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Thursday 27 February 2020

1252) Ancient Egypt Coin Collection, Solomon Islands: A set of 12 Coins featuring Tutankhamun, Cleopatra, Nefertiti, Ra, Anubis, Osiris, The Sphinx, The Pyramids, Eye of Horus, Hieroglyphics, Ankh and the Scarab Beetle being made available by the Macquarie Mint, Australia: Individual Coins shipped at monthly intervals:

1252) Ancient Egypt Coin Collection, Solomon Islands: A set of 12 Coins featuring Tutankhamun, Cleopatra, Nefertiti, Ra, Anubis, Osiris, The Sphinx, The Pyramids, Eye of Horus, Hieroglyphics, Ankh and the Scarab Beetle being made available by the Macquarie Mint, Australia: Individual Coins shipped at monthly intervals:

The Ancient Egypt Coin Collection features 12 coins, each with a famous aspect of the ancient civilisation - from Pharaohs and artefacts to landmarks and Gods.

Each of these coins is eye-catching and is engraved with a completely unique appearance.

Plated in black nickel, with a stunning matte finish against a backdrop of mirrored hieroglyphics, each of these coin's prominent features/designs is selectively plated in 24-carat gold - portraying a perfect celebration of the Egyptians love of the precious metal.

The first coin features Tutenkhamun.

The specifications of the coins included in this coin Series are:

Coin Series Theme: Ancient Egyptian Coin Collection"; Country of issue: Solomon Islands; Year of issue: 2019; Denomination: $1 (One Dollar); Weight: 37.0 grams; Dimensions/Size: 44.0 mm; Metal Composition: Nickel with selective 24-Carat gold plating; Coin Quality: Proof-like; Finish: Black Nickel Mate finish; Custom Presentation folder: Complimentary/free from Macquarie Mint for its customers; Coin issue: Coins despatched at monthly intervals.

First Coin - Tutankhamun:

Tutankhamun (1342 BC- 1325 BC) -  He was the last ancient Egyptian Pharaoh of his family to rule during the 18th Dynasty during the New Kingdom of Egyptian history.

His father was the Pharaoh Akhenaten and his mother was Nefertiti. He came to the throne at the age of eight years and was married to Ankhesenamun, his half-sister. His two names - Tutankhaten and Tutankhamun mean "Living image of Aten" and "Living image of Amun", with Aten relaced by Amun after   Akhenaten passed into the Afterlife.

Tutankhamun restored the Ancient Egyptian religion after its dissolution by his father, enriched and endowed the priestly orders of two important cults and began restoring old monuments damaged during the previous Amama period.

He moved his father's remains to the Valley of the Kings, as well as, moved the capital from Akhetaten to Thebes.

He was physically disabled with a deformity of his left foot along with bone necrosis that required the use of a cane, several of which were found in his tomb, as well as, body armour and bows, having been trained in archery.

Cleopatra VII Philopator (69 BC - 12.08.20 BC):
\- She was the last active ruler of the Ptolemic Kingdom of Egypt, nominally survived as pharaoh by her son Caesarion.

As a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, she was a descendant of its founder Ptolemy I Soter, a Macedonian Greek general and companion of Alexander the Great. After the death of Cleopatra, Egypt became a province of the roman Empire, marking the end of the Hellenistic period that lasted since the reign of Alexander (336 BC - 323 BC).

In the Liberator's civil war (43 BC - 42 BC), she sided with the Roman Second Triumvirate fromed by Julius Caesar's grandnephew and heir Octavian, Mark Antony and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus. 

In the final war of the Roman Republic, Octavian upon falling out with Mark Antony, (who had meanwhile had an affair with Cleopatra and become increasingly reliant on her), engaged in a war of propaganda and forced Mark Antony allies in the Roman Senate to flee Rome in 32 BC.

After defeating Antony and Cleopatra's naval fleet at the 31 BC Battle of Actium, Octavian's forces defeated Mark Antony, leading to his suicide and Cleopatra killed herself by poisoning herself.

