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Sunday 30 May 2021

1869) "Endangered National Wildlife", Slovenia: EUROPA - 2021: "Posta Slovenia PS" Post of Slovenia has issued two Postage Stamp featuring Critically Endangered National Wildlife - Capercaillie ("Tetrao urogallus") and Wildcat ("Felis silvetris") : Date of Stamp set issue: 28.05.2021:

1869) "Endangered National Wildlife", Slovenia: EUROPA - 2021: "Posta Slovenia PS" Post of Slovenia  has issued two Postage Stamp  featuring Critically Endangered National Wildlife - Capercaillie ("Tetrao urogallus") and Wildcat ("Felis silvetris"): Date of Stamp set issue: 28.05.2021:

About Europa 2021 - Stamps:

EUROPA Stamps are special stamps issued by European postal administrations. 

They bear the official EUROPA logo, a PostEurop registered trademark under the aegis of PostEurop in which Europe is the central theme. 

EUROPA stamp issues are among the most collected and most popular stamps in the world and have been issued for over 60 years.

Every year a new theme is assigned by PostEurop and all participating countries issue stamps with their own interpretation of the theme. The theme for 2021 is "Endangered National Wildlife"

More about EUROPA Postage Stamps:

EUROPA Postage stamps (also known as Europa - CEPT - European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations - until 1992) are special stamps issued by European Postal Administrations/Enterprises and bears the official EUROPA logo, a PostEurop registered trademark under the aegis of PostEurop in which Europe is the central theme.

EUROPA stamps underline cooperation in the posts domain, aimed at promotion of philately. They also build awareness of the common roots, culture and history of Europe and its common goals.

As such, EUROPA stamp issues are among the most collected and most popular stamps in the world.

Since the first issue in 1956, EUROPA stamps have been a tangible symbol of Europe's desire for closer integration and co-operation.

In 1993, PostEurop became responsible for issuing EUROPA stamps.

When CEPT decided to focus more on telecommunications in 1993, PostEurop took over the management of the Europa issues. The CEPT logo was replaced by a new logo created by PostEurop i.e. the word "EUROPA" leaning towards the right hand side.

Each year, PostEurop's "Stamps & Philately Group" selects the EUROPA stamp theme:

1993 - Contemporary Art

1994 - Great Discoveries

1995 - Peace and Freedom

1996 - Famous women

1997 - Tales and legends

1998 - Festivals and National Celebrations

1999 - Nature Reserves and Parks

2000 - Common Design. Tower of 6 stars

2001 - Water - Treasure of Nature

2002 - The Circus

2003 - Poster Art

2004 - Holidays

2005 - Gastronomy

2006 - Integration through the eyes of Young People

2007 - Scout Centenary

2008 - Writing Letters

2009 - Astronomy

2010 - Children Books

2011 - Forests - International Year of Forests

2012 - Visit …. (for instance "Visit Finland" etc.)

2013 - Van of the Postman - Postal vehicles 

2014 - Musical instruments - National musical instruments

2015 - Old Toys

2016 - Ecology in Europe - "Think Green". Common Design

2017 - Castles

2018 - Bridges

2019 - National Birds

2020 - Ancient Postal Routes

2021 - Endangered National Wildlife

2022 - the theme will be "Stories & Myths". 

About Europa 2021 - "Endangered National Wildlife Stamps issued by Posta Slovenije  (Post of Slovenia):

 PostEurop stamp theme is ‘Endangered National Wildlife’, and Posta Slovenije (Post of Slovenia) has depicted  two species which have been identified under this category.

These beautiful stamps feature species that are locally registered from "Critically Endangered" through to "Near Threatened".

