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Wednesday 27 January 2016

255) 2550 Years of “Mahaparinirvana” of the Buddha: Commemorative Postage Stamps issued by India Post on 02.05. 2007:

255) 2550 Years of “Mahaparinirvana” of the Buddha: Commemorative Postage Stamps issued by India Post on 02.05.2007:

(Buddha was born in 563 BC and attained “Mahaparinirvana” at the age of eighty in 483 BC).

The Life of the Buddha as an Enlightened Master:

I-Buddha’s Search:

The reasons:

At the age of 29, Prince Siddhartha while driving around in his chariot, observed an old man bent over and walking with a stick, then he saw a sick man on the side of the road. A little way down, they passed a dead body being carried to the cremation ground. Siddhartha was perplexed and wondered whether one day he too was going to die. His charioteer Chandaka explained to him that there was suffering in life and that all mortal life must come to an end. Then they came across a monk wearing a yellow robe and carrying a begging bowl. Chandaka explained to him that this man had renounced the world and had gone in search of inner peace.

 This was the first time that he had been exposed to the concept of “old age and mortality”, because Suddhodhana, his mother had tried to keep him away from life’s miseries, knowing that he had an impressionable bent of mind.

Siddhartha now knew what he was going to do. He resolved to become a monk and was so disturbed by his knowledge of the mortality of life that he left during the same night after seeing his wife Yashodara and son who were sleeping , for the last time in the palace.

Shedding his worldly possessions:

Once he was far from the palace, he cut his hair, took off his fine clothes and gave everything he had to Chandaka explaining to him that in due course everything will be parted from him on his death, so he must part with them of his own accord.

Trying to find answers from eminent teachers:

He visited a well-known Yoga teacher Arada Kalama and mastered the yogic techniques from him, but he realised that only Yoga was not the answer and that his search lay elsewhere.

Thereafter, he met Rudraka Ramputra who knew the teachings of the Vedas who was s impressed by him that he offered to hand over his school to Siddhartha. Having learnt the Vedas from Rudraka, Siddharth realised that he did not fully agree with these ancient teachings.

It seemed to him that all the old Vedic scriptures were simply being passed down from generation to generation without imparting any insight. He was not in search of knowledge, but was looking for answers to his questions on life’s mysteries. He wanted to find liberation from the suffering that was inevitable. He wanted a more immediate experience and decided to try out the arduous life of a monk.

Deciding to look for answers on his own:

He came to a forest where he stayed for some time. At first the loneliness was hard to bear for him, he became fearful and terrorised seeing wild animals passing by and hearing the calls of the Jungle at night.

Through intense effort, he attempted to stop his mind from distracting him and tried all the disciplines that he had learnt, but failed miserably and eventually realised that it was self-control that he lacked.

Thereafter, at times he only ate what grew wild, at other times after very long intervals – sometimes going without eating for a week. He would not bathe, plucked out his hair and for a while decided to remain standing and not sit or lie down at all.

During this period, he was joined by five more ascetics who became his followers and served him and brought food for him. When he was too weak, they bathed him and gave him water.

No success even after six years:

After six years of this penance/search, Siddhartha’s efforts had not succeeded in making him realise anything beyond his ordinary human state. He tried practicing everything that was humanly possible and even impossible things but to no avail.

Close to death due to starvation:

Ultimately, when he was close to death due to starvation, he realised that he must have something to eat and when he went in search of food, he collapsed and was found in a near-death condition by a herdsman’s daughter who gave him some fruit. The five monks who were his companions, were shocked when they heard about this and thinking that they had been betrayed by him they left his fold.

Siddhartha meanwhile bathed in a nearby stream and finding himself too weak, sat down under a Bodhi tree. A woman who had been blessed with a son and had come to pay homage to the tree for its blessings, found him sitting under the tree and thought that he was the Keeper of the Trees and offered him sweets.

II-Buddha’s Enlighenment:

For the first time in several years of intense discipline Siddhartha ate and bathed without any purpose. That night was a full moon night and he relaxed under the Bodhi tree. It was for the first time, he was without a care, any longing or dreams. He was completely shattered and disappointed. He thought that there was no truth and there was no transcendence and that it was all nonsense and that he had completely destroyed himself for nothing.

With these thoughts he found a freedom from all the efforts he had been making for so many years to find answers to the mysteries and purpose of mortal life and slept without a care that night. His sleep was deeply relaxing and when he woke up in the morning a blissful awareness arose in him and he had become connected with the Universal Consciousness and had become a Buddha or an Awakened One.

Explaining his awakening:

The Buddha later explained his Enlightenment to his disciples by narrating that he had tried so hard to become an Awakened One for the past several years, that any more effort was not humanly possible on his part. But that night, while he sat under the Bodhi tree, all desire had simply dropped away. The experience that he awoke to had always been there. It was in every stone, in every flower, but he had not become aware of it due to his anxiousness. But when he woke up he was an Enlightened Master.

After his Awakening, the Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree resting in the peaceful silence that came from within. He had wanted to help others during his five years of searching, but now realised that any teaching was useless and that he would simply lead the person astray.

He knew that the most difficult part of attaining freedom was the very idea that freedom exists.

Nevertheless, he could not contain the bliss that he was experiencing and went out to look for the five ascetics who had lived with him in the forest.

Turning the Wheel of Dharma:

Buddha met the five disciples in the Deer Park at Sarnath who were initially very wary of his approach and scorned and criticised him. But they noticed that he only smiled in return and remained peaceful and calm. Before long they too were enveloped in serenity and they realised that he was an awakened Buddha, an Enlightened Master. They quietened down and drank from his silence and serenity.

Buddha was not only an Awakened Master but one who had the gift of bringing clarity to the World. A Master is one who can transmit a teaching, who can inspire others to reach for their own Awakening.

In a figurative sense, he had swum to the other shore and returned to stand on the bank of the river to help his disciples while they were still deciding to jump or not. The Master knows that once in the river, his disciples will swim and eventually they will reach the other shore, but in order to help he must be patient and prepare them for the journey.

The Buddha sat with the first five of his many disciples who would come to his fold and he gave the first series of discourses which came to be known as the Sermon of the Turning of the Wheel of Dharma.

He began his discourse thus: “There are two extremes in life. One is devoted to sensual pleasure and the other to self-affliction. Avoid both these extremes and follow the middle way. It leads to truth, to peace and to awakening”.

The Four Noble Truths and the Eight-Fold Path:

Buddha described the Four Noble Truths thus:

The First Noble Truth in life is “Dukha” or “Suffering” which everyone experiences in some form or the other.

The Second Noble Truth is that the cause of suffering lies in our mind. Desire, craving, attachment, clinging – all these arise as thoughts in the mind and inevitably lead to unhappiness.

The Third Noble Truth is that it is possible to be free of the mind and its incumbent dissatisfaction. It is possible to experience the cessation of our thinking patterns and to enter a state of complete acceptance, happiness and oneness with the World. It is possible, for us to experience joy and wonder and to open up to life as a flower opens to the Sun and to live in a state of peace.

