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Saturday, 30 November 2024

3570) UN Transport, High Speed Trains - (New York), United States of America (USA): Date/Year of Stamp issue: 26.11.2024:

3570) UN Transport, High Speed Trains - (New York), United States of America (USA): Date/Year of Stamp issue: 26.11.2024:

About UN Transport – High Speed Trains - (New York):

The United Nations commemorates the World Sustainable Transport Day on 26 November of each year to recognize the important role of safe, affordable, accessible, and sustainable transport systems for all. This is in support of sustainable economic growth, improving the social welfare of people, and enhancing international cooperation and trade among countries.

The year 2024 also marks the 60th Anniversary of the first high speed train. On 1 October 1964, Japan’s Tokaido Shinkansen, commonly known as the “bullet train”, was launched between Tokyo and Osaka just ahead of the Olympic Games in Tokyo.

Sustainable transport plays a crucial role in realising many of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), specifically Goal 3 on good health and well-being (increased road safety), Goal 7 on energy, Goal 9 on industry, innovation and infrastructure, Goal 11 on sustainable cities and communities (access to transport and expanded public transport), Goal 13 on climate action, and many others.

Whether it’s for work or for pleasure, the choices we make on how we get from one place to another — driving, flying, ferrying, biking, scooting, or taking public transportation — can have a large impact on carbon emissions. Making informed lifestyle choices when it comes to transport can help us reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality.

By fostering an inclusive and sustainable transportation system, we can facilitate social and economic development, mitigate environmental damage, and improve overall quality of life.

The Stamps:

The Miniature Sheet (MS)

The First Day Cover (FDC)

The First Day Cover (MS - Cancelled)

The First Day Cover (FDC) affixed with a single Stamp

Technical details:

Issue Date: 26.11.2024

Illustrator: Tom Connell (United Kingdom)

Printer: Joh Enschedé Stamps Security Printers B.V (The Netherlands)

Process: Hexachrome


Stamp size: 67.5 mm x 31.9 mm,

Sheet size: 155 mm x 104 mm

Values: US$ 0.73, US$ 1.65

For some other interesting posts from United Nations Organisation, please visit the following links:

26) "UN Crypto Stamps", United Nations: "New Technologies for the United Nations Stamp Series": United Nations Postal Administration brought out its first time ever UN Crypto Stamps, which run on Etherium Blockchain: Date of Stamps issue: 24.11.2020

27) World Humanitarian Day (19/08), United Nations (UN): The United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA) has issued stamps for three offices of the United Nations - Geneva, New York and Vienna commemorating the Day: Date/Year of Stamps issue: 19.08.2022

28) The Great SPA Towns of Europe, United Nations: The United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA) has issued two stamps each for their Geneva, New York and Vienna offices detailing six such towns: Date of Stamp set issue: 09.09.2022

29) UN International Year of Artisanal Fisheries & Aquaculture (IYAFA - 2022), Greenland: Tussass AS (formerly Greenland Technical Organisation and Telepost) has issued a postage stamp of DKK 29.50 highlighting IYAFA - 2022: Date ofStamp issue: 31.08.2022

35) Plastic Waste in the Seas, Croatia: "Climate Change Stamp Series": Hrvatska Posta (Croatian Post) has issued a postage stamp of 1.14 Euro depicting the harmful effects of Plastic pollution in the World Oceans on Marine life and the ecological balance: Date of Stamp issue: 20.04.2023

36) International Day of Families (15th May), Croatia: Hrvatska Posta (Croatian Post) has issued a postage stamp of 0.47 Euro highlighting the importance of the International Day of Families: Date of Stamp issue: 15.05.2023

37) International Tea Day (21/05), United Nations Organisation (UN): The United Nationas Postal Administration (UNPA) has issued a ten stamps sheet of CHF 1.10 to celebrate the International Tea Day: Date of Stamp Sheet issue: 21.05.2023

Stamp issue on Bees from the United Nations Postal Administration UNPA) & Kyrgyzstan Express Post (KEP):

Related Links on this Blog:

1) 200 Years of the Discovery of Antarctica, Estonia: A 2 Euro Commemorative Coin dedicated the the Bicentenary of the Discovery of Antarcticca by Admiral Fabian Gottlieb Benjamin von Bellingshausen on board the "Vostok": Coin issue date: 01/2020

2) Solomon Islands: 250th Anniversary of Captain James Cook's first Pacific "Voyage of Discovery" and charting of New Zealand and Australia's East Coast: Date of Coin issue: 2020

3569) Pujya Dada Bhagwan, Spiritual Teacher, Bharat/India: Bhartiya Dak/India Post has issued a commemorative Stamp on him: Date/Year of Stamp issue: 10.11.2024:

3569) Pujya Dada Bhagwan, Spiritual Teacher, Bharat/India: Bhartiya Dak/India Post has issued a commemorative Stamp on him: Date/Year of Stamp issue: 10.11.2024:

Pujya Dada Bhagwan:

Ambalal Muljibhai Patel, widely revered as Dada Bhagwan, was an extraordinary spiritual teacher whose life and teachings have impacted countless individuals worldwide.

Born on November 7, 1908, in Tarsali, Gujarat, India, Dada Bhagwan was endowed with a deep sense of moral integrity and a contemplative nature from a young age.

His early life was characterised by a profound commitment to understanding the nature of existence and divinity. Raised with strong moral values by his mother, Dada Bhagwan was taught the principles of non-violence and compassion. This foundational lesson guided him throughout his life, influencing his approach to spirituality and his interactions with others.

As a teenager, Dada Bhagwan’s spiritual quest began to take shape. At the age of thirteen, he demonstrated a remarkable insight into the nature of God. When asked by his math teacher to find the smallest indivisible number, Dada Bhagwan declared that he had discovered God—the one common, indivisible entity present in all living beings.

This early revelation began his lifelong pursuit of understanding the divine essence within every individual and the world around him.

At sixteen, Dada Bhagwan entered into marriage with Hirabaa. Despite his youth, he approached this significant life event with a contemplative mindset, recognising the impermanence of worldly attachments. He viewed marriage as a temporary arrangement, acknowledging that one of them might eventually become a widow or widower. This perspective allowed him to fulfil his duties as a husband with love and respect while maintaining a profound detachment from worldly desires.

Dada Bhagwan and Hirabaa faced personal tragedies when their two infant children passed away. He responded to these losses with remarkable equanimity, viewing their children as transient visitors rather than permanent attachments.

Throughout his life, Dada Bhagwan demonstrated a remarkable lack of attachment to material possessions. He managed a successful construction business in partnership with others, using the profits to support charitable causes. His selfless approach to wealth and his commitment to helping those in need were central to his spiritual philosophy.

The pivotal moment in Dada Bhagwan’s life occurred in June 1958. While sitting at a bustling railway station in Surat, Gujarat, he experienced a profound spiritual awakening. In a single hour, he attained a state of enlightenment that revealed the true nature of the universe and the self. This transformative experience led him to a clear understanding of the distinction between the Knower (the true Self) and his relative self, which he referred to as Ambalal Muljibhai Patel.

Following this enlightenment, Dada Bhagwan dedicated his life to sharing his newfound understanding with others. He developed a spiritual science known as Akram Vignan, which offers a direct and step-less path to Self-realisation and liberation (moksha). Through the practice of Akram Vignan, individuals can achieve a state of inner peace, happiness, and spiritual fulfillment.

