Monday 15 June 2020

1392) Charles John Huffman Dickens (07.02.1812 - 09.06.1870), Jersey (A British Crown Dependency (BCD): A set of Stamps brought out by Jersey Post depicting eight of his novels - "A Tale of Two Cities" (54p), "David Copperfield" (70p), "The Old Curiosity Shop" (84p), "Bleak House" (88p), "Great Expectations" (1.05 Pounds), "Nicholas Nickleby" (1.10 Pounds), "Oliver Twist" (2.92 Pounds), A Christmas Carol (2.92 Pounds): Date of Stamp set issue: 09.06.2020:

1392) Charles John  Huffman Dickens (07.02.1812 - 09.06.1870), Jersey (A British Crown Dependency (BCD): A set of Stamps brought out by Jersey Post depicting eight of his novels - "A Tale of Two Cities" (54p), "David Copperfield" (70p), "The Old Curiosity Shop" (84p), "Bleak House" (88p), "Great Expectations" (1.05 Pounds), "Nicholas Nickleby" (1.10 Pounds), "Oliver Twist" (2.92 Pounds), A Christmas Carol (2.92 Pounds): Date of Stamp set issue: 09.06.2020:

The year 2020, marks the 150th Anniversary since the passing away of Charles Dickens, widely regarded as the greatest author of the Victorian Era. Appreciated for his vast contribution to English Literature, Dickens is particularly well-known for his powerful and evocative descriptions of the Victoria Era London.

Many of his novels carry social commentary, exploring themes of poverty and social temsion and often taking real people and circumstances, including his own, as their inspiration. Unlike other authors of the Victorian  period, Dicken's work appealed to the lower and upper classes, allowing him to enjoy a universal popularity that was rare for authors of that time.

Jersey Post has brought out s set of six stamps commemorating the life of Charles Dickens with a celebration of some of his best-loved works, Eight stamps portray key scenes and characters from eight of his novels

Dickens Facts:

- Charles Dickens was born on 07.02.1812 and spent an idyllic childhood, first in his birth-place Portsmouth and later in Chatham, Kent. Dickens spent the happiest days of his childhood in Chatham (1817-22), where he was sent to school and began reading voraciously.

- His father John Dickens was a clerk in the Naval Pay Office and amassed huge debts to maintain his family of a wife and 7 children, including Charles. (His father's character has been immortalised by Charles as the ridiculous, but endearing Mr. Micawber in "David Copperfield".

- The family then moved to London in 1822, where they lived in Camden Town (A flourishing Flea Market - present day). In due course, his father was imprisoned for debt when Charles was 12 years old and he (Charles) had to work in a blacking/shoe polish factory "Warrens Blacking Factory", Hengerford Market, London, near Charing Cross Station, on the Thames, pasting labels on bottles on a pay of six shillings a week, while his family was in Marshalea debtor's prison in 1824. (I suppose, that in today's age of more awareness about children/working on a job, Charles may not have found himself at manual work, but then it was a time when there was a great divide between Nobility/Wealthy and the Commoners).

- By the time his father had been declared insolvent, Charles and his family had faced innumerable hardships which were characterised through his novels, characters and writings.

- In 1824-27, Charles studied at Wellington House Academy, London, and at Mr. Dawson's School in 1827.

- Later, from 1827 to 1828, Charles found a position as a clerk at the office of Ellis and Blackmore, solicitors at Holborn Court, Gray's Inn. Realising that Law was not his calling, he studied shorthand and free-lanced as a court reporter at Doctor's Commons.

- Charles became deeply interested in social reforms and took up an assignment with "The Mirror of Parliament" (1832-34) and "True Sun" newspaper (1830-32) which was radical in its views and also wrote short stories for the "Morning Chronicle"  (1834-36), under the pen name "Boz" ("Sketches by Boz" was a collection of his early writings published in 1836). He also contributed to "Monthly Magazine" and the "Evening Chronicle" and edited "Bentley's Miscellany" (1836).

