3825) Synchronisation of the Baltic Energy System with European Grid (ENTSO-E) and disconnecting with the Soviet Era system (BRELL), Latvia: Latvijas Pasts, ("Latvian Post") has issued a Postage stamp of 2.54 Euro: Date/Year of Stamp issue: 07.03.2025:
The Baltic States—Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania—are working to disconnect their electricity grids from the old Soviet-era system (BRELL), which links them to Russia and Belarus. They plan to synchronize with the European grid (ENTSO-E) by 2025. This will improve energy security, reduce dependence on Russia, and allow better integration of renewable energy. The project involves building new infrastructure, upgrading power lines, and installing synchronous condensers to stabilize the grid.
The Stamp:
The Postage stamp of 2.54 EurosThe First Day Cover (FDC)
The Sheetlet (S)
Technical details:
Issue Date: 07.03.2025
Designer: Māris
Printer: SIA
Links to other posts on Ukrainian Coins/Banknotes on this Blog:
7) "Sovka roskoshnaja" ("Staurophora celsia") Moth, Ukraine: Sterling Silver Proof (10 Hryvnia) and Cupro-nickel (2 Hrvynia) coins issued under its "Native Flora and Fauna Coin Series" by the National Bank of Ukraine
8) 1075 years since Princess Olga (890-969 AD), Ukraine: A Silver Proof Coin brought out by the National Bank of Ukraine,minted by the Ukrainian Mint: Year of issue: 2020
1) A 100 Rouble Banknote issued by Russia to commemorate the XXII Winter Olympics - (07-23 February 2014) held at Sochi, Russia
2) Commemorative Coins issued when the 1980 22nd Summer Olympics were held in Moscow (19.07.1980 to 03.08.1980)
3) 2018 "Federation Internationale de Football Association" (FIFA) World Cup being held in Russia between 14.06.2018 &15.07.2018: Some Coins and stamps issued by Russia, Australia, Hungary, Spain & France to commemorate the Tournament/Championship
4) "Ancient Postal Routes - the Kholmogory post road (Arkhangelsk - Vologda - Yaroclavi - Moscow), Russia: Europa 2020 theme: A stamp brought out by "Pochta Rossii"(Russian Post) featuring this important post road: Date of Stamp issue: 15.01.2020
Rajan Trikha has commented:
Thank you Trikha sahab.
DeleteSantosh Khanna has commented:
ReplyDelete"A VERY informative post. Thanks for sharing this interesting post."
Thank you so much Khanna sahab for visiting this post.