The Fourth Noble Truth is that there is a way/path towards this state of happiness. Buddha described it as the Fourth Noble Truth and called it the Eight-Fold Path which he laid out as a practical guide:

Right View: it means that one should see and understand things as they really are and to realize the Four Noble Truths. It begins with an insight that all beings are subject to suffering and it includes an understanding of the true nature of all things.

Since our view of the World informs all our thoughts and actions, this insight determines the extent to which we are happy and fulfilled.

Right Intention: refers to our actions. Buddha spelt out three types of intentions – the intention of renunciation, (which means resisting the pull of desire), the intention of good will (meaning resisting feelings of anger and aversion) and the intention of harmlessness (meaning not thinking cruel, violent or aggressive thoughts) and developing compassion.

Right Speech: is essential to integrity. Words can break or save lives, make enemies or friends, start a war or create peace. Right Speech is abstaining from false speech, not telling deliberate lies, not speaking deceitfully, abstaining from slanderous speech, not using malicious words against others, abstaining from harsh words that offend or hurt others and abstaining from idle talk which lacks purpose or depth.

Right Action: one should refrain from harming other sentient beings and from taking life.

Right Livelihood: Livelihood should be gained legally and peacefully. There are four specific activities that harm other beings which should be avoided – dealing in weapons, dealing in living beings (including raising animals for slaughter), working in meat production and butchery and selling intoxicants and poisons.

Right Effort: This is a pre-condition for other steps of the path. Without effort nothing can be achieved. Right Effort is the energy which is the corner-stone for self-discipline, honesty, benevolence and kindness.

Right-Mindedness: is the ability to see things as they are. It is derived from our ability to be self-aware, confronting our weaknesses and not obscuring them. One should observe one’s body, feelings, state of the mind and interpretation of one’s experiences.

Right Concentration: is the practice of meditation.  One must direct one’s mind to be watchful, for example one’s breath, sensations of the body and apply this practice to all aspects of everyday life.

After spending the rainy season with his disciples in Sarnath, Buddha spent the next forty-five years walking from place to place and gathered a huge number of disciples. Thousands of his followers were ordained as “bhikkus” or monks.

The last days of Buddha’s Life on Earth:

When Buddha was around 80 years of age, the passing away of two of his favourite disciples Sariputra and Moggaliana saddened him. He likened them to two strong branches on a tree which had fallen down. He said “aes dhammo sanantano” (meaning “such is the impermanence of things”).

He left for Vaishali where he wanted to spend his last rainy season in meditation where he stayed with his cousin and caretaker – Ananda.

During that monsoon he became very ill and Ananda expressed a concern about what would happen to all his disciples after the Buddha had passed away, to which he replied addressing all his disciples present “I have spent 45 years talking to everyone who would listen. After I pass away, if there is someone who wants to give direction to the Sangha, then that person should simply persuade everyone that he is right. It has nothing to do with me. I am old and I have given all that I can give. Now it is up to you. You must go on. You must realize the Dharma for yourselves. Become a master of your own being. Those of you who continue the search will eventually come to know the truth of who you are and you will find your way.”

A few days later, Buddha became very weak and feeling uncomfortable, he sent all the monks away except Ananda but they all came back knowing that Buddha’s end was near.

He explained to Ananda what was to be done. The monks were not to concern themselves with his cremation and were to remain in deep meditation when he passed away. Only the lay-disciples were to concern themselves. Buddha gave his final instruction to Ananda “Now Ananda, you must seek your own enlightenment. “Appa deepa bhava” (meaning “be a light unto yourself”).

He had one last thing to say in order to keep the monks from fighting among themselves for control of the Sangha “There will be no fixed rule. There will be no leader. Dharma is the way of existence – follow the Dharma”.

He asked thrice whether anyone had any questions. Only Anand summed up the feelings of the gathering “We have asked you everything. Knowing that you are about to leave us forever, our hearts are full and our minds are empty”.

Thereafter the Buddha lay down under the trees that surrounded him, closed his eyes and passed away while his disciples sat in deep meditation.

After the passing away of the Buddha:

Several people arrived from all over the country to request for a share of his cremated relics. Buddha had not wanted his remains to be divided, but those in charge of the cremation felt that it would be better to divide Buddha’s ashes into eight parts. Together with the pots and embers, his remains were placed at ten different places in the country.

The First Council:

Mahakashyapa, one of Buddha’s extremely well-known disciples observed that everything Buddha had said would soon be forgotten. Nothing had been written down, for Buddha himself had not allowed it. He had assumed that they would remember everything that he told them.

The Council agreed to commit to memory the teachings of their Master and formulated what has become known as the “Pali Canon”, (“Pali” was the language in which Buddha gave all his sermons). The teachings were committed to memory and repeated several times.

The First written texts of Buddha’s teachings – “Tipitaka” or the “Three Baskets”:

After about 200 years, the first Buddhist texts were written down. These were called the “Tipitaka” or the “Three Baskets”, because the texts were written on long narrow leaves, sewn at the edges and grouped into bunches that were stored in baskets.

The Three Baskets are – the “Vinaya Pitaka” (or “Basket of Rules and guidelines for monks and nuns” derived from Buddha’s responses to specific situations in the Community or “Sangha”), the “Sutra Pitaka” (is the Basket of his Discourses and Talks”) and the “Abhidharma Pitaka” (or the “Basket of Special Teachings and miscellaneous writings”, including the “Dhammapada”, which is a collection of Buddha’s sayings).

Confusion over interpretations of Buddha’s teachings and convening of the Second Council:

There were various interpretations and understandings within 100 years after Buddha’s passing away. The original disciples too passed away one by one and there was no one left to give clarity to the several significant differences and disagreement which had emerged.

A Second Council was convened in which much of the text of the First Council was changed, making the texts much longer and more comprehensive than before.

Samrat” or Emperor Ashok (304-232 BC) and the Third Council:

After the Kalinga War, when Samrat Ashok moved by the slaughter and the attendant miseries he had brought about on the people of Kalinga, embraced the non-violent principles of Buddhism, abolished the killing of animals and promoted vegetarianism, he embarked upon a mission to bring about a spiritual and social renewal within his own Empire and in the known World. A Third Council of the Buddhist texts was convened under his patronage and the texts were made more refined and comprehensive.  (For more information on a postage stamp issued on “Samrat” Ashok and the spread of Buddhism during his reign, please click here: (Commemorating Samrat Ashok or Ashok the Great (304-232 BC) through the issue of Postage stamps by India Post).

Various interpretations still exist:

In later years as Buddhism spread to several countries including Tibet, China, Burma, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand etc. Buddhist texts were continuously re-written several times by enlightened Buddhist monks and the original ideologies associated with the Buddha were expanded upon in line with the local cultures and interpretations.

Buddha’s approach:

Nevertheless, Buddha had enjoined upon his disciples and followers to experience the Truth of who they were and not be bothered with philosophy. He had not wanted to give them rules to abide by or beliefs to learn by heart. Instead he simply challenged them to look within and to become more aware of their inner selves and to connect with the Universal Consciousness.

The reclining Buddha sculpture from the Ajanta Caves
 Mahaparinirvana is a term meaning “great complete Nirvana”. It usually refers to the ultimate state of Nirvana (meaning “everlasting, highest peace and was entered into by happiness”). This state is entered into by an Awakened Being (or “Buddha”) or “arhat” at the moment of physical death, but it can also refer to that same state being reached during such a person’s physical lifetime too.

