3570) UN Transport, High Speed Trains - (New York), United States of America (USA): Date/Year of Stamp issue: 26.11.2024:
About UN Transport – High Speed Trains - (New York):
The United Nations commemorates the World Sustainable Transport Day on 26 November of each year to recognize the important role of safe, affordable, accessible, and sustainable transport systems for all. This is in support of sustainable economic growth, improving the social welfare of people, and enhancing international cooperation and trade among countries.
The year 2024 also marks the 60th Anniversary of the first high speed train. On 1 October 1964, Japan’s Tokaido Shinkansen, commonly known as the “bullet train”, was launched between Tokyo and Osaka just ahead of the Olympic Games in Tokyo.
Sustainable transport plays a crucial role in realising many of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), specifically Goal 3 on good health and well-being (increased road safety), Goal 7 on energy, Goal 9 on industry, innovation and infrastructure, Goal 11 on sustainable cities and communities (access to transport and expanded public transport), Goal 13 on climate action, and many others.
Whether it’s for work or for pleasure, the choices we make on how we get from one place to another — driving, flying, ferrying, biking, scooting, or taking public transportation — can have a large impact on carbon emissions. Making informed lifestyle choices when it comes to transport can help us reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality.
By fostering an inclusive and sustainable transportation system, we can facilitate social and economic development, mitigate environmental damage, and improve overall quality of life.
The Stamps:
The Miniature Sheet (MS)
The First Day Cover (FDC)
The First Day Cover (MS - Cancelled)
Technical details:
Issue Date: 26.11.2024
Illustrator: Tom Connell (United Kingdom)
Printer: Joh Enschedé Stamps Security Printers B.V (The Netherlands)
Process: Hexachrome
Stamp size: 67.5 mm x 31.9 mm,
Sheet size: 155 mm x 104 mm
Values: US$ 0.73, US$ 1.65
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Rajan Trikha has commented:
ReplyDelete"Wonderful post 👍"
Thank you so much Trikha sahab.