- In 1840s, he founded "Master Humphrey's Cloak" and edited the "London Daily News".

- His insight into life's experiences born out of the hardships that his family had faced, was given wings by his rich imagination, tremendous humour and keen social sensibilities which went towards his writing stories which were immensely enthralling and brought to life the hardships of the Victorian era, leaving the readers on several occasions reflective, as well as, with a tinge of sadness.

- The young Charles was very good-looking and often described as a fop with his flashy waist-coats, jewellery and flowing long hair. During his lifetime, he was the most famous writer in Europe and America. It is said that when he visited America to deliver a series of lectures in 1842 and later in 1867, his fans followed him everywhere - outside his hotel, in Railway Cars, restaurants, almost like a superstar of today.

- He is considered to be the greatest writer of the Victorian Era and has some English Literature's most iconic novels and characters to his credit. During his lifetime, his works enjoyed unprecedented popularity and accolades and are equally popular today. His genius gained currency during the mid-nineteenth century when interest in his works was recognised afresh by critics and scholars.

- Many of his works were originally published in monthly instalments, a format of publication that Dickens himself helped popularise. He often revised his plots and characters on the basis of reader's responses to a published episode and his readers anxiously looked forward to the next episode - much like the  popular "soaps" on today's television serials.

- His works have been highly praised by eminent writers like Leo Tolstoy, George Orwell and G.K. Chesterton etc. for its realism, comedy, prose style, unique characterisations and social criticism.

- His nineteenth century readers included Queen Victoria, Vincent Van Gogh and Karl Marx.

Philanthropic works:

In 05/1846, Dickens set up a home for the redemption of fallen women carrel "Urania Cottage" in the Lime Grove section of Shepherd's Bush.  He became involved in many aspects of its day-to-day functioning and scoured prisons and workhouses for rescuing such women. All these women were required to emigrate following their stay in Urania Cottage. It is estimated that at least 100 residents of Urania Cottage graduated and went to live in Canada, America and Australia et al.

Death and Legacy:

From 1860, he lived at Gadshill Place, near Rochester, Kent.

While working on his last unfinished novel, "Edwin Drood", he passed away at Gadshill on 09.06.1870 at the age of 58 after suffering a stroke a day earlier.

Contrary to his wishes to be buried at Rochester Cathedral in an inexpensive, unostentatious manner, he was laid to rest in the Poet's Corner" of Westminster Abbey.

He had wished that no memorials should be built to honour him. Indeed, the only memorial built for him was in 1891 in Clark Park, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Upon his passing away, the London Times in an obituary called him "the greatest instructor of the nineteenth century".

He continues to be one of the best known and most read of English authors and his works have never gone out of print. Nearly 200 movies and TV adaptations based on his works have been made.

His story "A Christmas Carol" is probably the best nown of his works and still continues to be adapted for stage and Television renditions, turned into an opera, ballet and Broadway musical, as well as, translated into several different languages. It is a well-loved tale with money and coins as its central theme and carries the joyous message that Christmas is a time for giving and thinking of others.

When he did his first public reading to an audience of over 2,000 people in Covent Garden, the text he chose was from "A Christmas Carol".

His Works:

Coins and money are the recurring themes in many of Charles Dickens's works, as he knew both wealth and poverty during his colourful life.

In 1833, Charles' first story"A Dinner at Poplar Walk" was published in the London periodical "Monthly Magazine".

His first success came at the age of twenty-five with  his first novel "Pickwick Papers" which was well received and made him one of the foremost writersof his time. 

This was followed by two more novels "Oliver Twist" and "The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby" (1839). He grew increasingly sombre in his later works. "A Tale of Two Cities" described through its storyline the horrors of the French Revolution, as well as, immense sacrifices, the lucid narration transporting the reader to the times which the story depicts and leaves a sad, brutal image of the ultimate sacrifice at the end.