In the Mahayana Buddhist scripture titled the “Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra”, the Buddha has explained Mahaparinirvana as being the highest state or realm realised by a perfect Buddha, a state in which that Being awakens to “the eternal Bliss, the Self, and the Pure”. Only in Mahaparinirvana is this True self (or “Atman”) of the Buddha said to be fully discernible.

The Buddha’s last days in the Pali text are called the “Great Parinirvana Sutra” (meaning “Complete Nirvana”) The Buddha’s living Nirvana, achieved during his enlightenment, at his passing away transformed to eternal Nirvana without the physical body. 
For more on our trip to see the Buddhist caves at Aurangabad, Ajanta & Ellora, check out the following link:
(Aurangabad: History at its Best: A trip to Aurangabad, Ajanta & Ellora Caves)

Postage Stamps issued by the Department of Posts, India on 02.05.2007, commemorating  2550 Years of “Mahaparinirvana” of the Buddha:

The Miniature sheet issued on the occasion shows Buddha in various stages while searching for his Enlightenment. There are six stamps of Rs.5/- each showing Buddha before attaining his enlightenment when he had almost starved to death, the Enlightened Buddha, Sculptures including his profile all featuring a serene and peaceful Buddha, his five main disciples etc.

 The cover of the Stamp album containing the Miniature stamp sheet bearing the inscription "Buddh ke Mahaparinirvan ke 2550 varsh" (in Hindi) and 2550 years of Mahaparinirvana of the Buddha
 The back page of the above stamp album bearing the Miniature sheet showing Buddhist relics and the logo of Indiapost and the name of the designer
 The second and third pages of the Miniature Stamp Sheet album as they appear in the album
 A Rs.5/- stamp showing a marble bust of the Buddha in profile
A Rs.5/- stamp showing two of the Buddha's five initial disciples

A Rs.5/- stamp showing a front facing bust of the Buddha
 A Rs.5/- stamp showing the very weak and starving Buddha in deep meditation during his search for becoming Enlightened
A Rs. 5/- stamp showing the "Wheel of Life" (or the Dharma Chakra")

       A Rs.5/- stamp showing an image of an Enlightened Buddha

Posted on 20.01.2017:
A First Day Cover (FDC) issued on the occasion of release of the stamps. It shows the five stamps issued on 02.05.2007. On the left bottom can be seen structures from a Buddhist monastery with the inscription "Buddha Ke Mahaparinirvana Ke 2550 Varsh" (in Hindi) and "2550 years of Mahaparinirvana of the Buddha" (in English). The Cancellation hand-stamp is of New Delhi GPO and depicts the Bodhi Tree in the centre. The Cancellation is dated "02.05.2007".

I have acquired this First Day Cover from the epostoffice at a cost of Rs.100/-. It has been delivered to me yesterday along with other articles.

 Links to other Posts on Buddhism and DR. B.R. Ambedkar on this Blog:


 Postage Stamps from Thailand depicting Buddhist Jataka Tales:

1) Thailand postage stamps commemorating Buddhist Jataka Tales & celebrating Magha Puja Day (Part I)

2) Thailand Post stamps commemorating Buddhist Jataka Tales & celebrating Asalha Puja Day (Part II)  

3) Thailand Post stamps commemorating Buddhist Jataka Tales & celebrating Visakha Puja Day (Part III)

4) Postage stamps from Thailand commemorating Buddhist Jataka Tales

Links to posts on Army Post Office (APO) issues:

1) No. 2 Squadron AF "The Winged Arrows", Platinum Jubilee Celebrations: A Special Cover issued by 99 APO on 01.12.2016

2) 18th Battalion - The JAT Regiment- Commemorating the Golden Jubilee of its raising on 01.10.1966 at Secunderabad

3) 7 Engineer Regiment: Golden Jubilee celebration of its raising on 01.05.1966 : A Special Cover brought out by 56 APO on 05.12.2016.

4) 151 Air Defence Regiment (Self Propelled) (Chhamb): Golden Jubilee Celebrations: A Special Cover brought out by 56 APO on 05.12.2016

5) 66 Armoured Regiment: Golden Jubilee Celebrations (1966-2016). A Special Cover issued by 56 APO on 06.12.2016

6) 3 Squadron (IAF) (COBRAS): Platinum Jubilee Celebrations (1941-2016): A Special Cover brought out by 56 APO on 10.12.2016

7) 2nd Battalion The Mahar Regiment: Platinum Jubilee (1941-2016): A Special Cover brought out by 56 APO on 13.12.2016

8) The Brigade of The Guards: Commemorating the XXV BIENNIAL CONFERENCE & XI REUNION -2016: A Special Postal Cover issued by 56 APO on 21.12.2016

10) 1 Air Formation Signal Regiment Platinum Jubilee Celebrations - 2016. A Special Cover brought out by 56 APO on 20.12.2016

11) 29 Air Defence Regiment (SAMBA): 60 years of Glorious Service : A Special Cover issued by 99 APO on 24.12.2016

12) 102 (VC) Engineer Regiment: Celebrating the Golden Jubilee of its raising in 1965: A Special Cover issued by 99 APO on 28.12.2016

13) 130 Air Defence Regiment: Golden Jubilee Celebrations: A Special Cover issued by 56 APO commemorating the occasion on 28.01.2017

14) 3rd Battalion The Sikh Regiment: Centennial of the Battle of Hai fought on 01.02.1917 during WW I : A Special Cover issued by 56 APO on 01.02.2017

15) 27 Air Defence Missile Regiment (Amritsar Airfield): Platinum Jubilee Celebrations (75 Years) A Special Cover brought out by 56 APO on 04.02.2017

16) 237 Engineer Regiment : Golden Jubilee Celebrations ( 50 Years of Glorious Service). A Special Cover brought out by 99 APO on 11.02.2017

17) 26th Battalion The Madras Regiment: Golden Jubilee (1967-2017): A Special Cover brought out by 56 APO on 16.02.2017

18) Tri Services Veterans: Inaugural Armed Forces Veterans day: 14.01.2017: A Special Cover issued by 56 APO on 14.01.2017:

19) 79 Medium Regiment: Golden Jubilee Celebrations (1967-2017): A Special Cover brought out by 56 APO on 01.03.2017:

27) 17th Battalion The Rajput Regiment: Platinum Jubilee Celebrations: A Special Cover brought out by 56 APO on 18.03.2017

28) Army Medical Corps: 12th Reunion & 54th Biennial (22-24.03.2017): A Special Cover issued by the 56 APO on 23.03.2017

Other posts on the Indian Armed forces on this blog:

4) Commemorative Stamps on "Project Rukmini"

5) The Scinde Horse: A Commemorative Stamp of 500 Paise or Rs.5/- issued by India Post on 16.11.2012 

6) Aero India 2015: Asia's Premier Air Show: A set of 10 Post cards issued by Karnataka Postal Circle, India Post in 2015. 