Neferneferuaten Nefertiti (1370 BC-1330 BC) - She was an Egyptian Queen and the great royal Wife of Akhenaten, an Egyptian Pharaoh. 

Nefertiti and her husband were known for a religious revolution in which they worshipped only one God - Aten or the Sun Disc.

With her husband, she reigned at the wealthiest period of Ancient Egyptian history. After her husband passed into the Afterlife, she ruled the realm briefly, till her son Tutankhamun ascended the throne.

She had many titles during her lifetime including - Hereditary Princess, Great of Praises, Lady of Grace, Sweet of Love, Lady of the Two Lands, Main King's wife, Mistress of Upper and Lower Egypt.

Ra or Re - The ancient Egyptians considered the sun to be the potent life force, together with the annual inundation of the Nile, it was responsible for their successful harvest. Re was the pre-eminent solar deity.

His cult centre was at Heliopolis (called Iunu by the ancient Egyptians and now a suburb in modern Cairo), where an extremely powerful priesthood officiated.

From the Fourth Dynasty reign of Djedefre (2566 BC - 2558 BC) onwards, one of the King's five names was introduced with the epithet "Son of Re", emphasising the association of the king with the God. The focal point of Re's cult was the obelisk (or "benben" stone - deriving from the verb "weben" meaning "to shine forth").

In the myth of the Destruction of Humankind, Re is described as having the bones, flesh and hair of an old man, but his divinity is evident because they are silver, gold and lapis lazuli (the last was considered especially valuable by the ancient Egyptians, because it had to be imported from, as far away, as Badakhshan in North Eastern Afghanistan). This description could be that of a cult statue as was found in the naos (or shrine) of each temple, housing the very essence or potency of the Deity. It is also believed that Re was self-created, coming into being in Nun, the primordial waters.

Re was frequently represented anthropomorphically, but with the head of a ram or a hawk wearing a sun-disc head-dress. As the sun-god, he was believed to voyage across the sky in a boat during the twelve  hours of daylight and through the Netherworld during the hours of darkness. 

In another myth, he was swallowed by Nut, the sky goddess, during his nightly journey and travelled through her body to be reborn each morning.

The sun god was ubiquitous and powerful. By the process of syncretism, Re amalgamated with other deities like Amun, becoming Amun-Re and Horus, becoming Re-Horakhty ("Horus of the two Horizons"). He was also identified with other gods; one text inscribed on the walls of some tombs in the Valley of the Kings during the New Kingdom (1550 BC - 1069 BC) is the "Litany of Re", in which Re is identified with Osiris, the God of the Dead.

Anubis - is the God of embalming and cemeteries. He is an ancient deity to whom prayers for survival of the deceased in the Afterlife were addressed during the early Old Kingdom, before Osiris rose to prominence as the God of the dead.

Anubis continued to assist in the judgement of the dead and accompanied the deceased to the throne of Osiris for the ritual of Weighing the Heart. 

He is also the patron of embalmers. Anubis has several epithets including "foremost of the westerners" (meaning "the dead buried on the West Bank of the Nile"), "He who is upon the mountain" (meaning "the desert cliffs overlooking the cemeteries"), Lord of the Sacred Land" (meaning "the desert in which the burials were located"), "the one presiding over the God's pavilion" (meaning "the place where embalming took place or the burial chamber) and "he who is in the place of embalming").

Anubis was depicted as a jackal or as a man with the head of a jackal. Priests who prepared bodies for burial and conducted burial ceremonies, impersonated the God by wearing jackal masks. Since jackals were common scavengers in Egyptian burial sites, the honouring of Anubis in this guise represented a way of protecting the dead from grave scavenging.

Osiris - the God of the dead and the Afterlife (as well as of rebith and fertility) was represented in a mummified anthropomorphic form, often holding a crook and flail, and with the atef-crown (described as "sky-piercing") on his head. His skin could be green or black (signifying fertility or the thick black Nile silt) or white (the colour of linen mummy bandages). 