His popular Novels were

"The Pickwick Papers" (1836 - Stories about a group of somewhat odd individuals and their travels to Ipswich, Rochester and Bath etc.), "Oliver Twist" (which first appeared in monthly instalments from 1837 to 1839 and depicts the London Underground and hard years of the foundling Oliver Twist). "The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby" (which too came out in instalments from 1838 to 1839 and is a story about young Nickleby's struggles to seek his fortune), "The Old Curiosity Shop"(1840-41), Barnaby Rudge: A Tale of the riots of "Eighty" (1841), "Life and adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit" (1844), "Dombay and Son" (1848), "David Copperfield" (1849-50 in which Dickens used his own personal experiences of work in a shoe-polish factory), Bleak House (1852-53), "Hard Times" (1854), "Little Dorrit", "A Tale of Two Cities" (1859 - set in the years of the French Revolution  - A tale of unrequited love and the ultimate sacrifice when the Revolution was "eating up" its erstwhile oppressors, criticised often for its lack of humour.), "Great Expectations" (1860-61 - written in a comic manner), "Our  Mutual Friend", the story of "Pip" (Phillip Pirrip) and the unfinished mystery novel "The mystery of Edwin Drood" (published in 1870, in the year that Charles passed away).

Some of this well known short stories were: "A Message from the Sea", "Doctor Marigold", George Silverman's Explanation", "Going into Society", "Holiday Romance", "Hunted Down", "Mrs. Lirriper's Legacy", "Mrs. Lirriper's Lodgings", "Mugby Junction", "Somebody's Luggage"", "Some Short Christmas Stories", "Sunday Under Three Heads", "The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain", "The Holly Tree Three Branches", "The Lamplighter", The Perils of Certain English Prisoners", "The Seven Poor Travellers", "The Wreck of Golden Mary", and "Tom Tiddler's Ground".

Some other popular works of Dickens are:

A Child's History of England", "A Christmas Carol", "A House to Let", American Nates for General Circulation", Master Humphrey's Cloak", "Miscellaneous Papers", "Mudfog and Other Sketches", "No Thoroughfare", "Pictures from Italy", "Reprinted Pieces", "Sketches by Boz", Sketches of Young Couples", "Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens", "The Battle of Life", "The Chimes", "The Cricket on the Hearth", "The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices", "The Uncommercial Traveller", "Three Ghost Stories: The Haunted House", "Three Ghost Stories - The Signal Man", "Three Ghost Stories: The Trial For Murder To Be Read At Dusk".

Although he is well-known for his novels and short stories, he wrote several essays and edited and re-wrote hundreds of other works submitted to periodicals which he edited. He distinguished himself as an essayist in 1834, under the pseudonym "Boz".

"A Visit to Newgate" (1836  - reflects his memories of visiting his family in the Marshalea Prison) and his experience during this period, also finds a mention in his novel "Little  Doritt" (18555-57). In "A Small Star in the East" (he wrote about the working conditions on mils) and in "Mr. Barlow" (1869), he brought out a profile of an insensitive tutor/teacher).

During the 1840s, he spent much time travelling and campaigning against the social ills of his time and wrote pamphlets, plays and letters

Dickens had a love for theatre and a passion for acting. In 1851, he performed on stage before Queen Victoria.

In the1950s, he was the Founding Editor of his own Magazine - "Household World" and its successor "All the Year Around" (1859-70).

Present Day

The works of Charles Dickens continues to be studied in schools and universities the world over, with many of his novels being adapted for stage and screen.

The Commemorative Stamps issued by Jersey Post:

This Stamp issue portrays key scenes and characters  from eight of Dickens' novels - "A Tale of Two Cities" (54 Pence), "David Copperfield" (70 Pence), "The Old Curiosity Shop (84 Pence), "Bleak House" (88 Pence), "Great Expectations" (1.05 Pounds), "Nicholas Nickleby" (1.10 Pounds), "Oliver Twist" (2.92 Pounds) and "A Christmas Carol" (2.92 Pounds).

This Presentation Pack (PP) shows an elderly Charles Dickens at the height of his popularity and writing works, sitting at his writing table, quill pen in hand pondering over his next words to pen down.

