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Saturday, 8 February 2025

3745) "The Firefly Squid", Republic of Austria (Osterreich Republik): Tenth Coin in the Luminous Marine Life Coin Series: A 3 Euro Copper Alloy Coin features this underwater marine invertebrate: Date/Year of Coin issue: 19.02.2025:

 3745) "The Firefly Squid", Republic   of    Austria (Osterreich Republik): Tenth    Coin     in        the Luminous Marine Life Coin Series:    A     3    Euro Copper Alloy Coin features      this      underwater marine invertebrate: Date/Year    of   Coin issue: 19.02.2025:

Links to "Luminous Marine Life" Coin Series:

In this Coin Series "Luminous Marine Life", one dives into the depths of the oceans. 

- To celebrate the "United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development", this Coin Series embarks on an undersea adventure that shows just how fascinating and colourful the underwater world can be. 

With a mintage of 65,000, of the twelve innovative 3 Euro Coloured Coins in the Series, four will be issued each year over 3 years.

As improbable and magical as the sea creatures featured on the coins may seem, they really do exist.

Even though some of them live in the perpetual darkness of the deep seas, where no ray of sunlight penetrates, they all have extraordinary luminous qualities. They flash, sparkle and glow and change colour when necessary.

The same applies to the coins themselves, which glow when exposed to ultraviolet light in a way that is both exciting and piques our sense of scientific curiosity

A dedicated ultraviolet torch will help the viewer to experience the charming creatures of Luminous Marine Life in full.

The Tenth Coin in the Series: The "Firefly Squid":

The tenth coin in the Luminous Marine Life series is the second to feature a centre that looks empty and dark blue in normal light. When illuminated with ultraviolet light, however, its secret is revealed as you come face to face with yet another captivating sea creature – in this case the firefly squid.

It may be tiny but the firefly squid certainly knows how to draw attention to itself. A bioluminescent organism, the squid has tiny, light-producing organs known as photophores all over its mantle, head, arms and tentacles and can create an impressive spectacle of light when emitting a blue glow en masse. Every year from March to May, the waters off the coast of Japan's Toyama Bay glow a magical blue colour as, despite spending most of their lives in deeper water, the squid come close to the shore to lay their eggs.

Whether tiny or huge, all cephalopods, including the firefly squid, have roughly the same body structure. The firefly squid has ten arms, two of which are elongated and serve as tentacles that hang directly from the head. The squids remaining eight arms are covered with suction cups and are used to guide the squid’s prey to its mouth, while the tentacles are mainly used to catch the prey in the first place. The fact that the firefly squid can move very quickly by sucking in water then expelling it, a process that catapults them forwards, helps them in their predatorial activities. 

Coin motif:

All 12 of the magical sea creatures in the Luminous Marine Life series are shown in silhouette on the coin’s obverse. 

Air bubbles up between them and a tail fin disappears beneath the waves to the right. 

On the coin’s reverse, a wide band, reminiscent of an old-fashioned porthole frames an aquatic scene that, while apparently black and empty in normal light, is seen to feature several luminescent squid once the coin is illuminated with ultraviolet light. The squid appear in shimmering blue and purple tones, whereas the navigation element on the left appears green.

A collector coin that also makes for an exciting and educational gift for children, the Firefly Squid is aimed at vividly demonstrating the beauty and vitality of the underwater world along with the other coins in the Luminous Marine Life series.

All 12 of the magical sea creatures in the Luminous Marine Life series are shown in silhouette on the coin’s obverse. Air bubbles up between them and a tail fin disappears beneath the waves to the right. 

The Coin:

On the Reverse of the 3 Euro Base Metal Coin is depicted a colour-printed "Firefly Squid".

The peripheral inscriptions are -"LEUCHTKALMAR 2025".

The value side presents, in the style of a paper cut-out, all the sea creatures that appear in the 12-piece coin set "Shining Sea Worlds". Air Bubbles can be seen between them, and to the right of them is a tall fin diving into waves.

The whole thing is framed by a historic-looking porthole decorated with a starfish and a shell. 