One of his emblems was the djed-pillar, a symbol of stability, which was equated with his backbone and was particularly revered at his cult centre of Busiris (ancient Djedu) in the Delta.

The chief cult centre of Osiris was his legendary burial place (and consequently an important pilgirm's destination) Abydos (ancient Abdjw), where he was worshipped together with his sister-consort Isis and theor son Horus, and where an annual festival was held in his honour. 

He was a member of the important Ennead (nine Gods) of Heliopolis, a geneology that appeared for the first time in the Pyramid Texts of the Fifth Dynasty.

These were found on the interior walls of certain pyramids. Epithets applied to Osiris incleded "Eternally Good", and "foremostamong the Westerners" (that is the dead who were thought, like the sun, toenter the Netherworld in the West). He was assimilated with two Memphite deities, the creator God Ptah and the hawk-headed funerary deity Sokar, forming the syncretised funerary God Ptah-Sokar-Osiris.

The deceased King of Egypt was identified with Osiris from the Fifth Dynasty (2494 BC-2345 BC). By about 2000 BC, a democratisation of funerary religion had begun to take place and the dead other than the King were identified with Osiris.

The Sphinx - is a mythical creature with the head of a human and the body of a lion.

In Greek tradition, the Sphinx has the head of a woman, the haunches of a lion and the wings of a bird. She is mythicised as treacherous and merciless. Those who cannot  answer her riddle suffer a fate of being killed or eaten by this ravenous monster.

Unlike the Greek Sphinx, which is a woman, the Egyptian Sphinx is typically shown as a man (an androsphinx). The Egyptian Sphinx is seen as benevolent, but having a ferocious strength similar to the malevolent Greek version. Both are thought of as guardians, often flanking entrances to temples.

Sphinx depictions are generally associated with architectural structures like royal tombs or religious temples in Egypt. Interestingly, the oldest known Sphinx is located in Turkey and dates back to 9,500 BC.

The Pyramids - The Egyptian Pyramids are ancient pyramid-shaped masonry structures located in Egypt. Around 138 structures have been identified so far. Most of the Pyramids were built as tombs for the Pharaohs and their consorts during the Old and Middle Kingdom periods.

The earliest known Egyptian Pyramids were found in Saqqara, Northwest of Memphis. The earliest among these is the Pyramid of Djoser, built in (2630 BC -2610 BC) during the third Dynasty. This Pyramid and its surrounding complex were designed by the architect Imhotep and are generally considered to be the world's oldest monumental structures constructed of dressed masonry.

The most famous Egyptian Pyramids are those found at Giza in the outskirts of Cairo. Several of the Giza Pyramids are counted among the largest structures ever built. The Pyramid of Khufu at Giza is the largest Egyptian Pyramid. It is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient World still in existence.

Eye of Horus - The King of Egypt was closely identified with Horus from the beginning of Dynastic history (3100 BC). The God was represented as a falcon and one of his most ubiquitous symbol was the "Eye of Horus" (the udjat-eye or wadjat-eye). 

In one version of the legend of "the Contendings of Horus and Seth", Horus had both his eyes gouged out. In another version he lost and then regained his left eye. As the weaker of the two, it came to be associated with the moon, while the right eye was associated with the sun. Because, in both instances, his eyesight was eventually cured, his eye came to symbolise healing (udjat - meaning "sound"). It was used as a protective amulet, symbolising strength and perfection, and also represented the waxing and waning moon.

Horus's name means "He Who is Above" and is linked to his status as a God of the sky and to the high soaring of the falcon. As "Horus in the Horizon", he is called "Horemakhet" and in this capacity he is amalgamated with the solar deity Re to become Re-Horakhty.