Inside are presented the eight stamps issued in the set.

The Stamp of 88 Pence depicting the novel - "Bleak House"
 The Stamp of 70 Pence depicting the novel - "David Copperfield"
The Stamp of 1.05 Pounds depicting the novel - "Great Expectations"
 The Stamp of 54 Pence depicting the novel - "A Tale of Two Cities"
 The Stamp of 84 Pence depicting the novel - "The Old Curiosity Shop"
 The Stamp of 2.92 Pounds depicting the novel - "A Christmas Carol"
The Stamp of 88 Pence depicting the novel - "Bleak House"
The Stamp of 1.18 Pounds depicting the novel - "Nicholas Nickleby"

The Stamp of 1.50 Pounds depicting the novel - "Oliver Twist"

A second Presentation Pack (PP) depicts scenes from novels on the cover & contains all the eight stamps issued in the set.

 The First Day Cover (FDC) bears the cancelled Miniature Sheet affixed to it . At left is seen a portrait of Charles Dickens at the height of his popularity as a writer.

The Cancellation Handstamp/Postmark is dated -"09.06.2020".

This First Day Cover (FDC) bears all the cancelled eight Stamps issued in the set. At left is seen a prtrait of Charles Dickens in his younger days.

All the eight Stamps issued in the set

 A Souvenir Sheet of all eight Stamps issued in the set

Eight Post Cards issued in the Set

Sheetlets of ten stamps each of each Stamp variant

A Mint set of the 8 Stamps
The Technical Details:

Stamp Set issue date: 09.06.2020

Designer: Mark & Julie Wilkinson

Printer: Cartor Security Printing Press

Process: Offset Lithography

Colours: 4 Colours

Stamp Sizes: 40.0 mm x 30.0 mm

Stamp values: 54p, 70p, 84p, 88p,1.05 Pounds, 1.18 Pounds, 1.50 Pounds, 2.92 Pounds


"Tales of the Earth - Dinosauria" Coin Series, UK issues:

"The Queen's Beasts" Coin Series, UK issues:
Links to some other interesting posts from the British Isles and British Overseas Territories/Dependencies:
Central Bank of Ireland issues:

1) Jonathan Swift: 350th Birth Anniversary 15 Euro Silver Proof coin features his most famous work "Gulliver's Travels" : Coin issued on 30.11.2017

2) Ireland: Women's right to Vote - 100th Year Anniversary : A Silver 15 Euro Proof Collector Coin issued by the Central Bank of Ireland on 27.11.2018

3) Irish Myths & Legends: 1) The Children of Lir;2) Cu Chulain; 3) The Omniscient Salmon of Knowledge; 4) Werewolves of Ossory; 5) The Brown Bull of Cooley and Deirdre of the Sorrows: An Annual Mint Set from the Central Bank of Ireland, recreates/celebrates Irish Folk Tales (Issue date: 30.04.2018)

4) Centenary of the "First Trans-Atlantic Aviation", Ireland: A 15 Euro Silver Proof Coin issued by the central Bank of Ireland and minted by the Royal Dutch Mint: Coin issue date: 10.07.2019

Northern Ireland Bank issues:

1) Northern Ireland Polymer Bank Issues: Danske Bank (10 Pounds Polymer Banknotes), Bank of Ireland (5 & 10 Pound Polymer Banknotes) to go into circulation in 2020/21

Inspirations from Scottish History (Clydesdale Bank Banknotes): 

1) The Legend of King Bruce & the Spider on Banknotes
2) Commemorating Sir William Arrol and his creation the Forth Rail Bridge by issues of Britain's first ever 5 Pound Polymer Banknote

Banknotes from Royal Bank of Scotland:

British Crown Dependencies/Overseas Territories:

1) Specimen Banknotes from the States of Jersey

2) Coinage and Currency from the States of Jersey

3) Currency & Coinage of the Bailiwick of Guernsey

4) Currency & Coinage of Gibraltar : An Overseas Territory of Great Britain

5) Coinage of Gibraltar: (A British Overseas Territory): An Uncirculated Decimal Coin Collection Set minted by the Tower Mint, UK in 2010
6) The Isle of Man: An Uncirculated Decimal Coin Collection Set minted by Pobjoy Mint, UK in 2015

7) The Centenary of the ill-fated Titanic (15.04.1912 - 15.04.2012): An Alderney Five Pound Coin Commemorating the Maritime Legend

8) "Man of Steel": A Superman Movie: A set of stamps brought out in 2013 by Jersey post, the States of Jersey, commemorating Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill who played Superman in the Movie

9) Coins & Currency of Bermuda

11) St. Helena & Ascension Islands: An Uncirculated Coin Set from 2003 

12) The Legend of the "HMAV Bounty" is interwoven with the heritage of the Pitcairn Islands: An uncirculated coin set from Pitcairn Islands in 2009 depicting the icons/relics of the Bounty minted by the New Zealand Mint

13) Currency of the Falkland Islands: A British Overseas Territory (BOT) Pounds & Pence

14) Falkland Islands Penguins: 50 Pence Coin Series: The first Coin in the Series of four coins: the Rock-Hopper Penguin 

15) Falkland Islands Penguins: 50 Pence Coin Series: The Gentoo Penguin:Second Coin in the series of four coins issued on 20.06.2017 

19) The Isle of Man: A British Crown Dependency (BCD) Coinage: A newly introduced Collector's circulation Currency Coinage Collector's set received from the Tower Mint, London, UK issued in April 2017

20) Pegasus: British Virgin Islands: A gold Bullion Coin of $100 issued by Pobjoy Mint on belalf of British Virgin Islands in July 2018

21) "The Hydra": British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT): A Silver Double Crown (4 Pounds), 2 Oz High Relief Coin with Antique Finish: Third Coin in the Series titled "Mythical Creatures" issued by Pobjoy Mint, UK on behalf of BIOT on 07.08.2018

22) "Medusa The Gorgon": British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT): A Silver Double Crown (4 Pounds), 2 Oz High relief Coin with antique Finish: Fourth Coin in the series titled "Mythical Creatures" issued by Pobjoy Mint UK on behalf of BIOT in 09/2018

25) South Atlantic Fauna Coins from Ascension Island and South Georgia and Sandwich Islands, British Overseas Territories (BOT): (Part II): A 1 Pound Titanium Coin & a 1 Pound Uncirculated Coin variant, feature the Queen Triggerfish, issued on behalf of Ascension Island (2019) minted by the Pobjoy Mint, UK

26) Ernest Shackleton, Antarctic Explorer: South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands: A 2 Pounds Coin minted by Pobjoy Mint, UK, brought out on 26.02.2019 on behalf of South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands in two variants - Silver and Cupro-nickel

27) Concorde, a Stamp set from Gibraltar, A British Overseas Territory (BOT): 50th Anniversary of the first Supersonic Passenger Carrying Airplane, jointly built by France and Great Britain: Stamp set issue date: 20.04.2019

28) Tristan da Cunha (BOT): A Wedgwood "Three Graces" Jasperware 5 Pound Coin: minted in 2018

29) 75th Anniversary of D-Day Landings: (The Battle of Normandy): i) A Gibraltar Philatelic Bureau Stamp set of 4 stamps issued on 08.03.2019: ii) A Limited edition D-Day joint Commemorative issue by British Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territory - Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man and Gibraltar on 06.06.2019

30) Manannan, the First King of Isle of Man or Mann: A Silver 5 Pounds Coin brought out by the Isle of Man in collaboration with Coin Invest Trust (CIT) and minted by B.H. Mayer's Kunstprageanstalt, Munich

