flags, banners and shields.

The name "Columns of Gediminas" was given in the 19th century by historian Teodor Narbutt, who supposed that the symbol was Gediminas' insignia. The more exact name of the symbol is the Pillars of Gediminids, since there is no direct evidence of its connection with Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas.

According to the historical and archaeological evidence, the Columns were used by Grand Duke of Lithuania and Duke of Trakai Kęstutis. They appear on the Lithuanian coins issued by him.

 The symbol was also used by Vytautas the Great  as his personal insignia since 1397 and appeared on his seal and coins.

 It was suggested by historian Edmundas Antanas Rimša, who analyzed the ancient coins, that the Columns of the Gediminids symbolizes the Gates of the Trakai Peninsula Castle.

 According to the accounts of Jan Długosz, it was derived from a symbol or brand used to mark horses and other property. 

The Columns were adopted by descendants of Kęstutis as their family symbol, equivalent to a coat of arms. Another user of the Columns of Gediminas was Grand Duke of Lithuania Sigismund Kęstutaitis. 

At first, the Columns signified the family of Kęstutis, in contrast to the Vytis which was used by Algirdas' descendants. Later on, as a symbol of a ruling dynasty, it was adopted by Jagiellons and the two symbols became state symbols of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Columns of Gediminas remained in use over the following centuries.

During the period between World War I and World War II they were used by the Lithuanian Republic as a minor state symbol, e. g. on Litas coins and military equipment. 

The Columns of Gediminas are featured on the Lithuanian Presidential Award Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas, that was started in 1928.

After the annexation of Lithuania by the Soviet Union, the symbol was officially banned. During the Singing Revolution of the late 80s, it became the iconic sign of the Reform Movement Sąjūdis.(The Singing Revolution is a commonly used name for events that led to the restoration of independence of the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania from the Soviet Union at the end of the Cold War. It involved spontaneous mass evening singing demonstrations at the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds, which led to all three countries joined EU and NATO in 2004).

The Columns of Gediminas appears in the Emblem of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, Land Force, Air Force, Navy, Military Police and National Defence Volunteer Forces.

The Columns of Gediminas are displayed on the flag to the left of Vytautas the Great.

The Stamp Set:

The four Stamps of the values of 0.03, 0.10, 0.29 and 0.42 depicting the Columns (Pillars) of Gediminas.

The First Day Cover (FDC) shows at left the Columns of Gediminas. The four stamps issued in the set are affixed at  top right cancelled with a special Handstamp/Postmark depicting the Pillars in the centre.

Technical details:

Issue Date: 05.01.2018

Designer: A. Ratkevičienė

Printer: “Vaba Maa”, Estonia.

Process: Offset

Stamp Sizes: 24.0 mm x 24.0 mm