One of the key aspects of Dada Bhagwan’s teachings was the ceremony known as “Gnan Vidhi.” This sacred ritual was designed to impart the awareness of the real Self (the pure Soul) to seekers. During this ceremony, Dada Bhagwan addressed profound existential questions such as “Who am I? Who runs this world? What is God? What is karma? What is liberation?” His answers provided a clear and accessible understanding of these complex spiritual concepts.

Dada Bhagwan’s teachings are renowned for their clarity and practicality. He distilled the essence of all scriptures into contemporary language that is easy to understand, experience, and apply in everyday life. His teachings cover a wide range of topics, including the science of karma, the nature of humanity, and the principles of non-conflict and adjustment. His approach provides practical solutions to common dilemmas and supports spiritual progress through right understanding and knowledge.

In addition to his teachings, Dada Bhagwan sought to promote religious unity through his concept of the religion of the Self. He envisioned a non-sectarian Trimandir, a temple that integrates elements of Vaishnavism, Shaivism, and Jainism.

The Trimandir serves as a place where individuals from different religious backgrounds can come together to seek the real Self and transcend sectarian divisions.

To date, eighteen Trimandirs have been established, and several more are in planning or construction. These temples serve as centers for spiritual practice and community gatherings, reflecting Dada Bhagwan’s vision of fostering unity and understanding among diverse spiritual traditions.

In 1968, a pivotal figure in Dada Bhagwan’s mission emerged: Pujya Niruben Amin (Niruma). At the age of twenty-four, Niruma, a final-year MBBS student, was deeply inspired by Dada Bhagwan’s teachings. Her yearning for spiritual realisation led her to serve Dada Bhagwan and his wife Hirabaa selflessly.

Over the next two decades, Niruma devoted herself to this service and played a crucial role in disseminating Akram Vignan worldwide.

Niruma’s dedication included recording Dada Bhagwan’s speeches, ensuring that his teachings would be accessible to future generations. Her commitment to preserving and spreading Dada Bhagwan’s teachings was instrumental in the global

reach of Akram Vignan.

Dada Bhagwan honoured Niruma with spiritual powers

(siddhis) to continue imparting Self-realisation to others, furthering his mission even after his passing.

Supporting Niruma in her mission was Pujya Deepakbhai Desai, who attained Self-realisation from Dada Bhagwan at the age of seventeen. Deepakbhai Desai dedicated himself to promoting Akram Vignan, balancing his spiritual mission with his mechanical engineering career until the late 1990s. His continued leadership

and guidance have been vital in sustaining and expanding the teachings of Dada Bhagwan.

Following Niruma’s passing in March 2006, Pujya Deepakbhai Desai has taken on the role of leading and guiding the science of Akram Vignan. Under his leadership, the teachings of Dada Bhagwan continue to reach an ever-growing audience, with over 1.1 million followers in India and across the globe.

The teachings have inspired a diverse range of followers in countries such as Australia, the UK, the USA, Brazil, Germany, Kenya, and the UAE.

The Dada Bhagwan Foundation, headquartered in Adalaj, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, oversees a township designed to support spiritual practice. The township includes a 15,000-seat convention center and various facilities for followers to deepen their practice and engage in community activities. Additionally, the foundation supports numerous charitable trusts that focus on medical aid, food distribution, and educational initiatives, reflecting Dada Bhagwan’s commitment to social and spiritual welfare.

The Postage Stamp:

This Postage Stamp has been released honouring Dada Bhagwan. Celebrated for founding Akram Vignan, Dada Bhagwan’s teachings continue to inspire through Trimandirs, Satsang centers and dedicated volunteers. His vision of a spiritually enriched and compassionate world remains a guiding light for many, offering a direct path to self-realisation and liberation.

The Postage stamp of 500 Paise (Rs.5/-)

The First Day Cover (FDC)


Denomination: 500 p (or RS.5/)

Stamps Printed: 4,10,000

Printing Process: Wet Offset

Printer: Security Printing Press, Hyderabad

International Philately Exhibitions:

5) Specialised World Stamp Championship Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand: Organised from 27.11.2023 to 02.12.2023: Bhartiya Dak/India Post participated in the Philatelic Exhibition


1) "Greetings", Bhartiya/India Postage Stamps, Bharat/India: Two sets of Stamps issued on "Greetings (4 Stamps - 2007) and "Season's Greetings" (2 Stamps - 2016)

Posts on G20 Leader's Summit in New Delhi on this Blog:

1) G20 Leader's Summit, New Delhi 2023, Bharat/India: India Post has issued a Souvenir Sheet (SS) of two stamps of 2000 Paise (or Rs.20/-) each commemorating the G20 Leader's Summit in New Delhi: Date of Souvenir Sheet issue: 26.07.2023

2) G20 Leader's Summit, New Delhi 2023, Bharat/India: India Government Mint (IGM) Kolkata has released a combo of Rs.100/- and Rs.75/- Quaternary Silver Coin set commemorating the G20 Leader's Summit in New Delhi: Date/Year of Coin set issue: 2023

Posts on "Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav" on this Blog:

1) Did you Know Series (71): "Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav" (Bharat/India celebrates the 75th Year of Independence: A set of four coins in the denominations of Rs.2, 5, 10 and 20 issued by the India Government Mint, Mumbai

2) Did You Know Series (74): "Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav" ("Bharat/India celebrates the 75th Year of Independence"): A set of six coins in the denominations of Rs.5, 10 and 20 totalling Rs.75 issued by the India Government Mint, Hyderabad, together with a Special Cover issued by the Hyderabad Postal Circle of India Post

3) Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav: A Presentation Pack of Indian Postage Stamps prepared by the National Philatelic Museum, New Delhi comprising of : i) A First Day Cover: ii) the two Stamps of 500 Paise (Rs.5/-) and iii) the Information Brochure (IB): Year of Presentation Pack issue: 2023

4) Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM), India: "Special Edition - 2022-2023": India Government Mint (IGM) Hyderabad has issued two Presentation Packs in Coin Cards in the denominations of Rs.20/-, Rs.10/-, Rs.5/-, Rs.2/- and Re 1/- with the AKAM logo on the Reverse: Year of Presentation Packs issue: 2023

5) Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, Bharat/India celebrates 75th Year of Independence: A set of five Coins in the denominations of Re.1/-, Rs.2/-, Rs.5/-, Rs.10/- and Rs.20/- released by the India Government Mint, Mumbai in 2023

6) Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, Bharat/India celebrates 75th Year of Independence: A set of five Coins in the denominations of Re.1/-, Rs.2/-, Rs.5/-, Rs.10/- and Rs.20/- released by the India Government Mint, Mumbai in 2023

AMRITPEX 2023 (THE NATIONAL PHILATELY EXHIBITION) held at New Delhi from 11-15.02.2023:

1) "AMRITPEX 2023" (The "National Philately Exhibition") held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 11-15 February 2023: ii) WOMEN'S POWER: EXPLORING NEW HORIZONS": A Special Cover released on 12.02.2023

2) "AMRITPEX 2023" (The "National Philately Exhibition") held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 11-15 February 2023: ii) "WOMEN's POWER: EXCELLENCE IN SPORTS": A Special Cover released on 12.02.2023