If the coin is illuminated by a UV flashlight, the fish begins to fluoresce green and a little blue.

The wide band, reminiscent of an old-fashioned porthole frames an aquatic scene that features a  "Firefly Squid" in the centre. 

Together with the other "Glowing Sea Worlds" coins it aims to vividly demonstrate the beauty and vitality of the underwater world. 

To ensure that the marine habitat remains as diverse as it is on the colourful coins, we have to protect it - from ourselves.

When the special UV torch is shone on the Coins’ Reverse, the Stony Coral and Sea Anemones stand out clearly in the centre  and glow and change colour.

 On the Obverse of the 3 Euro Base Metal Coin, all 12 of the magical sea creatures in the "Luminous Marine Life Coin Series" are shown in silhouette.  

Air bubbles up between them and a tail fin disappears beneath the waves to the right.

The peripheral inscriptions are - "REPUBLIK OSTERREICH. 3 EURO".

The specifications of the Coin are:

Country: Oesterreich Republik ("Republic of Austria"); Date/Year of Coin issue: 19.02.2025; Coin Denomination: 3 Euro; Coin Series Theme: "Luminous Marine Life"; Coin Theme: "The Firefly Squid"; Metal Composition: (Copper Alloy) Coloured Metal; Coin Quality: Uncirculated (U); Diameter/Size: 34.00 mm; Total Weight: 16.00 grams; Coin Designer: Kathrin Kuntner, Rebecca WildingMintage: 65,000 pieces; Edge: Plain; AccessoriesUV Torch for special colour effect; Packaging: Comes without packaging.

Co-developed with marine researchers, this Collector album not only stores all 12 coins in the Luminous Marine Life series but is also crammed with fascinating information about the 12 sea creatures that feature on them.

The album explains in detail how they live in and illuminate their aquatic environment and how vital that environment is for our planet as a whole, the threats it faces from humans and shows what can be done about it. It does so in a style that is understandable for youngsters yet entertaining for adults, making it a source of fun for coin collectors of all ages. You will learn, for example, about the ingenious deep-sea angler fish, which uses its very own illuminated fishing rod to lure its unsuspecting prey when hunting.

The album concludes with a quiz where you can have fun testing your newly acquired knowledge of marine biology.

It is only available in German language.

In addition to a dedicated Collector album, Luminous Marine Life also comes with its own special tool for enhancing the visual experience of the 12 coins in the series:

Through UV light, the torch maximises the experience by making the sea creatures on the coins really shine and glow. By shining the torchlight on the coins, the sea creature can be seen to change colour.

One can also use the torch to discover whether 2 of the 12 marine animals on the coins are nothing but dark or are harbouring a bright secret. And the fun does not stop with the coins themselves – illustrations and information are also hidden here and there throughout the album. By examining the pages with the torch, with a bit of luck one may discover them.

UV light is an abbreviation for ultraviolet light, which is also as known ‘black light (UV-A)’. Important instructions on how to use the lamp safely can be found on the back of the torch packaging.

Links to "Luminous Marine Life" Coin Series:

8) The "Hawaiian Bobtail Squid": Republic of Austria (Osterreich Repiblik): Eighth Coin in the "Luminous Marine Life Coin Series: A 3 Euro Copper Alloy Coin features this underwater Marine invertebrate: Date/Year of Coin issue: 11.09.2024

9) "The Yellow Sting Ray", Republic of Austria (Osterreich Republik): Ninth Coin in the "Luminous Marine Life Coin Series": A 3 Euro Copper Alloy Coin features this underwater msarine invertebrate: Date/Yesr of Coin issue: 16.10.2024

10) "The Firefly Squid", Republic of Austria (Osterreich Republik): Tenth Coin in the Luminous Marine Life Coin Series: A 3 Euro Copper Alloy Coin features this underwater marine invertebrate: Date/Year of Coin issue: 19.02.2025

Links to some more posts on the Chinese Lunar calendar/Zodiac signs on this Blog:

New Year Lucky Coin Releases by the Austrian Mint, Vienna:

v) 2025 Glucksjeton Au/Ag (Lucky Token 2025, Republic of Austria (Osterreich Republik): Gold & Silver Tokens: 2025

ii) Lady Bug Beetles: A set of four Commemorative stamps brought out by India Post on 23.02.2017

Crypto Stamps with NFT:

:1) Croatian Crypto Stamp - 2, Croatia: A 50 HRK stamp (a combination of the analog and the digital) issued by "Hrvatska Posta" (Croatian Post) in coordination with the Croatian Blockchain community gathered around the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Association: Date of Stamp issue: 16.12.2020

2) Did You Know Series (49): Dogecoin (DOGE), Blockchain Mint, Singapore: Blockchain Mint has issued Silver DOGE Medals in three variants - i) Silver Dogecoin Cryptocurrency Medal Gem BU, ii) Silver Dogecoin Cryptocurrency Medal Proof-Like in Blister Pak, iii) Dogecoin Cryptocurrency Commemorative Medal Antiqued in Blister Pak: Date of Medal release/shipping: 05/2021

3) Did You Know Series (50): A Guest Post by Avery Wright: "Is Making the Crypto Space Legally Complaint Paving the Road to Mass (Blockchain) Adoption?" - A perspective:

4) Gibraltar Cryptocurrency Stamp: Stamp value 4 Pounds: Date of Stamp issue: 15.05.2021: (Pre-orderd accepted from 19.04.2021):

5) Bit-Coin Backed Banknotes are being envisaged by "Noteworthy" which are aimed at generating user confidence in the Cryptocurrency

6) "Blockchain Technology", Principality of Liechtenstein: A Crypto Stamp of CHF 5.20 titled "Perspective" issued by Liechtensteinische Post: Date of Stamp issue: 06.09.2021

7) "Bitcoin Logo", Niue Island: A $2 (Two Dollars) Silver Brilliant Uncirculated (BU) Coin features this iconic Logo of the well known Cryptocurrency: Year of Coin issue: 2022

8) Crypto-stamp - Rimec Nevera, Croatia: Hrvatska posta (Croatian Post) has issued a Crypto-stamp Souvenir Sheet (a combination of the analog and the digital) of One Stamp of HRK50.00 on a PVC background: Date of Crypto-stamp issue: 09.09.2021

9) "UN Crypto Stamps", United Nations: "New Technologies for the United Nations Stamp Series": United Nations Postal Administration brought out its first time ever UN Crypto Stamps, which run on Etherium Blockchain: Date of Stamps issue: 24.11.2020

10) "Equality", Liechtenstein: A "BlockChain Stamp Series: A Stamp 4.1 "Equality issued by Liechtensteinische Post (Philately Liechtenstein) with a face value of CHF 9.00): Date of Stamp issue: 09.09.2022

11) Croatian Crypto Stamp, Croatia: A 50 HRK Stamp (a combination of the analog and the digital) issued by "Hrvatska Posta (Croatian Post) in coordination with the Croatian Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Association: Date of Crypto Stamp issue: 09.09.2020

12) Crypto Stamp 4.0 - Grab the Bull by the Horns - set, Austria: Osterreichische Post AG (Austrian Post) has released a Joint-issue between two countries - Austria and Netherlands, featuring the new technology "Augmented Reality", with a new motif of the Bull: Date of Crypto Stamp issue: 28.10.2022

13) "UN Crypto Stamps", United Nations: "New Technologies for the United Nations Stamp Series": Series II of United Nations Crypto Stamps issued by the United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA) which run on Blockchain Technolgy: Date of Stamps issue:18.11.2022

14) 2022 NL Crypto Stamp - Duo Set Crypto The Netherlands (NL) + Oostenrijk (Austria) - Collectibles: Date of Joint Crypto Stamp issue: 22.09.2022

15) Nikola Tesla's inventions as motifs feature on Croatia's Fourth Crypto Stamp of 50 HRK issued by Hrvatska Posta (Croatian Post): Date of Crypto Stamp issue: 20.12.2022