6) International Fleet Review - 2016 (IFR - 16) held at Vishakhapatnam from 04.02.16 to 08.02.16: Commemorative Postage stamps issued by India Post 

8) Bicentenary of the Raising of the Poona Horse Regiment  (July 1817 - July 2017): A Commemorative 500 Paise or Rs.5/- stamp issued by India Post on 11.02.2017 

13) India's First International Fleet review held on 18.02.2001 at Mumbai 

23) Commemorating the Bicentenary of the Raising Day of the First and Third Gorkha Rifles: Commemorative stamps issued by India Post. 

Links to some  posts on the Forts of Maharashtra:

1) Shivneri Fort: A Special cover brought out by Philatelic Bureau, Pune and Maharashtra Postal Circle of India Post on 30.03.2017  

2) Ahmednagar Fort: A Special Cover brought out by the Philatelic Bureau, Pune and Maharashtra Postal circle of India Post on 30.03.2017

 3) Torna Fort: A Special Cover issued by Maharashtra Postal Circle of India Post on 29.03.2017

4) Sinhagad Fort: A Special Cover brought out by Maharashtra Postal Circle of India Post on 29.04.2017 

 5)"Brave Fighter Narvir Shivaji Kashid": A Special Cover issued by Maharashtra Postal Circle on 05.05.2016: includes The Defence of Panhalgarh and the legendary Battle of Pawan Khind 

6) Rohida Fort: A Special Cover brought out by Maharashtra Postal Circle of India Post on 14.07.2017

7) Pratapgad Fort: A Special Cover brought out by Maharashtra Postal Circle of India Post on 28.08.2017

8) Purandar fort: A Special Cover brought out by International Collector's Society of Rare Items and Maharashtra Postal Circle on 04.05.2017

9) Rajgad Fort: A Special Cover brought out by International Collector's Society of Rare Items & Maharashtra Postal Circle of India Post on 30.06.2017

Links to Posts on Indian Post-Cards:

1) Historical First Day Covers on Post Cards compiled by Karnataka Postal Circle on Post Independence India

2) For Part I of the DYKS (32) "Birds of the Himalayas", please click on the following link: ("Birds of the Himalayas" (Part I) - Description of 16 birds with picture postcards)

3) For Part II of DYKS (32): "Birds of the Himalayas", please click on the following link: ("Birds of the Himalayas" Description of 16 Birds with picture postcards)

4) For Part III of DYKS (32): "Birds of the Himalayas" please click on the following link: ("Birds of the Himalayas" Description of 16 Birds with picture postcards)

5) Two Series of Postage Stamps issued during the reign of George V: Inauguration of New Delhi in 1931 and Silver Jubilee of the reign of George V in 1935 compiled by Karnataka Postal Circle   

6) Aero India 2015: Asia's Premier Air Show: A set of 10 Post cards issued by Karnataka Postal Circle, India Post in 2015. 

7) Himalayan Lakes: Chanratal, Roop Kund, Sela, Tsangu and Tsomo Riri: A set of five post cards issued by India Post in 2015 

8)  Incredible India: (Part I) A set of 48 Post Cards issued by India Post in 2015
9) Incredible India: (Part II) A set of 48 Post cards issued by India Post in 2015
10)   Incredible India: (Part III): A set of 48 Post cards issued by India Post in 2015
 11) Olympic Events: A set of 12 Post cards issued by the Karnataka Postal Circle, India Post on 11.07.2016  

12) "Orchids": A set of 12 postcards issued by the Karnataka Postal Cicle of India Post, with designs inspired by 6 Stamps on Orchids issued by India Post on 21.10.1991 and 6 Stamps issued on 08.08.2016 

13) Legendary Women (of India): A set of 10 Post-cards issued by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post in 2015 

14) Sundarban (Part I): A set of 48 Post Cards brought out by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post in 2015 

15) Sundarban (Part II): A set of 48 Post cards brought out by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post in 2015 

16) Sundarban (Part III): A set of 48 Post Cards brought out by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post in 2015 

17) Football Legendaries: A set of 18 Postcards issued by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post in 2015 

18) Wild India - Mammals: Part I): A set of 48 Post Cards issued by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post in 2015 

19) Wild India - Mammals (Part II): A set of 48 Post Cards issued by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post in 2015 

20) Wild India - Mammals Part III): A set of 48 Post Cards issued by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post in 2015 

21) Butterflies of India (Part I): A set of 48 Post Cards issued by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post in 2016 

22) Butterflies of India (Part II): A set of 48 Post Cards issued by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post in 2016 

23) Butterflies of India (Part III): A set of 48 Post Cards issued by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post in 2016 

24) Beetles: A set of five stylised Post Cards issued by the Chennai Postal Circle of India Post

28) Endangered (Bird) Species: Manipur Bush Quail: A set of four Picture Post Cards issued by India Post

29) Endangered (Bird) Species: Nilgiri Laughing Thrush: A set of four Picture Post Cards issued by India Post

Registered Post Envelopes:

 Links to other Commemorative Stamps posts on Indian Stamps issued during 2017:

1) Splendour of India: Happy New Year: A set of 12 Stamps issued by India Post on 01.01.2017

2) 350th Prakash Utsav: Guru Gobind Singh Ji: A commemorative Stamp of Rs.10/- brought out by India Post on 05.01.2017

3) India-Portugal: Joint Issue: A set of two Stamps commemorating the Dandiya and Pauliteiros Dances issued by India Post on 07.01.2017 

4) Dr. M.G. Ramachandran (or MGR) Birth Centenary : A Commeorative Postage stamp issued by India Post on 17.01.2017 

5) Nature: India: A set of six commemorative Stamps issued by India Post on 25.01.2017 

6) India Post Payments Bank (IPPB): A commemorative stamp of Rs.5/- brought out by India Post on 30.01.2017 

7) Headgears of India: A set of 16 stamps issued by India Post on 10.02.2017 

8) Bicentenary of the Raising of the Poona Horse Regiment  (July 1817 - July 2017): A Commemorative 500 Paise or Rs.5/- stamp issued by India Post on 11.02.2017 

9) Centenary of Ramjas College: A Commemorative Stamp of 500 Paise or Rs.5/- brought out by India Post on 13.02.2017 

10) Ladybird Beetle: A set of four Stamps brought out by India Post on 23.02.2017 

11) Yogada Satsang Society of India Centennial Celebrations: A 500 Paise or Rs.5/ stamp issued by India Post on 07.03.2017

12) Means of Transport Through The Ages: A set of 20 stamps issued by India Post on 25.03.2017 

13) Kotmi Sonar Crocodile Reserve/Park: A Special Cover brought out by Chhattisgarh Postal Circle on 29.01.2017 during a Philatelic Exhibition titled "BILASPEX 2017" 

14) Cub Scouts: Celebrating the Centenary of the Cub Scouts Movement in India and abroad in 2016 by issuing a commemorative stamp by India Post on 30.03.2017

15) Shivneri Fort: A Special cover brought out by Philatelic Bureau, Pune and Maharashtra Postal Circle of India Post on 30.03.2017  

16) Ahmednagar Fort: A Special Cover brought out by the Philatelic Bureau, Pune and Maharashtra Postal circle of India Post on 30.03.2017 

17) World Theatre Day: A Special Cover brought out by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post on 27.03.2017 