3) "AMRITPEX 2023" (The "National Philately Exhibition") held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 11-15 February 2023: 11) "WOMEN'S POWER: CONSERVING NATIONAL HERITAGE": A SPECIAL COVER RELEASED ON 12.02.2023

4) "AMRITPEX 2023" (The National Philately Exhibition") held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 11-15 February 2023: ii) WOMEN'S POWER: DEFENDING OUR NATION": A Special Cover released on 12.02.2023

5) "AMRITPEX 2023" (The National Philately Exhibition") held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 11-15 February 2023: ii) "DIVYANG: PRIDE OF INDIA": A Special Cover released on 13.03.2023

6) "AMRITPEX 2023" (The National Philately Exhibition") held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 11-15 February 2023: ii) "PUPPETRY: INDIA'S CULTURAL HERITAGE": A Special Cover released on 14.02.2023

7) "AMRITPEX 2023" (The "National Philately Exhibition") held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 11-15 February 2023: ii) "BIRSA MUNDA": A Special Cover released on 14.02.2023

8) "AMRITPEX 2023" (The National Philately Exhibition") held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 11-15 February 2023: ii) "GOVIND GURU": A Special Cover released on 14.02.2023

9) "AMRITPEX 2023" (The National Philately Exhibition") held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 11-15 February 2023: ii) "INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF MILLETS -2023 (FOXTAIL MILLETS, FINGER MILLETS, PEARL MILLETS, SORGHUM MILLETS, BARNYARD MILLETS, LITTLE MILLET"): A Special Cover released on 14.02.2023

10) "AMRITPEX 2023" (The "National Philately Exhibition") held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 11-15 February 2023: ii) "OUR FREEDOM STRUGGLE": A Special Cover released on 14.02.2023

11) "AMRITPEX 2023" (The "National Philately Exhibition"), held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 11-15 February 2023: ii) "NATURAL HERITAGE OF INDIA": A Special Cover released on 15.02.2023

12) "AMRITPEX 2023" (The National Philately Exhibition") held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 11-15 February 2023: ii) "ACHIEVEMENTS AT 75 YEARS": A Special Cover released on 15.02.2023

13) "AMRITPEX 2023" (The National Philatey Exhibition") held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 11-15 February 2023: ii) "UTI ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED (UTI AMC)": A Special Cover released on 15.02.2023

14) "AMRITPEX 2023" (The National Philately Exhibition") held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 11-15 February 2023: ii) "INDIA POSTS IN SERVICE OF THE NATION": A Special Cover released on 15.02.2023

15) Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM), India: India Post has issued a 500 Paise (Rs.5/-) postage stamp highlighting the initatives taken by the Government of India (GOA) under the programme: Date/Year of Stamp issue: 11.02.2023

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav: Five Special Covers released by Philately Division, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi:

1) Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, India: An initiative of the Government of India to celebrate and commemorate 75 Years of Independence and India's glorious history: i) "FREEDOM STRUGGLE"

2) Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, India: An initiative of the Government of India to celebrate and commemorate 75 Years of Independence and India's glorious history: ii) "IDEAS@75

3) Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, India: An initiative of the Government of India to celebrate and commemorate 75 Years of Independence and India's history: iii) "RESOLVE@75"

4) Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, India: Am initiative of the Government of India to celebrate and commemorate 75 Years of Independence and India's glorious history: iv) "ACTIONS@75"

5) Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, India: An intiative of the Government of India to celebrate and commemorate 75 Years of Independence and India's glorious history: v) "ACHIEVEMENTS@75"

Links to Special Covers issued by the Rajasthan Postal Circle of India Post:

i) "Bikaneri Bhujia", (Rajasthan), India: Rajasthan Postal Circle of India Post has issued a set of eight Special Covers on Geographical Indications (GIs) of Rajasthan: Date of Special Covers issue: 18.08.2021

ii) "Makrana Marble", (Rajasthan), India: Rajasthan Postal Circle, Jaipur of Inda Post has issued a set of eight Special Covers on Geographical Indications (GIs) of Rajasthan: Date of Special Covers issue: 18.08.2021

iii) "Blue Pottery of Jaipur", (Rajasthan), India: Rajasthan Postal Circle, Jaipur of India Post has issued a set of eight Special Covers on Geographical Indications (GIs) of Rajasthan: Date of Special Covers issue: 18.08.2021

iv) "Thewa Art Work", Rajasthan, India: Rajasthan Postal Circle, Jaipur of India Post has issued a set of eight Special Covers on Geographical Indications (GIs) of Rajasthan: Date of Special Covers issue: 18.08.2021

v) "Kathputlis of Rajasthan", (Rajasthan), India: Rajasthan Postal Circle, Jaipur of India Post has issued a set of eight Special Covers (SCs) on Geographical Indications (GIs) of Rajasthan: Date of Special Covers issue: 18.08.2021

vi) "Molela Clay Work & Pokran Pottery", (Rajasthan) Postal Circle of Inda Post has issued a set of eight Special Covers on Geographical Indications (GIs) of Rajasthan: Date of Special Covers issue: 18.08.2021

vii) "Kota Doria", (Rajasthan), India: Rajasthan Postal Circle, Jaipur of India Post has issued a set of eight Special Covers on Geographical Indications (GIs) of Rajasthan: Date of Special Covers issue: 18.08.2021

viii) "Sanganeri & Bagru Hand Block Print", (Rajasthan), India: Rajasthan Postal Circle, Jaipur of India Post has issued a set of eight Special Covers on Geographical Indications (GIs) of Rajasthan: Date of Special Covers issue: 18.08.2021

Links to Special Covers issued by Maharashtra Postal Circle recently:

Links to Special Postal Covers/Booklet issued by the Maharashtra Postal Circle (2021-2022):

17) The Solar System: A set of eight Stamps of 500 Paise (or Rs.5/-) denomination each, depicting the eight planets - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune & Uranus, brought out by India Post on 20.03.2018

Links to posts on Special Covers (SCs) brought out by Lucknow Postal Circle of India Post:

Links to posts on Special Covers (SCs) brought out by Chhattisgarh Postal Circle of India Post:

Links to posts on Special Covers (SCs) brought out by Karnataka Postal Circle 2021 onwards:

Links to Special Covers issued by Uttarakhand Postal Circle recently

Links to Special Covers issued by Madhya Pradesh Postal Circle:

Links to Posts on Special Covers issued by the Odisha Postal Circle:

Links to Posts on Special Covers issued by the North East Postal Circle:

Links to Posts on Special Covers issued by the West Bengal Postal Circle:

Links to Posts on Special Covers issued by the Tamilnadu Postal Circle:

Links to Posts on Special Covers issued by the Haryana Postal Circle:

Links to posts on Special Covers issued by Kerala Postal Circle:

IPKF Operations, Sri Lanka:

Links to posts on Army Post Office (APO) issues: 

15) 27 Air Defence Missile Regiment (Amritsar Airfield): Platinum Jubilee Celebrations (75 Years) A Special Cover brought out by 56 APO on 04.02.2017

16) 237 Engineer 
Regiment : Golden Jubilee Celebrations ( 50 Years of Glorious Service). A Special Cover brought out by 99 APO on 11.02.2017