From the Late Period (747 BC), he appeared in his child form, Hor-pa-khered (whom the Greeks called "Harpocrates") on a form of stela known as a cippus of Horus. He was usually depicted as treading crocodiles underfoot and grasping snakes, scorpions and other such dangerous creatures. 

As a child, he is pictured naked, sporting a particular hair-style known as the "side-lock of youth". The concept behind this aspect of the God was that since Horus as a young boy had managed to survive several dangers, a ritual could be performed using his image to protect children from similar threats, and even to cure snake bites and scorpion stings. Water was poured over the cippi (which was covered in spells), causing the liquid to be imbued with their magical potency, so it could be ritually imbibed or applied.

Horus was honoured as an element of the divine triad at the cult centre of Abydos. He is most associated with the Temple of Edfu (ancient Mesen), where he is worshipped as part of a triad, with his consort Hathor and their child Harsomtus.

He was also closely associated with Hierakonpolis ("Town of the Hawk", ancient Nekhen) in the South and a town called Behdet in the Delta. As "Horus of Behdet", he was represented as a winged sun disc.

Hieroglyphics - An Hieroglyph was a character of Ancient Egyptian "sacred" writing system. Logographic scripts that are pictographic in form in a way reminiscent of ancient Egyptian are also referred to as "hieroglyphs". 

The Egyptians invented the pictorial script, The appearance of these distinctive figures in 3,000 BC marked the beginning of Egyptian civilisation. Though based on images, Egyptian script was more than a  sophisticated form of picture-writing. Each picture/glyph served three functions - i) to represent the image of a thing or action ii) to stand for the sound of a syllable and iii) to clarify the precise meaning of adjoining glyphs.

Writing hieroglyphs required some artistic skill, limiting the number chosen to learn it. Only those privileged with an extensive education - the Pharaoh, the nobility and priests - were able to read and write hieroglyphs, while others used simpler "joined-up" versions - demotic and hieratic script.

Ankh - This is a powerful ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol used in writing and in Egyptian Art to symbolise life. 

The symbol is a teardrop-shaped hoop with a staff cross connected directly below it. The hoop of the ankh represents the sun, with the horizontal bar of the cross representing the horizon and the vertical bar of the cross representing the path of the sun, which rises above the horizon. The Ankh was regularly used in Ancient Egypt throughout hieroglyphics, art and artifacts to show the importance of life and the sun as the sustainer and nourisher of life. The Ankh is often referred to as the "key of life".

Although the symbol was always used to depict life, it was used in many other ways. It represented physical life on Earth, eternal life in heaven or the underworld, immortality and even reincarnation.

Often, the ancient Egyptians would carry Ankh ornaments for protection or use them in their cult worship for their magical properties.

One use of Ankh was to symbolise a long life for the King, which is often shown in paintings of pharaohs. This is a fairly common representation for the Ankh and there are many painted scenes where the subjects of ancient Egypt give Ankh figurines to the Pharaoh to wish him a long and prosperous life on the throne. The Ankh is also shown in hieroglyphic form in many royal inscriptions for the same purpose. When a god or goddess was shown holding an Ankh towards a pharaoh, it was meant to display the blessing of eternal life. 

Another use was to paint an Ankh on the tomb or death mask, to symbolise passage into the Afterlife. It was customary to place images of the ankh on the pharaoh's tomb, in addition to images of specific gods that the pharaoh may have worshipped in life. The Ankh was to help the pharaoh's spirit to pass safely from the earthly realm into heaven, into the protection of specific gods.

Scarab Beetles -

A particularly useful addition to the extensive funerary accessories of the ancient Egyptians was, in addition to the burial, to place a large "heart scarab beetle" in bandaging. 

The heart scarab was a large scarab which was wrapped in the bandages over the mummy over the deceased's heart. It was made out of a range of green and dark coloured materials, including glazed stearite, schist, feldspar, haematite and obsidian.

This form of protection was prevalent as early as the Thirteenth Dynasty and according to the "Book of the Dead"  (Chaper 30) should be made of a specific green stone (nemehef). 