31) 200th Anniversary of John Keats' "Odes to a ....", Alderney Island: A set of six Postage stamps issued by Guernsey Post which brings out stamps on behalf of Alderney Island - 1) Ode on a Grecian Urn,(48p) 2) Ode on Indolence (65p), 3) Ode on Melancholy (66p), 4) Ode to a Nightingale (80p), 5) Ode to Psyche (90p), 6) Ode to Autumn (98 p): Stamp Set issue date: 24.07.2019

32) Isle of Mann: Celebrating the 200th Birth Anniversary of the Birth of Herman Melville, the author of the classic Moby Dick: A six Stamp Set issued on 22.07.2019

33) "Tatty Teddy" - "Me to You" Bears: Isle of Man Post Office is marketing a special edition of 200 Bears dressed as Santa along-with Tatty Teddy's own stamp and special envelope post-marked "21.11.2019"

35) "Video Games" - Great Britain: A set of 8 Postage stamps brought out by the Royal Mail U.K. featuring Elite (1984), Dizzy (1987), Populous (1989), Lemmings (1991), Micro Machines (1991), Sensible Soccer (1992), Wipeout (1995), Worms (1995) and 2 Miniature Sheets on "Tomb Raider - Lara Croft": Date of Stamp set issue : 21.01.2020

36) Royal Mint, United Kingdom (UK): Five new Commemorative Coins to be issued this year (2020) include the: 1) "Bicentenary of the death of King George III", 2) Tokyo Olympics, 3) "Voyage of the Mayflower", 4) "Victory in Europe Day - 75th Anniversary, 5) Agatha Christie's First novel - The Mysterious Affair at Styles":

37) 250th Birth Anniversary of Beethoven: A Commemorative Postage stamp of 1 Pound issued by Guernsey Post, a British Crown Dependency (BCD): Stamp issue date: 21.01.2020

38) Rock Band "Queen", United Kingdom: A new Collector Coin Series titled -"Music Legends": First Coins in the Series minted by the Royal Mint, UK, features the iconic Band on Cupro-nickel (5 Pounds), Silver (1 & 2 Pounds) and Gold (25 & 100 Pounds) Coins: Coins issue date: 20.01.2020

39) "BREXIT" Coins, UK: 50 Pence Commemorative Coins being issued by the Royal Mint, UK: Issue date: 31.01.2020

40) 200th Anniversary of Royal Astronomical Society, United Kingdom (1820-2020): "Visions of the Universe", which include a combo of eight stamps exhibiting contributions to Astronomy made by the RAS and a 50 Pence Coin depicting a Black Hole, with a special commentary on Prof. Stephen Hawking's contribution to astronomy & a 24-page Prestige Stamp Booklet: Stamp set issue date: 11.02.2020

42) "Britannia", United Kingdom: The Annual Gold and Silver Bullion Proof & Uncirculated Coins Series brought out by the Royal Mail, UK: Date of issue: 10.02.2020

Famous Battles
1) Bicentenary of the Battle of Waterloo and Napoleon's Exile to St. Helena: (Part I): A One Crown Commemorative coin issued by the Ascension Island (minted by Pobjoy Mint UK) 
2) Bicentenary of the Battle of Waterloo and Napoleon's Exile to st. Helena: (Part II) 1) A 5 GBP Coin issued by the Royal Mint UK. 2) A"Drie Landen Zilverset" ( ot the "Three Lands Silver set") containing coins issued by the Royal Dutch Mint including coins of Netherlands, Belgium and UK

Gold Coins:
1) Gold Sovereigns issued in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018 by MMTC-PAMP in India under licence from the Royal Mint, UK, carrying the "I" Mint Mark

2) Gold Half-Sovereigns minted by MMTC-PAMP in India in 2014 under licence from the Royal Mint UK bearing the "I" Mint Mark 

Silver Coins:

British India Coinage:

 1) East India Company Quarter Anna Copper Coin which is one of the first issues under the Coinage Act 1835

2) Victoria Coinage: When she was Queen and afterwards Empress

3) Edward VII: King & Emperor  Coinage

4) George V King Emperor Coinage

5) George VI: The last of the British India Emperors Coinage 

Other British Royalty: 

1) Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee Celebrations (1952-2012): A Five Pound Commemorative coin issued by the Royal Mint, UK

2) Commemorating Queen Elizabeth II's Coronation in 1953: A Five Pound Coin minted by the Royal Mint UK in 2013, depicting the Imperial State Crown

3) The Royal Coat of Arms of the UK: Great British 2012 Coin Set (Uncirculated) issued by the Royal Mint UK

4) Prince George's Christening Ceremony celebrated with coins issued by the Royal Mint UK in 2013

5) The British Empire:  A Case of Numismatic "Segregation": (Guest Post by Rahul Kumar)

6) 1) The Portrait Collection: Various Portraits of Queen Elizabeth II on Coinage 2) The Fourth & Final Circulating coinage of the Portrait designed by Ian Rank-Broadley and the First Edition of the portrait of the Queen made by Jody Clark

 British Coinage:

2) Transformation of a Five shilling Coin (Crown) into the UK Twenty-five Pence & then the Five Pound Coin

4) The 350th Anniversary of the Guinea: A Two Pound Coin issued by the Royal Mint UK celebrating the milestone

6) The Tower of London Coin Series issued by the Royal Mint, UK: A Four Coin Series covering Four Five Pound Coins featuring - The Raven, The Crown Jewels, The Yeoman Warders and the Ceremony of the Keys (all coins dated 2019)

7) Royal Air Force (RAF), U.K. Centenary (1918-2018):A set of four 2 Pound coins issued by the Royal Mint UK depicting four iconic aircraft which have been inducted by the RAF at various points of time - Super-marine Spitfire, Vulcan, Sea King & Lightning II: Coin set issued in 2018 

8) 50th Anniversary of the first issue of the iconic 7-sided 50 Pence Coins in the variants of Gold, Silver and Brilliant Uncirculated issued by the Royal Mint UK on 24.09.2019

9) Celebrating the 25th James Bond Film -"No Time To Die", with Base Metal, Gold & Silver Coins from the Royal Mint, UK: "007"s most challenging mission": 02.03.2020

 Commemorative British Coinage:

 1) Commemorating the Bicentenary of Charles Dickens: A Two pound coin celebrating his literary contributions during the Victorian Era

 2) Commemorating 50 Years of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) - presently called the World Wide Fund for Nature by issue of a Fifty Pence coin by the Royal Mint, UK

3) Coins commemorating London Olympics & Paralympics (2012)

5) Commemorating the 100th Birth anniversary of Christopher Ironside with his " Royal Arms" design on a 50 Pence coin issued by the Royal Mint, UK 

The Brixton Pound:
Links: Postage Stamps: 

12) Owls: A set of 10 Stamps depicting five Owls - Barn Owl (Tyto alba), Little Owl (Athene noctua), Tawny Owl (Strix aluco), Short eared Owl (Asio flammeus) and Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) issued by the Royal Mail Uk on 11.05.2018

13) Reintroduced Species: A set of six stamps issued by the Royal Mail, UK depicting UK's successfully restored wildlife including the Osprey, Eurasian Beaver, Pool Frog, Sand Lizard, Large Blue Butterfly and Stinking Hawk's-beard species on 17.04.2018

14) World Post Day Limited Edition of 500 Commemorative Covers, Gibraltar, a British Overseas Territory (BOT): Special Cover issue date:n 09.10.2019

15) Forests, Royal Mail, U.K.: Centenary of the Forestry Commission (1919-2019): A set of six stamps issued by the Royal Mail, UK depicting six well-known forests across the U.K. - i) Glen Affric Inverness-shire, Scotland; ii) Westonbirt Gloucestershire, England; iii) Sherwood Forest; iv) Coed y Brenin Gwynedd, Wales; v) Glenriff Forest Country Antrim, Northern Ireland; vi) Kielder Forest Northumberland, England: Stamp set issue date:13.08.2019