31) The Deccan Horse: Centenary Celebrations of the Jordan Valley Day (1918-2018): A Special Cover brought out by 56 APO (Army Post Office) on 03.11.2018

34) 61 Cavalry: "Centenary of the Battle of Haifa (1918-2018)": A Special Postal Cover brought out by India Post (56 APO-Army Post Office) on 22.09.2018

38) 22nd Battalion: The Rajput Regiment: Golden Jubilee Celebration (1966-2018): A Special Postal Cover brought out by India Post (56 APO) on 01.10.2018

Other posts on the Indian Armed Forces on this Blog:

20) 4th Battalion (Outram's) The Rajputana Rifles: 200th Anniversary Celebrations (1820-2020): A Postage stamp of 500 Paise (or Rs.5/-) brought out by India Post commemorating the milestone: Date of Stamp issue: 12.02.2020

Links to posts on Mahatma Gandhi on this Blog:

15) 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi: A set of six octagonal stamps of 2500 Paise (or Rs.25/-) each, issued by India Post on 02.10.2019: Octagonal Stamps have been issued for the first time by India Post

Maximum or Maxim Cards:

5) Headgears of India: A set of 16 Maxim Cards issued by Chennai Postal Circle of India Post on 10.02.2017 

6) Means of Transport through the Ages: A set of 20 Maxim Cards issued by India Post on 25.03.2017: 

Special Stamp Packs/Books:

5) Tribal Dances - Valar, Kayang, Hozagiri & Velakali: A set of four Stamps issued on 30.04.1991 by India Post put together in this album by the National Philatelic Museum, New Delhi

6) Beaches of India - Gopalpur-on-Sea, Kovalam, Anjuna and Bogmalo Beaches: A set of four Stamps issued by India Post on 11.08.1997 during INDEPEX'97 held at New Delhi from 15-22 December 1997 (World Philatelic Exhibition)

7) TREES: The Sentinels of Nature: (Part I): Indian Postage Stamps released at various points of time from 11.12.1954 onwards till 28.12.1982 compiled by India Post in a booklet of 36 Stamps: The first 12 Stamps in the Booklet:

8) Trees: The Sentinels of Nature: (Part II): Indian Postage stamps released at various points of time from 11.12.1054 onwards till 28.12.1982 compiled by India Post in a booklet of 36 Stamps: The next 12 Stamps in the Booklet (Nos. 13-24):

9) TREES: The sentinels of Nature: (PartIII): Indian Postage stamps released at various points of time from 11.12.1954 onwards till 28.12.1982, depicting trees, compiled by India Post in a booklet of 36 stamps: The last 12 stamps in the booklet (numbering 25-36):

Links to Posts on Our Solar System:
Links to posts on Mahatma Gandhi on this Blog:

Some posts on Banks on this Blog:

6) Gagron Fort: (Stamp 6): Hill Forts of Rajasthan Postage Stamp Series: A set of six postage stamps commemorating the Hill Forts of Amer, Kumbhalgarh, Jaisalmer, Gagron, Chittorgarh and Ramnthambore: Stamps issued on 28.12.2018

Links to some  posts on the Forts of Maharashtra:

1) Shivneri Fort: A Special cover brought out by Philatelic Bureau, Pune and Maharashtra Postal Circle of India Post on 30.03.2017  

2) Ahmednagar Fort: A Special Cover brought out by the Philatelic Bureau, Pune and Maharashtra Postal circle of India Post on 30.03.2017
4) Sinhagad Fort: A Special Cover brought out by Maharashtra Postal Circle of India Post on 29.04.2017  5)"Brave Fighter Narvir Shivaji Kashid": A Special Cover issued by Maharashtra Postal Circle on 05.05.2016: includes The Defence of Panhalgarh and the legendary Battle of Pawan Khind 

6) Rohida Fort: A Special Cover brought out by Maharashtra Postal Circle of India Post on 14.07.2017

7) Pratapgad Fort: A Special Cover brought out by Maharashtra Postal Circle of India Post on 28.08.2017

8) Purandar fort: A Special Cover brought out by International Collector's Society of Rare Items and Maharashtra Postal Circle on 04.05.2017

9) Rajgad Fort: A Special Cover brought out by International Collector's Society of Rare Items & Maharashtra Postal Circle of India Post on 30.06.2017

Special Stamp Packs/Books:

5) Tribal Dances - Valar, Kayang, Hozagiri & Velakali: A set of four Stamps issued on 30.04.1991 by India Post put together in this album by the National Philatelic Museum, New Delhi

6) Beaches of India - Gopalpur-on-Sea, Kovalam, Anjuna and Bogmalo Beaches: A set of four Stamps issued by India Post on 11.08.1997 during INDEPEX'97 held at New Delhi from 15-22 December 1997 (World Philatelic Exhibition)

7) TREES: The Sentinels of Nature: (Part I): Indian Postage Stamps released at various points of time from 11.12.1954 onwards till 28.12.1982 compiled by India Post in a booklet of 36 Stamps: The first 12 Stamps in the Booklet:

8) Trees: The Sentinels of Nature: (Part II): Indian Postage stamps released at various points of time from 11.12.1054 onwards till 28.12.1982 compiled by India Post in a booklet of 36 Stamps: The next 12 Stamps in the Booklet (Nos. 13-24):

India Post Stamps on Special Mugs:

1) Black Ceramic Mug: An India-Post presentation highlighting representative Postage stamps brought out by India Post since 1963, on various WWF initiatives in India for Conservation of Endangered Fauna

2) White Ceramic Mug depicting State Bank of India, Pune Main Branch - A Walk Down History Lane

3) Did You Know series (46): "Climbing" several Mountain Peaks of the Himalayan Ranges all at the same time without "Mountain Climbing Gear" is now possible: The Himalayan Mountain Peaks and Ranges displayed as panoramic photographs on two beautiful Ceramic Mugs 

Permanent Pictorial Cancellations:

1) Permanent Pictorial Cancellations, Tamil Nadu Postal Circle, India Post: (PART I): 12 Post Cards issued from 01.01.1965 onwards till 05.01.2017 (out of a set of 37): Post Card set issue date: 31.12.2016

2) Permanent Pictorial Cancellations, Tamil Nadu Postal Circle, India Post: (Part II): 12 Post Cards issued from 01.01.1965 onwards till 05.01.2017 (out of a set of 37): Post Card set issue date: 31.12.2016

3) Permanent Pictorial Cancellations, Tamil Nadu Postal Circle, India Post: (PART III): 13 Post Cards issued from 01.01.1965onwards till 05.01.2017 (out of a set of 37): Post Card set issue date:31.12.2016 & 05.01.2017 

Links to Posts on Indian Post-Cards:

3) "Birds of the Himalayas" (Part II) Description of 16 Birds with picture postcards)

4) "Birds of the Himalayas" (Part III) Description of 16 Birds with picture postcards)

5) Two Series of Postage Stamps issued during the reign of George V: Inauguration of New Delhi in 1931 and Silver Jubilee of the reign of George V in 1935 compiled by Karnataka Postal Circle   

6) Aero India 2015: Asia's Premier Air Show: A set of 10 Post cards issued by Karnataka Postal Circle, India Post in 2015. 

