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Wednesday, 26 February 2025

3781) The UN's Nature Agreement, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), Norway: Posten Bring (Norwegian Post) has issued a postage stamp of 56 Kroner depicting the impact of the GBF: Date/Year of Stamp issue: 26.02.2025:

3781) The UN's Nature Agreement, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), Norway: Posten Bring (Norwegian Post) has issued a postage stamp of 56 Kroner depicting the impact of the GBF: Date/Year of Stamp issue: 26.02.2025:

The UN's Nature Agreementthe Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), was adopted in December 2022 to halt and reverse the loss of nature. 

It has four main goals and 23 sub-goals, which all member countries of the Convention on Biological Diversity have committed to achieving by 2030.

The main goals include protecting 30% of all nature on land and in water, restoring 30% of partially destroyed nature, and ensuring representative nature conservation.

The agreement will also establish a fund to which wealthier countries will contribute to support conservation efforts in poorer nations, aiming for an annual contribution of USD 200 billion by 2030.

Furthermore, subsidies that are harmful to the environment will be reduced by $500 billion, and a gene bank will be established to facilitate the sharing of genetic information.

Moreover, global food waste will be halved, and there will be a substantial reduction in overall waste and overconsumption.

The agreement warns that, without urgent action, species extinction will escalate dramatically.

The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) is an outcome of the 2022 United Nations Biodiversity Conference

Its tentative title had been the "Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework".

The GBF was adopted by the 15th Conference of Parties (COP15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) on 19 December 2022. 

It has been promoted as a "Paris Agreement for Nature". It is one of a handful of agreements under the auspices of the CBD, and it is the most significant to date. It has been hailed as a "huge, historic moment" and a "major win for our planet and for all of humanity."

The Framework is named after two cities, Kunming, which was scheduled to be the host city for COP15 in October 2020 but postponed and subsequently relinquished the hosting duties due to China's COVID policy, and Montreal, which is the seat of the Convention on Biological Diversity Secretariat and stepped in to host COP15 after Kunming's cancellation.


Human activities around the planet have been causing a crisis of biodiversity loss around the globe. This phenomenon has been known as the Holocene extinction, which is the sixth mass extinction event in the earth's history. The decline in nature threatens the survival of a million species and impacts billions of people.

Due to increasing awareness of the biodiversity crisis, there was pressure from citizens and investors around the world to take action to address the interlinked crises of climate change and biodiversity loss. Previous agreements, including the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, had largely failed to achieve their targets for biodiversity loss.

In the lead up to the adoption of the GBF, it was hoped that the GBF would act as an ambitious, science-based, and comprehensive sister agreement to the Paris Agreement - an international agreement for climate change under the auspices of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. COP15, the summit where the GBF was adopted, was described by Elizabeth Maruma Mrema (Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity) as a "Paris moment for biodiversity".

Goals and targets:

The GBF contains four global goals ("Kunming-Montreal Global Goals for 2050") and 23 targets ("Kunming-Montreal 2030 Global Targets").

The four goals are:

The integrity, resilience, and connectivity of ecosystems is maintained, enhanced, or restored, substantially increasing the area of natural ecosystems by 2050, and that human-induced extinction of threatened species is halted, and that by 2050, extinction rate and risk of all species are reduced tenfold, and the abundance of native wild species is increased to healthy and resilient levels; and that the genetic diversity within populations of wild and domesticated species, is maintained, safeguarding their adaptive potential.

Biodiversity is sustainably used and managed and nature’s contributions to people, including ecosystem functions and services, are valued, maintained and enhanced, with those currently in decline being restored, supporting the achievement of sustainable development, for the benefit of present and future generations by 2050.

The monetary and non-monetary benefits from the utilisation of genetic resources, and digital sequence information on genetic resources, and of traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources, as applicable, are shared fairly and equitably, including, as appropriate with indigenous peoples and local communities, and substantially increased by 2050, while ensuring traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources is appropriately protected, thereby contributing to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, in accordance with internationally agreed access and benefit-sharing instruments

Adequate means of implementation, including financial resources, capacity-building, technical and scientific cooperation, and access to and transfer of technology to fully implement the Kunming-Montreal global biodiversity framework are secured and equitably accessible to all Parties, especially developing countries, in particular the least developed countries and small island developing States, as well as countries with economies in transition, progressively closing the biodiversity finance gap of $700 billion per year, and aligning financial flows with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity.

The 23 targets are categorised into three areas as

- Reducing threats to biodiversity.

- Meeting people's needs through sustainable use and benefit-sharing.

- Tools and solutions for implementation and mainstreaming.