18) Coffee Stamp Rs.100/- (Part I) : The Strange Case of "Non-Fragrance" Wet Off-Set Stamps passed on as "Coffee Fragrance Stamps" by India post, thus defrauding/cheating its customers, released on 23.04.2017 

19) Coffee Stamp Rs.100/-: (Part II) The Strange Case of "Non-Fragrance" Wet Off-set Stamps passed on as "Coffee Fragrance Stamps" by India Post, thus defrauding/cheating its customers, released on 23.04.2017 

20) Bharat Ratna Bhimrao Ambedkar Institute of telecom Training, Jabalpur: 75 years of its establishment: A commemorative stamp issued by India Post on 22.04.2017: 

21) Logo on Leaf (Cachet): TANAPEX 2017: A Special Cover released on 05.01.2017: 

22) Traditional Sarees of Tamilnadu: TANAPEX 2017: A Special Cover released on 05.01.2017 

23) 250 Years of Thyagabrahmam or Tyagayya or Saint Thyagaraja: TANAPEX 2017: A Special Cover released on 06.01.2017

24) Thiruvarur Temple Car: TANAPEX 2017: A Special Cover released on 06.01.2017 

25) Lord Arthanareeswarar Temple, Tiruchengode:TANAPEX 2017: A Special Cover released on 06.01.2017  

26) Thanjavur Maharaja Serfoji's Sarasvati Mahal Library: TANAPEX 2017: A Special Cover released on 06.01.2017 

27) Spice of India: Turmeric: TANAPEX - 2017: A Special Cover released on 06.01.2017 

28) Legends of Tamil Cinema: 1) Samikannu Vincent 2) T.P. Rajalakshmi 3) M.G. Ramachandran : TANAPEX 2017: Three Special Covers issued on 07.01.2017   

 29) "Deekshabhoomi": The place of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's initiation into Buddhism: Two Commemorative stamps of 500 Paise or Rs.5/- denomination issued by India Post on 14.04.2017

30) Viswanatha Satyanarayana, Tarigonda Vengamamba & Atukuri Molla: A set of 3 Stamps of 500 Paise each issued on 26.04.2017

31) Ramanujacharya: Millennium (1017-2017): 1000th Birth Anniversary: A commemorative stamp of 2500 Paise or Rs.25/- brought out by India Post on 01.05.2017 

32) Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI): A 500 Paise or Rs.5/- stamp issued by India Post on 05.05.2017 
33) Champaran Satyagrah Centenary: (1917-2017): Three commemorative stamps issued by India Post in the denominations of Rs.5/-, Rs.10/-, and Rs.25/- on 13.05.2017: 

 34) Torna Fort: A Special Cover issued by Maharashtra Postal Circle of India Post on 29.03.2017

35) Sinhagad Fort: A Special Cover brought out by Maharashtra Postal Circle of India Post on 29.04.2017

36) Eminent Writers: A set of five Commemorative Stamps issued on Kishan Chander, Bhisham Sahni, Srilal Shukla, K.V. Puttappa and Balwant Gargi by India Post on 31.05.2017 

37) International Day of Forests or World Forestry Day -. A Special Cover issued by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post on 21.03.2017 

38) Forest Research Institute , Dehradun: (19th Commonwealth Forestry Conference 3-7 April 2017): A Special cover issued by Uttarakhand Postal Circle of India Post on 03.04.2017 

39) Jhala Mann Singh (Jhala Manna): The martyr of the famous Battle of Haldighati: A Commemorative stamp of 500 Paise or Rs.5/- issued by India Post on 18.06.2017 

40) Survey of India: 20th Anniversary Commemoration celebrated with the issue of two stamps by India post on 22.06.2017: 

41) The Passport act, 1967:50 Years Commemoration: A 2500 Paise or Rs.25/- stamp brought out by Indiapost on 23.06.2017 
42) Banaras Hindu University (BHU): Celebrating the Centenary of its establishment (1916-2016): Two commemorative stamps brought out by India Post on 28.06.2017

43) Shrimad Rajchandraji: 150th Birth Anniversary Commemoration: A 500 Paise or Rs.5/- Stamp issued by India Post on 29.06.2017 

Links to other Commemorative Stamps posts on Indian Stamps issued during 2016:

1)  Special India Post Cover  carried in a dedicated Hot Air Balloon flown during the II International Hot Air Balloon Festival held in Pollachi, Tamilnadu, released by Tamilnadu Circle of India Post in January 2016

2) "Vibrant India": Postage Stamps issued by India Post on this theme

3) MAHAPEX - 2016 held at Nasik from 16-18.01.16: (Part 1) Spl. Covers on Pandu Leni Caves and Smt. Kusum Dhirubhai Mehta released by Maharashtra Postal Circle on 16.01.2016 

4) MAHAPEX - 2016 held at Nashik from 16-18.01.2016: (Part 2) Spl.Covers on Kalaram temple and Nashik "Grape City & Wine Capital of India" released by Maharashtra Postal Circle on 17.01.2016 

5) MAHAPEX - 2016 held at Nashik from 16-18.01.16: (Part 3) Spl. Covers on "Nashik Dhol" and "Dr. Anand Gopalrao Joshi" released by Maharashtra postal Circle on 18.01.2016 

6) International Fleet Review - 2016 (IFR - 16) held at Vishakhapatnam from 04.02.16 to 08.02.16: Commemorative Postage stamps issued by India Post 

7) Celebrating 75 Years of setting up of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal : Commemorative Postage Stamps brought out by India Post. 

8) PUNPEX - 16 held at Chandigarh from 06 - 09.02.2016: (Part 1): Spl. Covers on "Indian Dak Runner" & "The PUNPEX-16 logo" released by Punjab Postal Circle on 06.02.2016 

9) PUNPEX - 16 held at Chandigarh from 06-09.02.2016: (Part 2): Spl. Cover on "Butterflies of Chandigarh" released by Punjab Postal Circle on 07.02.2016 

10) PUNPEX - 16  held at Chandigarh from 06-09.02.2016: (Part 3): Spl. Cover on "Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary, Chandigarh" released by Punjab Postal Circle on 07.02.2016 

11) PUNPEX - 16 held at Chandigarh from 06-09.02.2016: (Part 4): Spl. Cover on "Migratory Birds of Sukhna Lake, Chandigarh" released on 07.02.2016 

12) "Gurudwara Shri Paonta Sahib": Spl. Cover released by HP Postal Circle, of India Post 

13) India's First International Fleet review held on 18.02.2001 at Mumbai 

14) "Jal Mahotsav" on the River Narmada from 12-21.02.2016: Spl Cover issued by the Department of Posts, India 

15) "Simhasth Kumbh Mahaparv", Ujjain 22.04.2016-21.05.2016: MAPPEX-2016 Spl Cover released by Postmaster General, Indore Region, India Post on 07.02.2016 

16) Unique Handicrafts of Madhya Pradesh: MAPPEX 2016: A Special Cover issued by the Postmaster General , Indore Region, Indore, on 05.02.2016 

17) Golden Jubilee of The Statesman Vintage & Classic car Rally": Special Cover issued by the Delhi Postal Circle, New Delhi on 28.02.2016 

18) Mahamaham Kumbha Mela Festival, Kumbhakonam, Tamil Nadu: February 13-22, 2016. Special Cover issued by the Postmaster General Tamilnadu Circle, Chennai, India Post. 