16) "The Four Seasons" Crypto Stamps, Faroe Islands: The Faroe Islands Post (Posta Faroe Islands) has issued a set of four Crypto Stamps of 100 DKK (Danish Kroners) each featuring the "Four Seasons": Date of Stamp set issue: 23.06.2023

17) Professor Balthazar motifs feature on Croatia's Fifth Crypto Stamp of 7.80 Euro issued by Hrvatska Posta (Croatian Post): Date of Crypto Stamp issue: 07.09.2023

18) "Business Fox" or "Crypto Fox" with NFT. LiechtensteiLiechtsteinsche Post AG (Liechtenstein POst) has issued this Crypto Stamp in its continuimg series of Crypto Stamp issues: Date/Year of Crypto STamp issue: 02.09.2024

19) The World's first Multi-lateral Crypto Stamp, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg and Netherlands (Austria & BENELUX): Date/Year of Crypto Stamp issue: 21.10.2024

20) "Gibraltar Crypto Miniature Sheet Series" - A 5 Pounds Crypto Stamp celebrates the spirit of European Football issued by Gibraltar Post: Date/Year of Crypto Stamp issued: 04.07.2024

21) Crypto Stamp Island, Austria: Austrian Post has introduced a unique project - The world's first Crypto Stamp comic featuring their popular heroes: Date of Crypto Stamp issue: 21.10.2024

22) Empress Sisi and Emperor Franz Josef immortalised in physical form and on the blockchain, Austria: Oserreichische Post AG (Austrian Post) has issued this Crypto Stamp Art: Date/Year of Stamp issue: 12.12.2024

23) Swiss Crypto Stamp 5.0, Switzerland: Three main versions - Basic Edition, Silver Edition and Bronze Esition: Date/Year of Crypto Stamp issue: 09.12.2024

Greek Mythology Coin Series:

Germania Mint issues:

Posts on insect world on this blog:

i) Beetles: A set of five Post Cards issued by Chennai Postal Circle of India Post in 2017

ii) Lady Bug Beetles: A set of four Commemorative stamps brought out by India Post on 23.02.2017

 Posts on "Wonderful World of Insects":

i) "Diverse Habitats & Insects that live in them", Federal Republc of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland): "Wondeful World of Insects Coin Series": (Wonderwelt Insecten"): First Coin in the Series issued by the Stuttgart Mint: Date/Year of Coin issue: 20.10.2022

ii) "Siebenpunkt-mariekafer" (or "Seven-spotted ladybird"), Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland): "Wonderful World of Insects Coin Series" (WONDERWELT INSECTEN"): Second 5 Euro Colour Coin in the Series: Coin issued by the Berlin Mint (Mint Mark "A"): Date/Year of Coin issue: 09.03.2023

iii) "Swallowtail", Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland): "Wonderful World of Insects Coin Series" ("WONDERWELT INSECTEN"): Third 5 Euro Colour Coin in the Series: Coin issued by the Karlsruhe Mint (Mint Mark "G"): Date/Year of Coin issue: 09.06.2023

iv) "Rust-red Mason Bee", Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublikk Deutschland): "Wonderful World of Insects Coin Series" (WONDERWELT INSECTEN"): Fourth 5 Euro Colour Coin in the series: Coin issued by the Berlin Mint (Mint Mark "D"): Date/Year of Coin issue: 07.09.2023

v) "Green Hay Grasshopper (GRUNES HEUPFERD), Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland); Wonderful World of Insects Coin Series :Wonderful World od Insects Coin Series: Wonderwelt  Insecten) Sixth Coin in the Series: Sixth 5 Euro Colour Coin issued by the Berlin Mint (Mint Mark "D"): Date/Year of Coin issue: 10.03.2024

vi) :"HIRSCHKAFER" (Stag Beetle), Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutscheland):Wonderful World of Insects Coin Series" (WONDERWELT INSECTEN") Eighth 5 Euro Colour Coin in the Series: Coin issued by the Berlin Mint (Mint Mark D: Date/Year of Coin issue: 2024

vii) Grove Hoverfly (Symphidae) Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland): Wonderful World of Insects Coin Series" (WONDERWELT INSECTEN) (Mint Mark "J"): Seventh 5 Euro Colour Coin in the Series: Coin issued by the Hamburg Mint: Date/Year of Coin issue:2024:

viii) "Rock Bumblebee": Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland): "Wonderful World of Insects Coin Series" ("WONDERWELT INSECTEN") Mint Mark "J": Ninth 5 Euro Colour Coin in the Series: Coin issued by the Hamburg Mint: Date/Year of Coin issue: 10.09.2024):

