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Saturday, 14 December 2024

3604) Homochromy and Mimicry, Romania: A set of four Stamps featuring the four species included in the Stamp Set: Date/Year of Stamps issue: 12.12.2024:

3604) Homochromy and Mimicry, Romania: A set of four Stamps featuring the  four species included in the Stamp Set: Date/Year of Stamps issue: 12.12.2024:

Romfilatelia has introduced into on  November 12th, 2024,  an interesting and original postage stamps issue with a subject that defines a fauna area:

 Homochromy and Mimicry: 

Homochromy is the phenomenon by which a species camouflages itself by having a colour, either permanent or temporary, that blends with its environment. Permanent or variable homochromatic colouring, depending on the environment, helps specimens remain undetected, which increases their chances of survival. 

There are different situations

- permanent homochromatic colouration throughout life (grasshoppers, grasshoppers, desert snakes), 

- seasonal winter-summer colouration (ermine, weasel), adaptable, changeable coloration (fish, chameleons). 

Mimicry has a more complex definition, being a similar phenomenon by which a species imitates, in order to gain an advantage (protection, predation, etc.), the colour and sometimes the shape of natural elements.

Thus, some species imitate the colour of their substrate (with homochromy being a particular case of mimicry), while others mimic its shape or texture

There are also forms of mimicry where one animal species imitates another species – perhaps a more dangerous, toxic, or venomous one – to be mistaken for it and avoided by potential predators. 

This Postage stamps set issued by Romania features four species in their images:

The Postage Stamps

The European Tree Frog (Hyla arborea) illustrated on the stamp with the face value of Lei 5, is most often green but can change its colour to brown, grey, etc., depending on the colour of the substrate and other factors. 

It is an arboreal frog, found in Romania from lowlands up to over 1,000 metres in the Carpathian Mountains. It climbs trees and can stick to the undersides of sturdy leaves. 

The Mimic Octopus (Thaumoctopus mimicus) – depicted on the stamp with the face value of Lei 6. It changes its colour, skin texture, posture, and movements, actively mimicking several dangerous species. 

Native to the Indo-Pacific region, it is renowned not only for its ease in disguising itself but also for the number of species it can imitate. It feeds on small fish and crustaceans. 

The Seagrass Filefish (Acreichthys tomentosus) – represented on the stamp with the face value of Lei 13 imitates the colour and even texture of underwater plants, with protrusions that can retract or extend, thereby altering its outer appearance. 

Its colouration is also variable, most often marbled with green and brown. It lives in tropical waters and feeds on small invertebrates.

The Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) – illustrated on the stamp with the face value of Lei 25, is found in the northern tundra regions. It has a white colour, allowing it to easily and quickly camouflage in the snow. It is a bird of prey that hunts rodents like lemmings, as well as partridges and hares.

The Leaf-Tailed Gecko (Uroplatus sameiti), species featured in the First Day Cover (FDC) graphics, is found only in Madagascar. 

This type of lizard is also appreciated as a pet. It imitates tree bark through its colour, texture, skin protrusions, and can change its colour. It feeds on insects and other small invertebrates, including tiny snails.

The European Mantis (Mantis religiosa)depicted on the special philatelic block, is widespread in Eurasia and Africa; it is a carnivorous insect whose colour helps it blend in with vegetation, deceiving both its prey (mainly other insects) and potential predators (birds, etc.).

The philatelic folder is created into a limited run printing of 218 pieces and is equipped with the special philatelic block of four imperforated stamps of the issue, along with the First Day postmark, clearly imprinted in foiling. The special philatelic block is numbered from 001 to 218.

Romfilatelia has collaborated with Mr. Luis Popa, Grade I Scientific Researcher, Manager of the “Grigore Antipa” National Museum of Natural History, and museographer Alexandru Iftime, Ph.D., for their specialised consultancy in the development of this postage stamps issue.

Sheetlets of six Stamps each of all variants.

Full Sheets (FS) of the Four Variants containing 16 Stamps each

Technical details:

Issue Date: 12.11.2024

Designer: Mihai Criste

Process: offset, in 4 colours, paper for stamps, gummed, produced by Tullis Russel (UK origin), purchased by the Stamp Factory;

Weight: 112 ± 4% g/m2


Stamps size: 36.00 mm x 33 mm,

Minisheet size: 99.00 mm x 126.00 mm

Values: 5.00 Lei, 6.00 Lei, 13.00 Lei, 25.00 Lei

Links to Posts on "European Year of Rail":

Links to some posts on Romanian currency and philately on this Blog:

Fantasies and Flora Stamp Series, Romania:

Links: Crypto-Currency Stamps & Coin Posts:

1) Croatian Crypto Stamp - 2, Croatia: A 50 HRK stamp (a combination of the analog and the digital) issued by "Hrvatska Posta" (Croatian Post) in coordination with the Croatian Blockchain community gathered around the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Association: Date of Stamp issue: 16.12.2020