"Target 3" is especially referred to as the "30 by 30" target. It succeeds the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 (including the Aichi Biodiversity Targets). It aims for governments to designate 30% of Earth's terrestrial and aquatic area as protected areas by 2030.

As part of the target, countries must stop subsidizing activities that destroy wilderness, such as mining and industrial fishing.

In parallel to the development of these goals and targets, the concept of nature-positive emerged as a global societal goal for nature that mirrors the mission and vision of the GBF.

Nature-positive refers to the goal to halt and reverse nature loss by 2030, and to achieve nature recovery by 2050, while the Global Biodiversity Framework also aims to halt and reverse the loss of biodiversity to begin the road to nature recovery.

Since the implementation of the GBF, nature-positive has played a role in mainstreaming nature throughout businesses and governance systems to achieve the targets of the framework.

More on the UN Nature Agreement - A Summary:

The UN's Nature Agreement, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), was adopted in December 2022 to halt and reverse the loss of nature.

It has four main goals and 23 sub-goals, which all member countries of the Convention on Biological Diversity have committed to achieving by 2030.

The main goals include protecting 30% of all nature on land and in water, restoring 30% of partially destroyed nature, and ensuring representative nature conservation.

The agreement will also establish a fund to which wealthier countries will contribute to support conservation efforts in poorer nations, aiming for an annual contribution of USD 200 billion by 2030.

Furthermore, subsidies that are harmful to the environment will be reduced by $500 billion, and a gene bank will be established to facilitate the sharing of genetic information.

Moreover, global food waste will be halved, and there will be a substantial reduction in overall waste and overconsumption.

The agreement warns that, without urgent action, species extinction will escalate dramatically.

The Stamp:

The Postage stamp issued by Posten Bring (Norwegian Post)

A First Day Cover (FDC)

Two Collectibles

A Maxi Card 

Technical details:

Issue Date: 26.02.2025

Designer: Jørn O. Jøntvedt

Printer: Joh. Enschedé Security Print

Process: Offset

Size: 38.00 mm x 30.00 mm

Stamp value: 56 Kroner

For some other interesting posts from United Nations Organisation, please visit the following links:

26) "UN Crypto Stamps", United Nations: "New Technologies for the United Nations Stamp Series": United Nations Postal Administration brought out its first time ever UN Crypto Stamps, which run on Etherium Blockchain: Date of Stamps issue: 24.11.2020

27) World Humanitarian Day (19/08), United Nations (UN): The United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA) has issued stamps for three offices of the United Nations - Geneva, New York and Vienna commemorating the Day: Date/Year of Stamps issue: 19.08.2022

28) The Great SPA Towns of Europe, United Nations: The United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA) has issued two stamps each for their Geneva, New York and Vienna offices detailing six such towns: Date of Stamp set issue: 09.09.2022

29) UN International Year of Artisanal Fisheries & Aquaculture (IYAFA - 2022), Greenland: Tussass AS (formerly Greenland Technical Organisation and Telepost) has issued a postage stamp of DKK 29.50 highlighting IYAFA - 2022: Date ofStamp issue: 31.08.2022

35) Plastic Waste in the Seas, Croatia: "Climate Change Stamp Series": Hrvatska Posta (Croatian Post) has issued a postage stamp of 1.14 Euro depicting the harmful effects of Plastic pollution in the World Oceans on Marine life and the ecological balance: Date of Stamp issue: 20.04.2023

36) International Day of Families (15th May), Croatia: Hrvatska Posta (Croatian Post) has issued a postage stamp of 0.47 Euro highlighting the importance of the International Day of Families: Date of Stamp issue: 15.05.2023

37) International Tea Day (21/05), United Nations Organisation (UN): The United Nationas Postal Administration (UNPA) has issued a ten stamps sheet of CHF 1.10 to celebrate the International Tea Day: Date of Stamp Sheet issue: 21.05.2023

Stamp issue on Bees from the United Nations Postal Administration UNPA) & Kyrgyzstan Express Post (KEP):

Related Links on this Blog:

1) 200 Years of the Discovery of Antarctica, Estonia: A 2 Euro Commemorative Coin dedicated the the Bicentenary of the Discovery of Antarcticca by Admiral Fabian Gottlieb Benjamin von Bellingshausen on board the "Vostok": Coin issue date: 01/2020

2) Solomon Islands: 250th Anniversary of Captain James Cook's first Pacific "Voyage of Discovery" and charting of New Zealand and Australia's East Coast: Date of Coin issue: 2020


  1. Santosh Khanna has commented:
    "À very interesting and informative post. Thanks for sharing."