17) 150th Anniversary (Sesquicentenary) of The Royal Philatelic Society London: A Limited Edition Commemorative Cover (500 Editions) brought outby the Gibraltar Post on 21.10.2019

18) "The Christmas story", Alderney, A British Crown Dependency (BCD): Alderney Post in association with Guernsey Post has issued this set of seven stamps, designs for which have been made through paper-cutting art: Date of issue: 30.10.2019

24) 250th Birth Anniversary of Beethoven: A Commemorative Postage stamp of 1 Pound issued by Guernsey Post, a British Crown Dependency (DCD): Stamp issue date: 21.01.2020

25) "Sealife in the Ramsar Region" managed by Alderney Wildlife Trust, Alderney, a British Crown Dependency (BCD): A set of six stamps issued by the States of Alderney Post for Guernsey Post featuring a Grey Seal Pup (48 Pence), Shore Crab (65 Pence), Garnet (66 Pence), Beadlet Anemone (80 Pence), Ormer (90 Pence) and Cushion Stars (98 Pence)

26) 200th Anniversary of Royal Astronomical Society, United Kingdom (1820-2020): "Visions of the Universe", which include a combo of eight stamps exhibiting contributions to Astronomy made by the RAS and a 50 Pence Coin depicting a Black Hole, with a special commentary on Prof. Stephen Hawking's contribution to Astronomy & a 24-page Prestige Stamp Booklet: Stamp set issue date: 11.02.2020

27) i) A James Bond Mega issue by Royal Mail, UK, celebrating the 25th Bonf Movie "No Time to Die" and presenting all six actors who have acted as James Bond over the years, together with "Q Branch's" path defining gadgets/machines; ii) A combo issue of Royal Mail Stamps and Royal Mint, UK's Gold, Silver and BU Coins

29) The Declaration of Arbroath, Scotland, UK: 700th Anniversary (1320-2020) Commemoration: Four Scottish Definitive Stamps issued by the Royal Mail UK: Date of Stamps issue: 06.04.2020

30) The Romantic Poets, UK: 1) A Combo of 10 Stamps (by Royal Mail UK) and a 5 Pounds Commemorative Coin (by Royal Mint UK), on the 250th Birth Anniversary of William Wordsworth includes the Romantic (Nature) poets - John Clare, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, WilliamBlake, Walter Scott, Percy Bysshe Shelley, William Wordsworth, Mary Robinson, Letetia Elizabeth Landon, John Keats & Lord Byron: Date of stamp issue: 07.04.2020

31) Ancient Postal Routes - Mail Ships, Guernsey, a British Crown Dependency (BCD): A EUROPA set of six stamps brought out by Guernsey Post depicting six Mail Ships that sailed between Guernsey and the United Kingdom: Date of Stamp set issue: 01.04.2020

32) "Ancient Postal Routes - Mail Ships", Jersey, A British Crown Dependency (BCD): A set of six stamps depicting the Mail Ships - Rover, the Atalanta, the Cygnus, the Lydia and Isle of Jersey and The Caesarea III, issued by Jersey Post: Date of Stamp set issue: 07.04.2020

33) "#CarryUsThrough", Isle of Man, A British Crown Dependency (BCD): A set of 8 Postage Stamps honouring the Doctors/Nurses/Health workers, Key Staff, Carers and Volunteers, the Community, the Scientists and Educators who are developing the Chinese Wuhan Virus Vaccines & educating the children: Date of Stamp Set issue: 04.05.2020

34) Charles John Huffman Dickens (07.02.1812-09.06.1870), Jersey (A British Crown Dependency (BCD): A set of Stamps brought out by Jersey Post depicting eight of his novels - "A Tale of Two Cities" (54p), "David Copperfield (70p), "The Old Curiosity Shop" (84p), "Bleak House" (88p), "Great Expctations" (1.05 Pounds), "Nicholas Nickleby" (1.10 Pounds), "Oliver Twist" (2.92 Pounds), "A Christmas Carol" (2.92 Pounds): Date of Stamp set issue: 09.06.2020

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