The scarab was thought to prevent the heart from owning up to any crimes the person had committed in life, during the ritual of weighing of the heart of the dead person. 

The gist of the inscription in the Book was an instruction  from the dead person to his or her heart that when it was brought before the tribunal of gods presided over by Osiris for judgment, it should not confess to any wrong-doings that the  dead person might have committed during his or her lifetime. As a further precaution, heart-shaped amulets were included in the bandaging to ensure that the heart remained at all times in the body (except during the actual Weighing of the Heart ceremony). 

Chapter 29 B of the Book of the Dead stated that these amulets should be made of cornelian, but they have been found to have been made of other materials, such as glass.

The scarab beetle was also a symbol of new life and resurrection. The scarab beetle was seen to push a ball of mud along the ground and this concept led to symbolise the beetle rolling the sun across the sky. Subsequently the young beetles were observed to hatch their eggs inside the ball of mud, hence the idea of creation - life springing forth from primordial mud.

The protective amulet for the heart was, therefore, in the shape of a scarab beetle, the manifestation of the creator  and solar deity - Khepri.

The common Obverses of all the $1 (One Dollar) Coins included in the set,  show an image of Queen Elizabeth II facing right, designed by Ian Rank-Broadley, whose initials "IRB" appear below the Queen's neck.

The peripheral inscriptions are - "ELIZABETH II. 2019. SOLOMON ISLANDS. ONE DOLLAR".

The cover of the coin album in which all the 12 coins can be placed. It is titled - "ANCIENT EGYPT".

The open Album, shows how individual coins will be placed in the slots made for them.

The Coin album seen together with a few representative coins included in the set.

The introductory banner of the Macquarie Mint.

Links to posts on Australia, New Zealand and countries and Overseas Territories of the South Pacific etc on this Blog: 

1) Bank of Papua New Guinea: 36th Anniversary Celebrations (1973-2008): A Commemorative Uncirculated Coin Set consisting of a 2 Kina Banknote & a 2 Kina Coin

 3) Currency & Coinage of the Solomon Islands: Dollars and Cents

4) New Zealand: New Banknote "Seventh Series" issued under Project "Brighter Money" from 2015 onwards

5) Coinage of the French Polynesian Island of Caledonia (or Nouvelle Caledonie) the CFP Franc  

6) French Institution for issuing uniform currency/coinage for French Overseas Territories in the Pacific and the French Southern Territories of Antarctica: The Institut d'emmission d'outre Mer (IEOM)

7) Currency & Coinage of Samoa: Tala and Sene 

8) Currency of the South Pacific Island Country of Fiji 

9) Coinage of New Zealand: A commemorative coin set issued in 1979 

10) Currency and Coinage of Australia: Dollars and Cents 

11) The Australian Emblem or the Coat of Arms 

12) The story of the Australian Penny 

13) The Legend of the Mutiny on the Bounty: A Commemorative Coin Set from the Pitcairn Islands depicting relics from the Bounty issued in 2009 

14) An Australian $5 coin issued in 1996, commemorating Australia's greatest cricketing legend - Sir Donald Bradman 

15) New Series/Generation of Australian Banknotes being introduced from 01.09.2016 onwards starting from $5 issues 

16) Southern Lights: A $1 Silver holographic coin issued by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand in January 2017

17) Currency & coinage of the Kingdom of Tonga : Pa'anga & Seniti 

18) Postage Stamps & Coin: Commemorating the Centenary of the Trans-Australian Railway Line stamps issued by Australia Post & coins by Perth Mint on 04.07.2017

20) The Earth and Beyond Coin Series issued by the Royal Australian Mint (RAM): First coin in the series - The Earth - issued on 03.04.2018

21) Wedge Tailed Eagle Coin Series: 200 Dollars Gold, 100 Dollars Gold & 1 Dollar Silver coins brought out by the Perth Mint, Australia in its on-going series started in 2014 in collaboration with John Mercanti, Chief Engraver of the US Mint: Coins issued in 2018