19) "Maharaja Agrasen ki Baoli " in New Delhi: "UTSAV 2016"- A Special cover issued by the Delhi Postal Circle on 17.02.2016 

20) Archbishop Benedict Mar Gregorios Birth Centenary celebrations : A Special Cover issued by Delhi Postal Circle, New Delhi, India Post on 15.02.2016

21) Shri Lakshmi Narayan Temple: UTSAV 2016: A Spl Cover issued on 17.02.2016 by Delhi Postal Circle, New Delhi 

22) National Science Centre Delhi: UTSAV 2016: A Spl Cover issued by the Delhi Postal Circle, New Delhi , Department of Posts, India on 16.02.2016 

23) Commemorating the Birth Centenary of Vasantrao Srinivassa Sinai Dempo: A Rs.5/- Stamp issued by  India Post on 04.03.2016 

24) 150th Anniversary of the Allahabad High Court : Commemorative Stamps & Coins issued by the Department of Posts, India & India Government Mint, Mumbai respectively 

25) National Archives of India (Part 1): 125th Anniversary Celebrations: Commemorative Stamps issued by the Department of Posts, India on 13.03.2016 

26) The Gilgit Record (Manuscripts): National Archives of India (Part 2) A 30 paise Stamp issued in 1979,  by the Department of Posts, India. 

27) "A Minor Rock Edict" of Samrat ashok found in Gujarra , Distt. Datia M.P. : A Special Cover issued by the Indore Region, MP Postal Circle, Deptt. of Posts, India

28) "Batesara Group of Temples": A Special Cover issued by Indore Region, M.P. Postal Circle, Deptt. of Posts, India 

29) "India-UN Women HeForShe Programme": Commemorative Stamps issued by India Post  

30) Fire Services of India: A Rs. 5/- Stamp issued by the department of posts, india to honour the "Fire Services of India

31) Govardhanram Tripathi: Commemorative Rs.5/ Stamps brought out in his honour by the Department of Posts, India. 

32) The "Everlasting Flame international Programme 2016": A Special Cover issued by Delhi Postal Circle, Department of Posts, India. 

33) "Ahimsa Ball": Commemorating the 10th Installation Ceremony of the Ball: A Special Cover issued by the Delhi Postal Circle on 26.04.2016 

34) "BRICS Friendship Cities Conclave 14-16 April 2016, held at Mumbai: A Special Cover issued by the Maharashtra Postal Circle on 14.04.2016 

35) "25th Shukla Day Coin and Philately Fair" held from 22-24.04.2016 at Mumbai: A Special Cover issued by the Maharashtra Postal Circle, India Post on 22.04.2016 

36) "Indian Coast Guard Air Station Chennai Silver Jubilee": A Special Cover issued by Tamilnadu Postal Circle of India Post on 07.03.2016 

37) Swami Chidananda: A Rs.5/- Commemorative stamp issued by India Post on 21.05.2016, celebrating his Birth Centenary. 

38) "Brave Fighter Narvir Shivaji Kashid: A Special Cover issued by Maharashtra Postal Circle on 05.05.2016 

39) Tata Power: Commemorating the centenary of the establishment of The Company by India Post, by issuing Rs.5/- stamps on 10.06.16 

 40) "Surya Namaskar": The theme of second International Day of Yoga: Commemorative stamps issued by India Post on 21.06.2016

41) Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose in Jharkhand: DEOPEX:2016: A Special Cover issued by the Jharkhand Postal Circle, India Post on 18.03.2016 

42) "Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar": DEOPEX-2016: A Special Cover issued on him by Jharkhand Postal Circle, India Post on 18.03.2016 

43) "Philatelic Seminar, Jaipur": A Special Cover issued by the Rajasthan Postal Circle, India Post on 28.02.2016 

44) "Shantheyanda Okkada Hockey Namme - 2016": A Spcial Cover issued by Karnataka Postal Circle, India Post on 03.05.2016 

45) The Indian Institute of Architects: Commemorating the Centenary year of the Institute by issuing a Special Cover by Maharashtra Postal Circle, India Post on 12.05.2016  

46) Indian Naval Air Squadron 300 (INAS 300): A Special Cover issued on the Induction of MiG-29Ks and de-induction of Sea Harriers in the Squadron, by the Maharashtra Postal Circle of India Post on 11.05.2016 

47) State Trading Corporation : Celebrating 60 Glorious Years: A Special Cover issued by the Delhi Postal Circle, India Post on 18.05.2016 

48) Christ Church Fort Teppakullam, Tirichirappalli: 250th Anniversary Celebrations: A Special Cover issued by Tamilnadu Postal Circle, India Post on 17.05.2016 

49) "BSE" (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange): Commemorating the 140th Year of its establishment: A Rs.5/- commemorative stamp brought out by India Post on 09.07.2016 

50) "VIKAS PARV - CHHAU DANCE": A Special Cover issued by Jharkhand Postal Circle on 17.06.16 

51) 65th Plenary of the North Eastern Council held on 26-27 May 2016 at Shillong: A Special Cover brought out by the NE Postal Circle of India Post, on 03.06.2016 

52) Platinum Jubilee of the First Philatelic Bureau set up in Mumbai: A Special Cover issued by Karnataka Postal Circle, India Post on 21.06.2016 

53) Chennai Book Fair: A Special Cover issued by the Tamilnadu Postal Circle of India Post on 01.06.2016

54) Chennai Book Fair (Part II) A.K. Chettiar : One of 6 eminent Tamil writers on whom Tamilnadu Postal Circle has issued Special Covers on 10.06.2016 

55) Chennai Book Fair (Part III): T.Janakiraman: One of 6 eminent Tamil writers on whom Tamilnadu Postal circle has issued Special Covers on 10.06.2016 

56) Chennai Book Fair (Part IV): P.V. Akilandam: One of 6 eminent Tamil writers on whom Tamilnadu Postal Circle has issued Special Covers on 10.06.2016 

57) Chennai Book Fair (Part V): D. Jayakanthan: One of 6 eminent Tamil writers on whom Tamilnadu Postal Circle has issued Special Covers on 10.06.2016 

58) Chennai Book Fair : (Part VI): Pudhumaipithan: One of Six Eminent Tamil writers on whom Tamilnadu Postal Circle has issued Special Covers on 10.06.2016 

59) Chennai Book Fair: (Part VII): Va Ramasamy: One of six eminent Tamil writers on whom Tamilnadu Postal Circle has issued Special Covers on 10.06.2016 

60) Tadoba Andhari National Park: Commemorative stamps brought out by India Post on "International Tiger Day" at Nagpur on 29.07.2016 

61) Tara Mata Temple Shimla: Famous Temples of Himachaal Pradesh Series: A Special Cover issued by HP Postal Circle of India Post on 29.04.2016 

62) Bagla Mukhi Temple, Bankhandi, Kangra: Famous Temples of Himachal Pradesh Series: A Special Cover released by the H.P. Postal Circle of India Post on 29.04.2016  