2) Did You Know Series (49): Dogecoin (DOGE), Blockchain Mint, Singapore: Blockchain Mint has issued Silver DOGE Medals in three variants - i) Silver Dogecoin Cryptocurrency Medal Gem BU, ii) Silver Dogecoin Cryptocurrency Medal Proof-Like in Blister Pak, iii) Dogecoin Cryptocurrency Commemorative Medal Antiqued in Blister Pak: Date of Medal release/shipping: 05/2021

3) Did You Know Series (50): A Guest Post by Avery Wright: "Is Making the Crypto Space Legally Complaint Paving the Road to Mass (Blockchain) Adoption?" - A perspective:

4) Gibraltar Cryptocurrency Stamp: Stamp value 4 Pounds: Date of Stamp issue: 15.05.2021: (Pre-orderd accepted from 19.04.2021):

5) Bitcoin Backed Banknotes are being envisaged by "Noteworthy" which are aimed at generating user confidence in the Cryptocurrency

6) "Blockchain Technology", Principality of Liechtenstein: A Crypto Stamp of CHF 5.20 titled "Perspective" issued by Liechtensteinische Post: Date of Stamp issue: 06.09.2021

7) "Bitcoin Logo", Niue Island: A $2 (Two Dollars) Silver Brilliant Uncirculated (BU) Coin features this iconic Logo of the well known Cryptocurrency: Year of Coin issue: 2022

8) Crypto-stamp - Rimec Nevera, Croatia: Htvatska posta (Croatian Post) has issued a Crypto-stamp Souvenir Sheet (a combination of the analog and the digital) of One Stamp of HRK50.00 on a PVC background: Date of Crypto-stamp issue: 09.09.2021

9) "UN Crypto Stamps", United Nations: "New Technologies for the United Nations Stamp Series": United Nations Postal Administration brought out its first time ever UN Crypto Stamps, which run on Etherium Blockchain: Date of Stamps issue: 24.11.2020

10) "Equality", Liechtenstein: A "BlockChain Stamp Series: A Stamp 4.1 "Equality issued by Liechtensteinische Post (Philately Liechtenstein) with a face value of CHF 9.00): Date of Stamp issue: 09.09.2022

11) Croatian Crypto Stamp, Croatia: A 50 HRK Stamp (a combination of the analog and the digital) issued by "Hrvatska Posta (Croatian Post) in coordination with the Croatian Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Association: Date of Crypto Stamp issue: 09.09.2020

12) Crypto Stamp 4.0 - Grab the Bull by the Horns - set, Austria: Osterreichische Post AG (Austrian Post) has released a Joint-issue between two countries - Austria and Netherlands, featuring the new technology "Augmented Reality", with a new motif of the Bull: Date of Crypto Stamp issue: 28.10.2022

13) "UN Crypto Stamps", United Nations: "New Technologies for the United Nations Stamp Series": Series II of United Nations Crypto Stamps issued by the United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA) which run on Blockchain Technolgy: Date of Stamps issue:18.11.2022

14) 2022 NL Crypto Stamp - Duo Set Crypto The Netherlands (NL) + Oostenrijk (Austria) - Collectibles: Date of Joint Crypto Stamp issue: 22.09.2022

15) Nikola Tesla's inventions as motifs feature on Croatia's Fourth Crypto Stamp of 50 HRK issued by Hrvatska Posta (Croatian Post): Date of Crypto Stamp issue: 20.12.2022

16) Professor Balthazar motifs feature on Croatia's Fifth Crypto Stamp of 7.80 Euro issued by Hrvatska Posta (Croatian Post): Date of Crypto Stamp issue: 07.09.2023

17) Innovation, Steps to the Future, Romania: Romfilatelia (Romanian Post) has issued two postage stamps of Lei 13 and Lei 33: Date/Year of Stamps issue: 19.03.2024

18) "Folk Costumes". India-Romania: 75 Years of Romanian-Tndian doplomatic relations: A Joint Stamp issue by India Post and Romfilatelia: Date of Joint Stamp issue: 17.09.2024

19) "Operation Neptune", Romania: 100 Lei Gold Proof Coins remember the 80th Anniversary of "Operation Neptune" when Gold Reserves were transferred to Tismana Monastery for safekeeping from the invading troops of Germany's Third Reich and Russia's Red Army: Date/Year of Coins issue: 05.11.2024

20) "Michael the Brave" (Romanian: Mihai Viteazul), the ruler of the first Unification which took place in Transylvania and Bucharest: "Historical Anniversaries Stamp Series": Romfilatelia has issued 3 postage stamps dedicated to Michael the Brave: Date/Year of Stamp set issue: 08.11.2024

21) Celestial Fauna, Constellations, Romania: A set of four stamps celebrating four Constellations: Date/Year of Stamps issue: 12.12.2024

22) Homochromy and Mimicry, Romania: A set of four stamps featuring four species included in the Stamp set: Date/Year of Stamp set issue: 12.12.2024


  1. Raj Kumar Srivastava has commented:
    "Great šŸ‘šŸ»"

  2. Santosh Khanna has commented:
    "Thanks for sharing this interesting and informative post."