22) Australian Kangaroo Coin Series: 25th Anniversary Commemoration: A $100 Gold Coin and a $10 Silver Coin with selective gold plating issued by the Royal Australian Mint (RAM) in 2018

23) "Kangaroo at Sunset": The Royal Australian Mint (RAM) is phasing out this iconic $25 Gold Coin from its repertoire of Commemorative Coins in 2018

24) "Discovery": An exclusive one piece - 2 Kilo Gold Coin studded with four Argyle Pink Diamonds/Gemstones minted by the Perth Mint, Australia in co-ordination with the Argyle Pink Diamonds Mine on 04.09.2018

25) "The Moon": The Earth and Beyond three Silver Coin Series: Royal Australian Mint issues the second coin in the series - a silver coloured Five (AUD) Dollars Concave-shaped (Domed) Coin on 03.09.2018

26) New $10 Australian Banknote issued on 18.09.2017 under the "Fourth Series of Banknotes": New generation of Australian Banknotes being introduced in a phased manner from 09/2016 onwards by the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA)

27) New Australian 50 Dollar Banknote (AUD $50) issued in 10/2018, under the "Fourth Series of Banknotes": New Generation of Australian Banknotes introduced in a phased manner from 09/2016 onwards by Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA)

28) "Lake Argyle" - "The Jewel of the Kimberley", Australia: Limited Edition Series of Rare diamond ingots in Pink Gold (10 Oz. & 1 Oz.) and Platinum (1 Oz.) studded with eight Argyle Pink Diamonds each issued by the Perth Mint, Australia in collaboration with the Argyle Pink Diamond Mine (2018)

29) "The Sun": The Earth and Beyond Coin Series": Royal australian Mint (RAM) issues the third and final coin in the three-coin Series, a Silver Coloured Five (AUD) Dollars Concave-shaped (Domed) Coin on 03.02.2019

30) Australia New Generation $20 Banknote is scheduled to be released in October 2019, joining the already released Banknotes in the denominations of $5, $10 and $50 in the new Series

31) The Afghan Express, Australia's iconic Train nicknamed "The Ghan": 90th Anniversary of the iconic Transcontinental Passenger Train: A 50 Cent Colour applied coin brought out by the Royal Australian Mint on 08.07.2019

32) "Kangaroos at Dawn", Australia, replaces the "Kangaroo at Sunset" Coin Series:25 Dollar Gold 1/5 Oz Coin and 1 Dollar Silver 1/2 Oz Coins brought out by the Royal Australian Mint

33) Australian Redback Spider: The first coin in a new $1 (AUD) Silver Bullion Coin Series, brought out by the Royal Australian Mint (RAM) in a series titled "Australia's Most Dangerous": Coin issue year: 2020 

34) QANTAS (Queensland And North Territory Aerial Service), Australia: Centenary Anniversary Celebrations (1920-2020): A Commemorative $1 (AUD) Coin issued by the Royal Australian Mint (RAM; b) An 11-Coin set featuring an aircraft from QANTAS's 100 year old history and the Kangaroo Penny, which inspired its "Flying Kangaroo" logo: Coin issue Year: 2020

35) Australia's Great Barrier Reef, Niue: A $100 (AUD) Pearl 1 Oz. Gold Proof Coin: Date/Year of issue - 2020

36) "Gold Rush, 1851", Australia: Gold (10 Dollars), Silver (1 Dollar) and Aluminium Bronze (1 Dollar) Coins minted by the Royal Australian Mint commemorate the Era of Australia's Gold Rush; Year of issue: 2020

37) Indian-Pacific Railway Service, Australia: 50th Anniversary of the iconic train service: A Commemorative 50 Cent Coin issued by the Royal Australian Mint (RAM): Year of issue: 2020:

38) The ill-fated ship "Batavia", Australia: "Australian Shipwreck Coin Series": The first Gold 100 Dollars Triangular shaped Bullion Coin minted by the Royal Australian Mint (RAM): Coin issued in 2019

39) The ill-fated ship "Vergulde Draeck" (or the "Gilt Dragon"), Australia: The second Gold 100Dollars and Silver 1 Dollar Triangular shaped Bullion Coins minted by the Royal Australian Mint (RAM): Coin issued in 2020

40) The "Tooth Fairy", Australia: A $2 (Two Dollars) Coin issued by the Royal Australian Mint (RAM): Coin issue Year: 2020

41) Native Daphne Moths, New Zealand: A set of six stamps depicting Native Daphne Moths issued by New Zealand Post: Stamp set issue date: 05.02.2020

Links to interesting Posts on coins from Tuvalu Islands:
Links to posts on issues from the Republic of Palau:

2) Four Leaf Clover - Coin titled "Silver Fortune" - A 5 Dollars Silver coin issued by Coin Invest Trust in 2018

3) Totem Pole 2 Oz. or 10 Dollars Silver coin from the Republic of Palau being issued on 12.06.2018

4) The "Maneki Neko Cat" ot the "Fortune Cat" : A $1 Gold Coin issued by the Republic of Palau: Minted by B.H. Mayer's Kunstprageanstalt, Munich for Coin Invest Trust in 2018

Links to Posts on coin issues from Niue Islands:

1) Battle of Marathon: Battles that changed History Coin Series: A $2 Silver coin issued by the New Zealand Mint of behalf of Niue Islands in 2018

2) Sachin Tendulkar: "World's Greatest Batsman": Gold & Silver coins issued by the New Zealand Mint on behalf of Niue Islands in 2015

3) The "Red Dragon", an issue from Niue Island: minted by the New Zealand Mint: "The Mythical Dragons of the World Coin Series": The first Silver 5 Dollars selectively coloured Coin in the Series features the "Red Dragon of Vortigern": Year of issue: 2019

4) "The Four Dragons", Niue Island: Minted by the New Zealand Mint: The "Mythical Dragons of the World Coin Series": The second Silver 5 Dollars Selectively Coloured Coin in the Series features the Four Dragons: the Long Dragon, the Yellow Dragon, the Black Dragon and the Pearl Dragon: Year of issue: 2019

5) The "1001 Arabian Nights Tales": First $2 Silver crown Coin coin in the Series depicts the "story of Ali Baba and the 40 thieves": Coin issue date: 29.03.2019

6) Niue Island: "The Seven Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor": The "1001 Arabian Nights Tales": The Second Coin in the Series features the story of Sindbad the Sailor, on a $2 Silver Crown Coin issued by the New Zealand Mint on behalf of Niue Island in the South Pacific: Issue date: 05/2019

7) Birds of Paradise, Niue Islands: A 1 Oz Silver $2 Coin minted by the New Zealand Mint on behalf of Niue Islands: Coin minting Year: 2020

8) The "Norse Dragon" (or Dreki"), Niue Island: The "Mythical Dragons of the World Coin Series": Minted by the New Zealand Mint: The third Silver 5 Dollars Selectively Coloured Coin in the Series features the Norse Dragon: Date of Coin issue: 14.02.2020

9) "Tyrannosaurus Rex", Niue Island: First Coin in the Coin Series titled - "Dinosaur Coin Collection": A $2 One Oz. Silver Coin minted by the New Zealand Mint on behalf of Niue Island: Year: 2020

Links to posts on Coin issues from Solomon Islands:


  1. Santosh Khanna has commented:
    "Gr8 information."

  2. Rajan Trikha has commented:
    "Very detailed narrative."

    1. Thank you, Trikha sahab. I have been working all day today on this post. I have some books in my personal library on Ancient Egypt which came in handy.

  3. Ashok Borate has commented:
    "Nice information."