63) Chintpurni Temple , Chintpurni Una, HP: Famous temples of Himachal {radesh Sries: A Special Cover released by H.P.Postal Circle of India Post on 29.04.2016 

64) Ter-Centenary of the martyrdom of Baba Banda Singh Bahadur: A Special Cover brought out by Delhi P0stal Circle of Indiapost on 20.06.2016 

65) "Rio 2016" Summer Olympics: Commemorative Stamps and booklets issued by the Department of Posts, India on 05.08.2016

66) "Orchids": A set of 6 Commemorative postage stamps brought out by India Post on 08.08.2016  

67) Indian Metal Crafts: A set of six Stamps issued by India Post on 26.08.2016 

68) Independence Day - Tourism in India: A Rs. 25/- Commemorative Stamp issued by India Post on 15.08.2016 

69) "Kargil Diwas" - A Special Cover brought out by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post on 26.07.2016 

70) Jagadguru Shri Shivrathri Rajendra Swamy : A Commemorative Rs.5/- Stamp brought out on his Birth Centenary on 27.08.2016 

71) Lady Hardinge Medical College: Commemorating the Centenary of establishment of LHMC by issue of Rs.5/- stamps by India Post on 23.09.2016 

72) Swachh Bharat Mission: Second set of Commemorative Stamps issued by India Post on 02.10.2016

73) Induction of C-130: A commemorative stamp of 500 Paise issued by India Post on 06.10.2016 

74) Central Water and Power Research Station, (CWPRS) Pune: A commemorative Rs.5/- stamp issued by India Post commemorating the Centenary Celabrations of establishment of the CWPRS

75) Kanger Valley National Park, Jagdalpur: A Special Cover brought out by Chhattisgarh Postal Circle, India Post on 26.06.2016 

76) Jagadish Chandra Bose (Great Scientist): A Special Cover brought out by the Jharkhand Postal Circle, India Post on 15.02. 2016 

77) "Near Threatened Birds": (Series I): Stamps issued by India Post to create awareness about four Near Threatened (NT) Bird species on 17.10.2016 

78) "Varanasi City": A set of Commemorative Stamps brought out by India Post on 24.10.2016

79) National Unity Day (or Rashtriya Ekta Diwas): Salute to the Unifier of India: A Commemorative postage stamp brought out on Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel by India Post on 31.10.2016 

80) 50 Years of Haryana: A Commemorative Postage stamp issued by India Post on 01.11.2016 

81) Mahseer: A Special Cover issued by the Indore Region of the Department of Posts, in coordination with the Forest Department Madhya Pradesh on 09.09.2016 

82) Third Battalion:The Garhwal Rifles: A Commemorative postage stamp issued to celebrate the Centenary of the Battalion's Raising day in 1916. Stamp issued by India Post on 19.11.2016 

83) "Picnic": The theme of Children's day 2016: Two commemorative stamps brought out by Indiapost in the denominations of 1500 Paise or Rs.15/- each on 14.11.2016 

84) Nobel Prize Winners of India: A Special Cover brought out by Rajasthan Postal Circle of India Post in co-ordination with the Philatelic Society of India and St. Xavier's School, Jaipur on 21.10.2016 

85) Chilika Lake: A Special Cover issued by the Odisha Postal Circle of India Post at the National Philatelic Exhibition on Nature and Environment - 30.09.2016 to 02.12.2016 on 30.09.2016 

86) Exotic Birds: A set of six Commemorative stamps brought out by India Post on 05.12.16 

87) Akshardham Temple and Pramukh Swami Maharaj: A set of two stamps issued by India Post on 07.12.2016 

88) AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences): A Rs. 5/- commemorative stamp issued on the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee (60 years) of establishment of AIIMs on 03.12.16

89) Season's Greetings: A set of two Commemorative Stamps issued by India Post on 23.12.2016 

90) Samrat Vikramadittya: A Commemorative Rs.5/- Stamp brought out by India Post on 22.12.2016 

91) 150 Years of setting up of the first building of Hardayal Heritage Public Library in 1866: Commemorative stamp issued by India Post on 26.12.16 

92) Personality Series: Bihar: A set of 8 Commemorative stamps issued by India Post on 26.12.2016 

93) Deendayal Upadhyaya: Birth centenary commemoration (1916-2016) A Commemorative stamp of Rs.10/- issued on him by India Post on 29.12.16 

94) Legendary Singers of India: A set of 10 stamps issued by India Post on 30.12.2016 

95) State Bank of Mysore (SBM): A Special Cover issued by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post on 16.12.2016 

Links to other Commemorative Stamps posts on Indian Stamps issued during 2014 and 2015:

1) 2014 FIFA World Cup held in Brazil - A set of four stamps issued by India Post.

2) Commemorative Stamps on "Swachh Bharat" Mission

3) Commemorative Stamps on "Project Rukmini"

4) Commemorative Stamps on "Indian Ocean & Rajenda Chola I"

5) International Day of Yoga - "Commemorative Stamps & Coins" 

6) India-France - 50 Years of Space Co-operation - Commemorative Stamps

7) Commemorative Stamps on 50 years (Golden Jubilee) of "Engineers India Limited"

8Bicentenary of the "Old Theological Seminary" (OTS) Kottayam, Kerala

9Commemorative stamps issued on Nabakalabera (Jagannath Temple, Puri)

10) Commemorative stamps issued on an Indian Game called "Sagol Kangjei" originated in Manipur, from which Polo was adapted all over the World  

11) Samrat Ashok - Commemorative Stamps issued on the legendary Emperor of Ancient India 

12) Women Empowerment - Commemorative Stamps

13) Baba Amte - Commemorative Stamps 

14) Did You Know Series (4): A sample of the beautiful stamps brought out by Department of Posts, India 

15) 10th World Hindi Conference held at Bhopal - Commemorative Stamps issued by Department of Posts India

16) 50th Anniversary of the 1965 Indo-Pak War: Commemorative stamps issued by Department of Posts, India. 

17) Commemorating the 125th Anniversary of the Birth of Dr. B.R. Ambedker by Department of Posts, India with a stamp titled "Dr B.R. Ambedkar and the Indian Constitution" 

18) The "Charkha" or the Spinning Wheel: Commemorative stamps issued by the Department of Posts, India 

19) Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam - Commemorative Stamp issued by the Department of Posts, India 

20) 50th Anniversary of the Border Security Force (BSF): Commemorative Stamp issued by the Department of Posts, India 

21) 3rd India- Africa Forum Summit at New Delhi - Commemorative Stamps issued by Department of Posts, India 

22) Commemorating the Golden Jubilee of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL): Commemorative Stamps issued by India Post.

23) Commemorating the Bicentenary of the Raising Day of the First and Third Gorkha Rifles: Commemorative stamps issued by India Post.  

24) India-Singapore Joint issue: 50 Years of Bilateral Relationship: Two Commemorative Stamps issued by India-Post. 

25) Celebrating 60 years (Golden Jubilee) of EEPC India: Commemorative stamps issued by India Post. 

26) Centenary of the setting up of the Zoological Survey of India: Commemorative stamps issued by India Post 

27) Celebrating Children's Day on November 14th - Commemorative Stamps issued by India Post. 

28) Musicians of India - Commemorating Classical Musicians of India by issue of Stamps by India Post. 