The Beauty of the Universe Coin Series:

1) SUPERNOVA 20 Euro Silver Supernova Coin: A new Series from the Austrian Mint: Date of Coin issue: 15.06.2024

Links to "Luminous Marine Life" Coin Series:

 Posts on "Wonderful World of Insects":

i) "Diverse Habitats & Insects that live in them", Federal Republc of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland): "Wondeful World of Insects Coin Series": (Wonderwelt Insecten"): First Coin in the Series issued by the Stuttgart Mint: Date/Year of Coin issue: 20.10.2022

ii) "Siebenpunkt-mariekafer" (or "Seven-spotted ladybird"), Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland): "Wonderful World of Insects Coin Series" (WONDERWELT INSECTEN"): Second 5 Euro Colour Coin in the Series: Coin issued by the Berlin Mint (Mint Mark "A"): Date/Year of Coin issue: 09.03.2023

iii) "Swallowtail", Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland): "Wonderful World of Insects Coin Series" ("WONDERWELT INSECTEN"): Third 5 Euro Colour Coin in the Series: Coin issued by the Karlsruhe Mint (Mint Mark "G"): Date/Year of Coin issue: 09.06.2023

iv) "Rust-red Mason Bee", Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublikk Deutschland): "Wonderful World of Insects Coin Series" (WONDERWELT INSECTEN"): Fourth 5 Euro Colour Coin in the series: Coin issued by the Berlin Mint (Mint Mark "D"): Date/Year of Coin issue: 07.09.2023


1) Did You Know Series (81): Runes, Germania Mint: A set of six Silver Antique Finish (AF) Runes - part of a set of 24 - used as a Divination Tool by using stones with symbols to answer questions about the last, present, and future: Year of Runes minted: 2023

4) "Hans im Gluck", (or "Hans in Luck"), Federal Republik of Germany: "Grimm's Fairy Tales Coin Series": A 20 Euro Silver Collector Coin released by the Stuttgart State Mint featuring the popular children's tale: Date of Coin issue: 01/2023"

5) "Das tapfere Schneiderlein," (or "The Brave Little Tailor"), Federal Republik of Germany: "200 Years of Grimms Fairy Tales Coin Series - 1812-2012": A 20 Euro Silver Collector Coin released by if Karlsruhe State Mint featuring the popular children's tale: Date of Coin issue: 19.01.2023

More Links to posts on Austria and Germany on this Blog:

Links to "Luminous Marine Life" Coin Series:

The Language of Flowers Coin Series:

Links: Crypto-Currency Stamps & Coin Posts:

1) Croatian Crypto Stamp - 2, Croatia: A 50 HRK stamp (a combination of the analog and the digital) issued by "Hrvatska Posta" (Croatian Post) in coordination with the Croatian Blockchain community gathered around the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Association: Date of Stamp issue: 16.12.2020

2) Did You Know Series (49): Dogecoin (DOGE), Blockchain Mint, Singapore: Blockchain Mint has issued Silver DOGE Medals in three variants - i) Silver Dogecoin Cryptocurrency Medal Gem BU, ii) Silver Dogecoin Cryptocurrency Medal Proof-Like in Blister Pak, iii) Dogecoin Cryptocurrency Commemorative Medal Antiqued in Blister Pak: Date of Medal release/shipping: 05/2021

3) Did You Know Series (50): A Guest Post by Avery Wright: "Is Making the Crypto Space Legally Complaint Paving the Road to Mass (Blockchain) Adoption?" - A perspective:

4) Gibraltar Cryptocurrency Stamp: Stamp value 4 Pounds: Date of Stamp issue: 15.05.2021: (Pre-orderd accepted from 19.04.2021):

5) Bitcoin Backed Banknotes are being envisaged by "Noteworthy" which are aimed at generating user confidence in the Cryptocurrency

6) "Blockchain Technology", Principality of Liechtenstein: A Crypto Stamp of CHF 5.20 titled "Perspective" issued by Liechtensteinische Post: Date of Stamp issue: 06.09.2021

7) "Bitcoin Logo", Niue Island: A $2 (Two Dollars) Silver Brilliant Uncirculated (BU) Coin features this iconic Logo of the well known Cryptocurrency: Year of Coin issue: 2022

8) Crypto-stamp - Rimec Nevera, Croatia: Htvatska posta (Croatian Post) has issued a Crypto-stamp Souvenir Sheet (a combination of the analog and the digital) of One Stamp of HRK50.00 on a PVC background: Date of Crypto-stamp issue: 09.09.2021

9) "UN Crypto Stamps", United Nations: "New Technologies for the United Nations Stamp Series": United Nations Postal Administration brought out its first time ever UN Crypto Stamps, which run on Etherium Blockchain: Date of Stamps issue: 24.11.2020

10) "Equality", Liechtenstein: A "BlockChain Stamp Series: A Stamp 4.1 "Equality issued by Liechtensteinische Post (Philately Liechtenstein) with a face value of CHF 9.00): Date of Stamp issue: 09.09.2022

11) Croatian Crypto Stamp, Croatia: A 50 HRK Stamp (a combination of the analog and the digital) issued by "Hrvatska Posta (Croatian Post) in coordination with the Croatian Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Association: Date of Crypto Stamp issue: 09.09.2020

12) Crypto Stamp 4.0 - Grab the Bull by the Horns - set, Austria: Osterreichische Post AG (Austrian Post) has released a Joint-issue between two countries - Austria and Netherlands, featuring the new technology "Augmented Reality", with a new motif of the Bull: Date of Crypto Stamp issue: 28.10.2022

13) "UN Crypto Stamps", United Nations: "New Technologies for the United Nations Stamp Series": Series II of United Nations Crypto Stamps issued by the United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA) which run on Blockchain Technolgy: Date of Stamps issue:18.11.2022

14) 2022 NL Crypto Stamp - Duo Set Crypto The Netherlands (NL) + Oostenrijk (Austria) - Collectibles: Date of Joint Crypto Stamp issue: 22.09.2022

15) Nikola Tesla's inventions as motifs feature on Croatia's Fourth Crypto Stamp of 50 HRK issued by Hrvatska Posta (Croatian Post): Date of Crypto Stamp issue: 20.12.2022

Links to posts on Federal Republic of Germany issues and other posts on this blog:

In the Service of Society Coin Series":

Other Links:

World War I and II and East Germany Coins and Banknotes:

Posts on the Tank Museum, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India and similar posts on this Blog:

"Confrontation" Coin Series:

Germania Mint issues:

Links to posts on Austrian Mint Coin issues on this blog:

European Capital of Culture (ECOC):

Stop Climate Change Coins:

Magic of Gold 100 Euros Gold Coin Series:

"Eyes of the Continents" Coin Series:

New Year Lucky Coin Releases:

The "Uncharted Universe" Coin Series:

For posts on COTY (Coin of the Year) winners since 2015 in a competition held by Krause Publications of Germany, please visit the following links:

Related Links on this Blog:

1) 200 Years of the Discovery of Antarctica, Estonia: A 2 Euro Commemorative Coin dedicated the Bicentenary of the Discovery of Antarctica by Admiral Fabian Gottlieb Benjamin von Bellingshausen on board the "Vostok": Coin issue date: 01/2020

2) Solomon Islands: 250th Anniversary of Captain James Cook's first Pacific "Voyage of Discovery" and charting of New Zealand and Australia's East Coast: Date of Coin issue: 2020