1753) "ACT NOW", Malta: The United Nations Campaign for individual Action finds a resonance in this Stamp set issued by Malta Post: Date of Stamp Set issue: 18.03.2021:
About Act Now - The United Nations Campaign for Individual Action:
Over the years, Planet Earth has been subjected to severe depletion of natural resources including, among others, fossil fuels and deforestation coupled with a sharp increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causing extensive climate change.
There is no doubt people/human activity are the primary cause of climate change. Temperatures are rising, glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, forests are dying and animal species are being driven out of their natural habitats.
A report published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and NASA in 2019 confirms that the past decade was the hottest since record-keeping began some 140 years ago.
In December 2018, the United Nations introduced the ACT NOW Climate Action campaign so as to promote a sustainable lifestyle.
This campaign aims to inspire and educate people around the world in a battle to confront the climate crisis by taking individual action and reducing human impact on the environment.
The Stamps:
This stamp issue supports this campaign by encapsulating three separate symbols, one on each stamp; Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, also called the "3 Rs".
Every day each individual makes a number of decisions and actions. If everyone were to implement small changes in their day-to-day lives by simply Reducing Waste, Reusing Things, and Recycling Altogether, then we could drastically reduce the impact on the environment.
In the last few years, various authorities and organisations in the world, including Malta have joined this initiative by various educational and awareness campaigns about protecting local habitats and species, as well as campaigns for waste collection and recycling.
The three Stamps titled - RECYCLE (0.50 Euro) , REUSE (1.25 Euro) and REDUCE (2.00 Euro)"

Three First Day Covers (FDCs) with single cancelled stamps affixed thereon.
Technical details:
Issue Date: 18.03.2021
Designer: MaltaPost p.l.c.
Illustrator: Courtesy of United Nations
Process: Offset
Values: 50c, €1.25 and €2.00
The campaign primarily focusses on the following ten action points:
- 5 minute showers
- Drive Less
- Meat-free meals
- Local produce
- Recycle
- Lights off
- Unplug
- Refill & Reuse
- Zero Waste Fashion
- Bring your own Bag
The Stamp Sheet issued the United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA):
The 10 Stamp Sheetlet
8) Ta' Hagrat Temples, Malta: "Maltese Pre-historic Temples Coin Series" depicting UNESCO World Heritage List featured Megalithic Temple Complexes in Malta: Fourth Coin in the Series: Date of issue: 22.07.2019
9) "Suez Canal": Central Bank of Malta issues a 150th Anniversary Silver commemorative Coin of 10 Euros (1869-2019), minted by the Royal Dutch Mint: Coin issue date: 18.11.2019
4) World Bee Day: A set of three Stamps issued by the United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA)on behalf of three offices - New York, Geneva and Vienna to bring focussed attention on Bees: Stamps issue date: 20.05.2019
Santosh Khanna has commented:
ReplyDelete"Gr8 initiative. Such stamps can create more awareness."
In India too, there are a lot of groups that are working on this initiative, Khanna sahab.