29) Sumitranandan Pant (poet and writer) : Commemorative postage stamps issued on him by India Post 

30) Golden Jubilee of the Establishment of the IDSA, New Delhi: Commemorative stamps issued by India Post 

31) 100 Years of Return of Mahatma Gandhi to India in 1915: Commemorative postage stamps issued by India Post 

32) Commemorating Alugumuthu Kone, one of the first Freedom Fighters against the British: Commemorative Stamps issued by India Post

33) Centennial of the Patna High Court of Judicature: Commoemrative Stamps issued by India Post  

34) Gaiety Theatre Complex, Shimla: A Commemorative 500 Paise Stamp issued by India Post on 20.06.2014 

35) Commemorating 150 Years of the Kuka Movement: A commemorative Stamp brought out by India Post on 24.12.2014

List of Commemorative Stamps Posts on stamps issued in 2013: 

1) Commemorative Postage stamps on the "Wild Flowers of India" issued by India Post.

2) 100 Years of Indian Cinema: 50 commemorative stamps issued by India Post. 

3) INS Vikramaditya: Celebrating the induction of the Aircraft Carrier into the Indian Navy: A Commemorative stamp issued by India Post on 04.12.2013

4) 50 Years of Nagaland: A commemorative stamp of 500 Paise or Rs.5/- brought out by India Post on 01.12.2013 

List of Commemorative Stamps Posts on Stamps issued in 2012:

1) Shekhawati and Warli Paintings (Part I) - Warli Paintings - Commemorative postage stamps brought out by India Post in 2012

2) Shekhawati and Warli Paintings (Part II) - Shekhaati Paintings - Commemorative postage stamps brought out by India Post in 2012 

3) History of the Ancient & Modern Olympics and Paralympics & commemorative coins issued during the London Olympics and Paralympics: Also, includes a set of four stamps issued by India Post on 25.07.2012

4) National Mathematics Day: A Commemorative stamp of 500 Paise or Rs.5/- issued by India Post on 22.12.2012 

5) The Scinde Horse: A Commemorative Stamp of 500 Paise or Rs.5/- issued by India Post on 16.11.2012 

List of Commemorative Stamps Posts  on Stamps issued in 2011:

1) Commemorative Postage Stamp of Rs.100/- issued on Mahatma Gandhi on Khadi Cloth for the first time ever by India Post.

2) Commemorating 100 Years of the Establishment of the ICMR: A Commemorative stamp of 500 Paise or Rs.5/- brought out by India Post on 08.11.2011 

List of Commemorative Stamps Posts  on Stamps issued in 2010:

1) Princely States of Indore, Sirmoor, Bamra and Cochin : Commemorative Stamps issued by India Post

2) Crafts Museum, New Delhi: A set of two Commemorative stamps brought out by India Post on 21.12.2010 

3) Lalit Kala Akademi: A Rs.5/- stamp brought out by India Post on 31.12.2010 

4) C.Subramanium and the Indian Green Revolution: A Commemorative Stamp of 500 Paise or Rs.5/- brought out by India Post on 28.11.2010

5) Central Bank of India: A Commemorative stamp of 500 Paise or Rs.5/- celebrating the Centenary of the establishment of the Bank brought out by India Post on 23.12.2010 

List of Commemorative stamps Posts on Stamps issued in 2009:

1) The Silent Valley: Commemorating the Silver Jubilee (25 Years) of setting up the Silent Valley National Park by issue of a stamp on 15.11.2009 

2) Pterospernum acerifolium (or Muchkunda): A commemorative stamp of 500 Paise or Rs.5/- brought out by India Post on 06.03.2009 

3) C.Subramanium and the Indian Green Revolution: A Commemorative stamp of 500 Paise or Rs.5/- brought out by India Post on 28.11.2009 

List of Commemorative Stamps Posts issued in 2008: 

1) Centenary of the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru: Commemorative Stamps brought out by Indiapost in 2008

2) Standard Chartered Bank: Commemorating 150 Years of Banking in India: A Rs.5/- Commemorative Postage Stamp issued depicting the SCB Mumbai Heritage Building 

3) "Aldabra Giant Tortoise": A commemorative postage stamp brought out by India Post in 2008 

List of Commemorative Stamps issued posts in 2007:

1) 2550 years of Mahaparinirvana of the Buddha: Commemorative stamps issued by India Post  

2) International Day of Disabled Persons (Since renamed as International Day of Persons with Disabilities): A Commemorative Stamp of 500 Paise or Rs.5/- issued by India Post on 03.12.2007 

List of Commemorative Stamps issued posts  in 2005:

 1) Celebrating 200 years of exciting heritage of State Bank of India

List of Commemorative Stamps issued posts in 2004:

 1) XVIII Summer Olympic Games, Athens Greece (2004): A Presentation set of four stamps issued by India Post on 13.08.2004

List of Commemorative Stamps issued posts in 1996:

1) Spirit of the Olympic Games, Athens-Atlanta: Celebrating the Centenary of the Modern Olympic Games: A set of two stamps issued

List of Commemorative Stamps issued  posts in 1964:
1) Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose & the INA: Commemorative stamps issued by India Post on 23.01.1964

Commemorative stamps issued in 1931, 1947 and 1950:

1) Three Series of original Indian stamps which depict : Inauguration of New Delhi (1931), First Independent India postage stamps (1947) and Republic of India Inauguration (1950)

 Postage Stamps from Thailand depicting Buddhist Jataka Tales:

1) Thailand postage stamps commemorating Buddhist Jataka Tales & celebrating Magha Puja Day (Part I)

2) Thailand Post stamps commemorating Buddhist Jataka Tales & celebrating Asalha Puja Day (Part II)  

3) Thailand Post stamps commemorating Buddhist Jataka Tales & celebrating Visakha Puja Day (Part III)

4) Postage stamps from Thailand commemorating Buddhist Jataka Tales

Other Postage stamps from Thailand:

5) "Nang Yai" (or Shadow Play Puppets"): International Letter Writing Week - 2008: Commemorative Postage Stamps issued by Thailand Post on 04.10.2008

Forever Stamps from United States Postal Service (USPS):

1) Forever Stamps: A Series of Stamps commemorating the "US Civil War 1861-1865"

2) Forever Stamps: The Hindu Festival of Lights - Diwali (2016) 

Postage Stamps from the Bailiwick of Jersey

1) "Man of Steel": A Superman movie. Jersey post stamps commemorating a local lad Henry William Dalgliesh who played Superman in the Movie 

 2) Kaleidoscopes: 200th Anniversary: Postage stamps issued by Jersey Post on 10.07.2017

Postage Stamps from Gibraltar:

1) 800th Anniversary of the Magna Carta - the Universal guidepost/landmark in Liberty and Freedom: A miniature stamp sheet issued by the Gibraltar Philatelic Bureau

Postage Stamps from Guernsey/Alderney Island:

1) "Coastal Eclipses": Stamps from Alderney Islands: Six Special Heat Sensitive Stamps issued by Guernsey Post on 19.07.2017

Postage Stamps from Romania:


  1. Jayashree Mukherjee has commented:
    "With so much information I am feeling enlightened . Thanks."