7) Himalayan Lakes: Chandratal, Roop Kund, Sela, Tsangu and Tsomo Riri: A set of five post cards issued by India Post in 2015 

10) Incredible India: (Part III): A set of 48 Post cards issued by India Post in 2015  11) Olympic Events: A set of 12 Post cards issued by the Karnataka Postal Circle, India Post on 11.07.2016  

12) "Orchids": A set of 12 postcards issued by the Karnataka Postal Cicle of India Post, with designs inspired by 6 Stamps on Orchids issued by India Post on 21.10.1991 and 6 Stamps issued on 08.08.2016 

13) Legendary Women (of India): A set of 10 Post-cards issued by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post in 2015 

14) Sundarban (Part I): A set of 48 Post Cards brought out by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post in 2015 

15) Sundarban (Part II): A set of 48 Post cards brought out by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post in 2015 

16) Sundarban (Part III): A set of 48 Post Cards brought out by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post in 2015 

17) Football Legendaries: A set of 18 Postcards issued by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post in 2015 

18) Wild India - Mammals: Part I): A set of 48 Post Cards issued by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post in 2015 

19) Wild India - Mammals (Part II): A set of 48 Post Cards issued by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post in 2015 

20) Wild India - Mammals Part III): A set of 48 Post Cards issued by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post in 2015 

21) Butterflies of India (Part I): A set of 48 Post Cards issued by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post in 2016 

22) Butterflies of India (Part II): A set of 48 Post Cards issued by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post in 2016 

23) Butterflies of India (Part III): A set of 48 Post Cards issued by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post in 2016 

24) Beetles: A set of five stylised Post Cards issued by the Chennai Postal Circle of India Post

Commemorative Stationeries:

"My Stamps" Albums:
Registered Post Envelopes:

Links to Commemorative Stamps Posts on Indian Stamps issued during 2024:

Links to Commemorative Stamps Posts on Indian Stamps issued during 2023:

Links to other Commemorative Stamps Posts on Indian Stamps issued during 2022:

Links to other Commemorative Stamps Posts on Indian Stamps issued during 2020:

7) Terracotta Temples of India: A Set of seven Stamps issued by India Post of prominent Terracotta Temples of India: Date of Stamp Set issue: 08.08.2020

Links to other Commemorative Stamps posts on Indian stamps issued during 2019:

18) The Samaja: Centenary celebrations (1919-2019): One of the oldest and prominent newspapers of India/Odisha: A Commemorative stamp of 500 Paise (or Rs.5/-) brought out by India Post on 06.10.2019

19) Periyar Tiger Reserve: A Special Postal Cover brought out by the Kerala Postal Circle of India Post on 21.12.2018

34) Embroideries of India: A set of stamps issued by India Post on 19.12.2019

Links to other Commemorative Stamps posts on Indian Stamps issued during 2018:

Links to other Commemorative Stamps posts on Indian stamps issued during 2017:

3) India-Portugal: Joint Issue: A set of two Stamps commemorating the   Dandiya and Pauliteiros Dances issued by India Post on 07.01.2017 

4) Dr. M.G. Ramachandran (or MGR) Birth Centenary : A Commeorative Postage stamp issued by India Post on 17.01.2017 

5) Nature: India: A set of six commemorative Stamps issued by India Post on 25.01.2017 

6) India Post Payments Bank (IPPB): A commemorative stamp of Rs.5/- brought out by India Post on 30.01.2017 

7) Headgears of India: A set of 16 stamps issued by India Post on 10.02.2017 

8) Bicentenary of the Raising of the Poona Horse Regiment  (July 1817 - July 2017): A Commemorative 500 Paise or Rs.5/- stamp issued by India Post on 11.02.2017 

9) Centenary of Ramjas College: A Commemorative Stamp of 500 Paise or Rs.5/- brought out by India Post on 13.02.2017 

10) Ladybird Beetle: A set of four Stamps brought out by India Post on 23.02.2017 

11) Yogada Satsang Society of India Centennial Celebrations: A 00 Paise or Rs./ stamp issued by India Post on 07.03.2017

12) Means of Transport Through The Ages: A set of 20 stamps issued by India Post on 25.03.2017 

13) Kotmi Sonar Crocodile Reserve/Park: A Special Cover brought out by Chhattisgarh Postal Circle on 29.01.2017 during a Philatelic Exhibition titled "BILASPEX 2017" 

14) Cub Scouts: Celebrating the Centenary of the Cub Scouts Movement in India and abroad in 2016 by issuing a commemorative stamp by India Post on 30.03.2017

15) Shivneri Fort: A Special cover brought out by Philatelic Bureau, Pune and Maharashtra Postal Circle of India Post on 30.03.2017  

16) Ahmednagar Fort: A Special Cover brought out by the Philatelic Bureau, Pune and Maharashtra Postal circle of India Post on 30.03.2017 

17) World Theatre Day: A Special Cover brought out by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post on 27.03.2017 

18) Coffee Stamp Rs.100/- (Part I) : The Strange Case of "Non-Fragrance" Wet Off-Set Stamps passed on as "Coffee Fragrance Stamps" by India post, thus defrauding/cheating its customers, released on 23.04.2017 

19) Coffee Stamp Rs.100/-: (Part II) The Strange Case of "Non-Fragrance" Wet Off-set Stamps passed on as "Coffee Fragrance Stamps" by India Post, thus defrauding/cheating its customers, released on 23.04.2017 

20) Bharat Ratna Bhimrao Ambedkar Institute of telecom Training, Jabalpur: 75 years of its establishment: A commemorative stamp issued by India Post on 22.04.2017: 

21) Logo on Leaf (Cachet): TANAPEX 2017: A Special Cover released on 05.01.2017: 

22) Traditional Sarees of Tamilnadu: TANAPEX 2017: A Special Cover released on 05.01.2017 

23) 250 Years of Thyagabrahmam or Tyagayya or Saint Thyagaraja: TANAPEX 2017: A Special Cover released on 06.01.2017

24) Thiruvarur Temple Car: TANAPEX 2017: A Special Cover released on 06.01.2017 

25) Lord Arthanareeswarar Temple, Tiruchengode:TANAPEX 2017: A Special Cover released on 06.01.2017  

26) Thanjavur Maharaja Serfoji's Sarasvati Mahal Library: TANAPEX 2017: A Special Cover released on 06.01.2017 

27) Spice of India: Turmeric: TANAPEX - 2017: A Special Cover released on 06.01.2017 

28) Legends of Tamil Cinema: 1) Samikannu Vincent 2) T.P. Rajalakshmi 3) M.G. Ramachandran : TANAPEX 2017: Three Special Covers issued on 07.01.2017   

29) "Deekshabhoomi": The place of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's initiation into Buddhism: Two Commemorative stamps of 500 Paise or Rs.5/- denomination issued by India Post on 14.04.2017 

30) Viswanatha Satyanarayana, Tarigonda Vengamamba & Atukuri Molla: A set of 3 Stamps of 500 Paise each issued on 26.04.2017

31) Ramanujacharya: Millennium (1017-2017): 1000th Birth Anniversary: A commemorative stamp of 2500 Paise or Rs.25/- brought out by India Post on 01.05.2017 

32) Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI): A 500 Paise or Rs.5/- stamp issued by India Post on 05.05.2017   33) Champaran Satyagrah Centenary: (1917-2017): Three commemorative stamps issued by India Post in the denominations of Rs.5/-, Rs.10/-, and Rs.25/- on 13.05.2017: 

 34) Torna Fort: A Special Cover issued by Maharashtra Postal Circle of India Post on 29.03.2017

35) Sinhagad Fort: A Special Cover brought out by Maharashtra Postal Circle of India Post on 29.04.2017

37) International Day of Forests or World Forestry Day -. A Special Cover issued by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post on 21.03.2017 

38) Forest Research Institute , Dehradun: (19th Commonwealth Forestry Conference 3-7 April 2017): A Special cover issued by Uttarakhand Postal Circle of India Post on 03.04.2017 

39) Jhala Mann Singh (Jhala Manna): The martyr of the famous Battle of   Haldighati: A Commemorative stamp of 500 Paise or Rs.5/- issued by India Post on 18.06.2017 

40) Survey of India: 20th Anniversary Commemoration celebrated with the issue of two stamps by India post on 22.06.2017: 

41) The Passport Act, 1967: 50 Years Commemoration: A 2500 Paise or Rs.25/- stamp brought out by Indiapost on 23.06.2017  

42) Banaras Hindu University (BHU): Celebrating the Centenary of its establishment (1916-2016): Two commemorative stamps brought out by India Post on 28.06.2017 

Links to other Commemorative Stamps posts on Indian stamps issued during 2016

4) MAHAPEX - 2016 held at Nashik from 16-18.01.2016: (Part 2) Spl.Covers on Kalaram temple and Nashik "Grape City & Wine Capital of India" released by Maharashtra Postal Circle on 17.01.2016 

5) MAHAPEX - 2016 held at Nashik from 16-18.01.16: (Part 3) Spl. Covers on "Nashik Dhol" and "Dr. Anand Gopalrao Joshi" released by Maharashtra postal Circle on 18.01.2016 

6) International Fleet Review - 2016 (IFR - 16) held at Vishakhapatnam   from 04.02.16 to 08.02.16: Commemorative Postage stamps issued by India Post 

7) Celebrating 75 Years of setting up of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal : Commemorative Postage Stamps brought out by India Post. 

8) PUNPEX - 16 held at Chandigarh from 06 - 09.02.2016: (Part 1): Spl. Covers on "Indian Dak Runner" & "The PUNPEX-16 logo" released by Punjab Postal Circle on 06.02.2016 

9) PUNPEX - 16 held at Chandigarh from 06-09.02.2016: (Part 2): Spl. Cover on "Butterflies of Chandigarh" released by Punjab Postal Circle on 07.02.2016 

10) PUNPEX - 16  held at Chandigarh from 06-09.02.2016: (Part 3): Spl.   Cover on "Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary, Chandigarh" released by Punjab Postal Circle on 07.02.2016 

11) PUNPEX - 16 held at Chandigarh from 06-09.02.2016: (Part 4): Spl. Cover on "Migratory Birds of Sukhna Lake, Chandigarh" released on 07.02.2016 

12) "Gurudwara Shri Paonta Sahib": Spl. Cover released by HP Postal Circle, of India Post 

13) India's First International Fleet review held on 18.02.2001 at Mumbai 

14) "Jal Mahotsav" on the River Narmada from 12-21.02.2016: Spl Cover issued by the Department of Posts, India 

15) "Simhasth Kumbh Mahaparv", Ujjain 22.04.2016-21.05.2016: MAPPEX-2016 Spl Cover released by Postmaster General, Indore Region, India Post on 07.02.2016 

16) Unique Handicrafts of Madhya Pradesh: MAPPEX 2016: A Special Cover issued by the Postmaster General , Indore Region, Indore, on 05.02.2016 

17) Golden Jubilee of The Statesman Vintage & Classic car Rally": Special Cover issued by the Delhi Postal Circle, New Delhi on 28.02.2016 

18) Mahamaham Kumbha Mela Festival, Kumbhakonam, Tamil Nadu: February 13-22, 2016. Special Cover issued by the Postmaster General Tamilnadu Circle, Chennai, India Post. 

19) "Maharaja Agrasen ki Baoli " in New Delhi: "UTSAV 2016"- A Special cover issued by the Delhi Postal Circle on 17.02.2016 

20) Archbishop Benedict Mar Gregorios Birth Centenary celebrations : A Special Cover issued by Delhi Postal Circle, New Delhi, India Post on 15.02.2016

21) Shri Lakshmi Narayan Temple: UTSAV 2016: A Spl Cover issued on 17.02.2016 by Delhi Postal Circle, New Delhi 

22) National Science Centre Delhi: UTSAV 2016: A Spl Cover issued by the Delhi Postal Circle, New Delhi , Department of Posts, India on 16.02.2016 

23) Commemorating the Birth Centenary of Vasantrao Srinivassa Sinai Dempo: A Rs.5/- Stamp issued by  India Post on 04.03.2016 

24) 150th Anniversary of the Allahabad High Court : Commemorative Stamps & Coins issued by the Department of Posts, India & India Government Mint, Mumbai respectively 

25) National Archives of India (Part 1): 125th Anniversary Celebrations:   Commemorative Stamps issued by the Department of Posts, India on 13.03.2016 

26) The Gilgit Record (Manuscripts): National Archives of India (Part 2) A 30 paise Stamp issued in 1979,  by the Department of Posts, India. 

27) "A Minor Rock Edict" of Samrat Ashok found in Gujarra , Distt. Datia M.P. : A Special Cover issued by the Indore Region, MP Postal Circle, Deptt. of Posts, India 

28) "Batesara Group of Temples": A Special Cover issued by Indore Region, M.P. Postal Circle, Deptt. of Posts, India 

29) "India-UN Women HeForShe Programme": Commemorative Stamps issued by India Post  

30) Fire Services of India: A Rs. 5/- Stamp issued by the department of posts, india to honour the "Fire Services of India

31) Govardhanram Tripathi: Commemorative Rs.5/ Stamps brought out in his honour by the Department of Posts, India. 

32) The "Everlasting Flame international Programme 2016": A Special Cover issued by Delhi Postal Circle, Department of Posts, India. 

33) "Ahimsa Ball": Commemorating the 10th Installation Ceremony of the Ball: A Special Cover issued by the Delhi Postal Circle on 26.04.2016 

34) "BRICS Friendship Cities Conclave 14-16 April 2016, held at Mumbai: A Special Cover issued by the Maharashtra Postal Circle on 14.04.2016 

35) "25th Shukla Day Coin and Philately Fair" held from 22-24.04.2016 at Mumbai: A Special Cover issued by the Maharashtra Postal Circle, India Post on 22.04.2016 

36) "Indian Coast Guard Air Station Chennai Silver Jubilee": A Special Cover issued by Tamilnadu Postal Circle of India Post on 07.03.2016 

37) Swami Chidananda: A Rs.5/- Commemorative stamp issued by India Post on 21.05.2016, celebrating his Birth Centenary. 