The EUROPA Stamps issued by Posta Slovenije PS (Post of Slovenia) feature the Calercaillie ("Tetrao urogallus") and Wildcat ("Felis silvesteris"):

 The postage stamp of 1.37 Euro,  depicts  the Capercaillie

Capercaillie ("Tetrao urogallus"):

The largest member of the grouse family found in Slovenia. The male differs considerably in terms of size and colouring from the considerably smaller, speckled female. The cock has a distinctive fan-shaped tail and plumage of a dark metallic colour. The wings are dark brown with a white spot on the wing bow.

It is typically found in quiet, mature mixed or conifer forests with open canopies in which there is sufficient ground vegetation, particularly berries. Adults are herbivores. In winter they feed almost exclusively on conifer needles, while in summer they eat buds, leaves, flowers and the fruits of various herbs and shrubs. In contrast to adults, capercaillie chicks in the first few weeks of life mainly feed on ant and moth larvae.

The capercaillie's breeding season runs from April to mid-May and takes place in so-called courting grounds. In this period, the cock utters a distinctive call and fans its tail feathers, so as to indicate its own courting area and attract females. Cocks and hens gather in the courting grounds and the males compete with each other for the females. The hen birds make a simple nest on the ground.

Capercaillie numbers have at least halved in the last four decades. At one time they inhabited the majority part of the hill areas of Slovenia. There are several reasons for the current situation, from changes in forests and an increase in disturbances in forest areas to an increase in predator numbers and global warming.

Wildcat ("Felis silvestris"):

The postage Stamp of 1.22 Euro

Wildcat (Felis silvestris):

One of the few forest-dwelling members of the genus Felis of the cat family. It lives in sparsely inhabited forest areas across Europe, with the exception of Scandinavia. It is found throughout Slovenia except in the high Alpine area. It is most common in forested areas of southern Slovenia.

It is a close relative of the domestic cat, which developed through domestication of the African wildcat. The wildcat is similar in appearance to the domestic tabby but is larger, stronger, with longer, thicker fur and a bushy tail. It has three to five black rings on its tail and the tip of the tail is bushy and black.

The wildcat's habitat consists of deciduous, conifer and mixed forests. It frequently inhabits steep rocky forested slopes exposed to the sun, where it has plenty of hiding places and conditions are favourable even in winter. It avoids humans and areas of human activity.

The wildcat breeding season is in February. This is the only time of the year when males and females come together. Otherwise, they are solitary and territorial creatures. They mark their own territory with urine and droppings and defend it against other animals of the same sex. In May, female wildcats bear litters of two to six blind kittens in crevices, abandoned badger's setts or hollow tree trunks.

Forest loss and fragmentation and deforestation are among the principal threats to the wildcat in Europe, along with the simultaneous spread of the domestic cat and hybridisation with it.

The First Day Cover (FDC) shows the Capercaillie and the wildcat at left. 

The EUROPA stamps are affixed at top right. The special Cancellation Handstamp is of Ribnica Post Office and the Cancellation is dated - "29.05.2021".

The Full Sheets of 8 Stamps each and a coupon.

Technical details:

Issue Date: 28.05.2021

Designer: Maja Tomažič

Printer: Agencija za komercijalnu djelatnost d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia

Process: Offset

Colours: 4 Colours

Stamp Value: 0.95 Euro


Links to posts on "Endangered National Wildlife" on this Blog, the theme of PostEUROP "EUROPA -2021 theme:

Links to posts on "Ancient Postal Routes" on this Blog, the theme of PostEurop "EUROPA-2020":

16) "Ancient Postal Routes - Within and Outside Europe", Iceland: Two Postage Stamps issued by "Islandpostur" (Iceland Post) in the denominations of ISK 3150: Date of Stamps issue: 07.05.2020

17) "Ancient Postal Routes - the Old Road Majstorska Cesta", Croatia: A Se-tenant of two Stamps of the values of 8.60 HRK issued by Croatian Post: Date of stamp issue: 08.05.2020


  1. Rsanker Sharma has commented:
    "Very nice and informative."

  2. Santosh Khanna has commented:
    "Gr8 information. Please keep it up."