38) "Brave Fighter Narvir Shivaji Kashid: A Special Cover issued by Maharashtra Postal Circle on 05.05.2016 

39) Tata Power: Commemorating the centenary of the establishment of The Company by India Post, by issuing Rs.5/- stamps on 10.06.16 

41) Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose in Jharkhand: DEOPEX:2016: A Special Cover issued by the Jharkhand Postal Circle, India Post on 18.03.2016 

42) "Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar": DEOPEX-2016: A Special Cover issued on him by Jharkhand Postal Circle, India Post on 18.03.2016 

43) "Philatelic Seminar, Jaipur": A Special Cover issued by the Rajasthan Postal Circle, India Post on 28.02.2016 

44) "Shantheyanda Okkada Hockey Namme - 2016": A Spcial Cover issued by Karnataka Postal Circle, India Post on 03.05.2016 

45) The Indian Institute of Architects: Commemorating the Centenary year of the Institute by issuing a Special Cover by Maharashtra Postal Circle, India Post on 12.05.2016  

46) Indian Naval Air Squadron 300 (INAS 300): A Special Cover issued on the Induction of MiG-29Ks and de-induction of Sea Harriers in the Squadron, by the Maharashtra Postal Circle of India Post on 11.05.2016 

47) State Trading Corporation : Celebrating 60 Glorious Years: A Special   Cover issued by the Delhi Postal Circle, India Post on 18.05.2016 

48) Christ Church Fort Teppakullam, Tirichirappalli: 250th Anniversary Celebrations: A Special Cover issued by Tamilnadu Postal Circle, India Post on 17.05.2016 

49) "BSE" (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange): Commemorating the 140th Year of its establishment: A Rs.5/- commemorative stamp brought out by India Post on 09.07.2016 

50) "VIKAS PARV - CHHAU DANCE": A Special Cover issued by Jharkhand Postal Circle on 17.06.16 

51) 65th Plenary of the North Eastern Council held on 26-27 May 2016 at Shillong: A Special Cover brought out by the NE Postal Circle of India Post, on 03.06.2016 

52) Platinum Jubilee of the First Philatelic Bureau set up in Mumbai: A Special Cover issued by Karnataka Postal Circle, India Post on 21.06.2016  

53) Chennai Book Fair: A Special Cover issued by the Tamilnadu Postal Circle of India Post on 01.06.2016

54) Chennai Book Fair (Part II) A.K. Chettiar : One of 6 eminent Tamil writers on whom Tamilnadu Postal Circle has issued Special Covers on 10.06.2016 

55) Chennai Book Fair (Part III): T.Janakiraman: One of 6 eminent Tamil writers on whom Tamilnadu Postal circle has issued Special Covers on 10.06.2016 

56) Chennai Book Fair (Part IV): P.V. Akilandam: One of 6 eminent Tamil writers on whom Tamilnadu Postal Circle has issued Special Covers on 10.06.2016 

57) Chennai Book Fair (Part V): D. Jayakanthan: One of 6 eminent Tamil  writers on whom Tamilnadu Postal Circle has issued Special Covers on 10.06.2016 

58) Chennai Book Fair : (Part VI): Pudhumaipithan: One of Six Eminent Tamil writers on whom Tamilnadu Postal Circle has issued Special Covers on 10.06.2016 

59) Chennai Book Fair: (Part VII): Va Ramasamy: One of six eminent Tamil writers on whom Tamilnadu Postal Circle has issued Special Covers on 10.06.2016 

60) Tadoba Andhari National Park: Commemorative stamps brought out by India Post on "International Tiger Day" at Nagpur on 29.07.2016 

61) Tara Mata Temple Shimla: Famous Temples of Himachaal Pradesh Series: A Special Cover issued by HP Postal Circle of India Post on 29.04.2016 

62) Bagla Mukhi Temple, Bankhandi, Kangra: Famous Temples of Himachal Pradesh Series: A Special Cover released by the H.P. Postal Circle of India Post on 29.04.2016  

63) Chintpurni Temple , Chintpurni Una, HP: Famous temples of Himachal {radesh Sries: A Special Cover released by H.P.Postal Circle of India Post on 29.04.2016 

64) Ter-Centenary of the martyrdom of Baba Banda Singh Bahadur: A Special Cover brought out by Delhi P0stal Circle of Indiapost on 20.06.2016 

65) "Rio 2016" Summer Olympics: Commemorative Stamps and booklets issued by the Department of Posts, India on 05.08.2016

66) "Orchids": A set of 6 Commemorative postage stamps brought out by India Post on 08.08.2016  

67) Indian Metal Crafts: A set of six Stamps issued by India Post on 26.08.2016 

68) Independence Day - Tourism in India: A Rs. 25/- Commemorative Stamp issued by India Post on 15.08.2016 

69) "Kargil Diwas" - A Special Cover brought out by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post on 26.07.2016 

70) Jagadguru Shri Shivrathri Rajendra Swamy : A Commemorative Rs.5/- Stamp brought out on his Birth Centenary on 27.08.2016 

71) Lady Hardinge Medical College: Commemorating the Centenary of establishment of LHMC by issue of Rs.5/- stamps by India Post on 23.09.2016 

72) Swachh Bharat Mission: Second set of Commemorative Stamps issued by India Post on 02.10.2016

73) Induction of C-130: A commemorative stamp of 500 Paise issued by India Post on 06.10.2016 

74) Central Water and Power Research Station, (CWPRS) Pune: A commemorative Rs.5/- stamp issued by India Post commemorating the Centenary Celabrations of establishment of the CWPRS

75) Kanger Valley National Park, Jagdalpur: A Special Cover brought out by Chhattisgarh Postal Circle, India Post on 26.06.2016 

76) Jagadish Chandra Bose (Great Scientist): A Special Cover brought out by the Jharkhand Postal Circle, India Post on 15.02. 2016 

77) "Near Threatened Birds": (Series I): Stamps issued by India Post to create awareness about four Near Threatened (NT) Bird species on 17.10.2016 

78) "Varanasi City": A set of Commemorative Stamps brought out by India Post on 24.10.2016

79) National Unity Day (or Rashtriya Ekta Diwas): Salute to the Unifier of India: A Commemorative postage stamp brought out on Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel by India Post on 31.10.2016 

80) 50 Years of Haryana: A Commemorative Postage stamp issued by India Post on 01.11.2016 

81) Mahseer: A Special Cover issued by the Indore Region of the Department of Posts, in coordination with the Forest Department Madhya Pradesh on 09.09.2016 

82) Third Battalion:The Garhwal Rifles: A Commemorative postage stamp issued to celebrate the Centenary of the Battalion's Raising day in 1916. Stamp issued by India Post on 19.11.2016 

83) "Picnic": The theme of Children's day 2016: Two commemorative stamps brought out by Indiapost in the denominations of 1500 Paise or Rs.15/- each on 14.11.2016 

84) Nobel Prize Winners of India: A Special Cover brought out by Rajasthan Postal Circle of India Post in co-ordination with the Philatelic Society of India and St. Xavier's School, Jaipur on 21.10.2016 

85) Chilika Lake: A Special Cover issued by the Odisha Postal Circle of India Post at the National Philatelic Exhibition on Nature and Environment - 30.09.2016 to 02.12.2016 on 30.09.2016 

86) Exotic Birds: A set of six Commemorative stamps brought out by India Post on 05.12.16 

87) Akshardham Temple and Pramukh Swami Maharaj: A set of two stamps issued by India Post on 07.12.2016 

88) AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences): A Rs. 5/- commemorative stamp issued on the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee (60 years) of establishment of AIIMs on 03.12.16

89) Season's Greetings: A set of two Commemorative Stamps issued by India Post on 23.12.2016 

90) Samrat Vikramadittya: A Commemorative Rs.5/- Stamp brought out by India Post on 22.12.2016 

91) 150 Years of setting up of the first building of Hardayal Heritage Public Library in 1866: Commemorative stamp issued by India Post on 26.12.16 

92) Personality Series: Bihar: A set of 8 Commemorative stamps issued by India Post on 26.12.2016 

93) Deendayal Upadhyaya: Birth centenary commemoration (1916-2016) A Commemorative stamp of Rs.10/- issued on him by India Post on 29.12.16 

94) Legendary Singers of India: A set of 10 stamps issued by India Post on 30.12.2016 

95) State Bank of Mysore (SBM): A Special Cover issued by Karnataka Postal Circle of India Post on 16.12.2016 

Links to other Commemorative Stamps posts on Indian Stamps issued during 2014 and 2015:

1) 2014 FIFA World Cup held in Brazil - A set of four stamps issued by India Post.

2) Commemorative Stamps on "Swachh Bharat" Mission3) Commemorative Stamps on "Project Rukmini" 4) Commemorative Stamps on "Indian Ocean & Rajenda Chola I"5) International Day of Yoga - "Commemorative Stamps & Coins" 6) India-France - 50 Years of Space Co-operation - Commemorative Stamps7) Commemorative Stamps on 50 years (Golden Jubilee) of "Engineers India Limited"

8) Bicentenary of the "Old Theological Seminary" (OTS) Kottayam, Kerala

9) Commemorative stamps issued on Nabakalabera (Jagannath Temple, Puri)

10) Commemorative stamps issued on an Indian Game called "Sagol Kangjei" originated in Manipur, from which Polo was adapted all over the World  

11) Samrat Ashok - Commemorative Stamps issued on the legendary Emperor of Ancient India 

12) Women Empowerment - Commemorative Stamps

13) Baba Amte - Commemorative Stamps 

14) Did You Know Series (4): A sample of the beautiful stamps brought out by Department of Posts, India 

15) 10th World Hindi Conference held at Bhopal - Commemorative Stamps issued by Department of Posts India

16) 50th Anniversary of the 1965 Indo-Pak War: Commemorative stamps issued by Department of Posts, India. 

17) Commemorating the 125th Anniversary of the Birth of Dr. B.R. Ambedker by Department of Posts, India with a stamp titled "Dr B.R. Ambedkar and the Indian Constitution" 

18) The "Charkha" or the Spinning Wheel: Commemorative stamps issued by the Department of Posts, India 

19) Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam - Commemorative Stamp issued by the Department of Posts, India 

20) 50th Anniversary of the Border Security Force (BSF): Commemorative Stamp issued by the Department of Posts, India 

21) 3rd India- Africa Forum Summit at New Delhi - Commemorative Stamps issued by Department of Posts, India 

22) Commemorating the Golden Jubilee of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL): Commemorative Stamps issued by India Post.

23) Commemorating the Bicentenary of the Raising Day of the First and Third Gorkha Rifles: Commemorative stamps issued by India Post.  

24) India-Singapore Joint issue: 50 Years of Bilateral Relationship: Two Commemorative Stamps issued by India-Post. 

25) Celebrating 60 years (Golden Jubilee) of EEPC India: Commemorative stamps issued by India Post. 

26) Centenary of the setting up of the Zoological Survey of India: Commemorative stamps issued by India Post 

27) Celebrating Children's Day on November 14th - Commemorative Stamps issued by India Post. 

28) Musicians of India - Commemorating Classical Musicians of India by issue of Stamps by India Post. 

29) Sumitranandan Pant (poet and writer) : Commemorative postage stamps issued on him by India Post 

30) Golden Jubilee of the Establishment of the IDSA, New Delhi: Commemorative stamps issued by India Post  

31) 100 Years of Return of Mahatma Gandhi to India in 1915: Commemorative postage stamps issued by India Post 

32) Commemorating Alugumuthu Kone, one of the first Freedom Fighters against the British: Commemorative Stamps issued by India Post

33) Centennial of the Patna High Court of Judicature: Commoemrative Stamps issued by India Post  

34) Gaiety Theatre Complex, Shimla: A Commemorative 500 Paise Stamp issued by India Post on 20.06.2014 

35) Commemorating 150 Years of the Kuka Movement: A commemorative Stamp brought out by India Post on 24.12.2014

List of Commemorative Stamps Posts on stamps issued in 2013: 

1) Commemorative Postage stamps on the "Wild Flowers of India" issued by India Post.

2) 100 Years of Indian Cinema: 50 commemorative stamps issued by India Post. 

3) INS Vikramaditya: Celebrating the induction of the Aircraft Carrier into the Indian Navy: A Commemorative stamp issued by India Post on 04.12.2013

4) 50 Years of Nagaland: A commemorative stamp of 500 Paise or Rs.5/- brought out by India Post on 01.12.2013 

List of Commemorative Stamps Posts on Stamps issued in 2012:

1) Shekhawati and Warli Paintings (Part I) - Warli Paintings - Commemorative postage stamps brought out by India Post in 2012

2) Shekhawati and Warli Paintings (Part II) - Shekhaati Paintings - Commemorative postage stamps brought out by India Post in 2012 

3) History of the Ancient & Modern Olympics and Paralympics & commemorative coins issued during the London Olympics and Paralympics: Also, includes a set of four stamps issued by India Post on 25.07.2012

4) National Mathematics Day: A Commemorative stamp of 500 Paise or Rs.5/- issued by India Post on 22.12.2012 

5) The Scinde Horse: A Commemorative Stamp of 500 Paise or Rs.5/- issued by India Post on 16.11.2012 

List of Commemorative Stamps Posts  on Stamps issued in 2011:

1) Commemorative Postage Stamp of Rs.100/- issued on Mahatma Gandhi on Khadi Cloth for the first time ever by India Post.

2) Commemorating 100 Years of the Establishment of the ICMR: A Commemorative stamp of 500 Paise or Rs.5/- brought out by India Post on 08.11.2011  

List of Commemorative Stamps Posts  on Stamps issued in 2010:

1) Princely States of Indore, Sirmoor, Bamra and Cochin : Commemorative Stamps issued by India Post

2) Crafts Museum, New Delhi: A set of two Commemorative stamps brought out by India Post on 21.12.2010 

3) Lalit Kala Akademi: A Rs.5/- stamp brought out by India Post on 31.12.2010 

4) C.Subramanium and the Indian Green Revolution: A Commemorative Stamp of 500 Paise or Rs.5/- brought out by India Post on 28.11.2010

5) Central Bank of India: A Commemorative stamp of 500 Paise or Rs.5/- celebrating the Centenary of the establishment of the Bank brought out by India Post on 23.12.2010 

List of Commemorative stamps Posts on Stamps issued in 2009:

1) The Silent Valley: Commemorating the Silver Jubilee (25 Years) of setting up the Silent Valley National Park by issue of a stamp on 15.11.2009 

2) Pterospernum acerifolium (or Muchkunda): A commemorative stamp of 500 Paise or Rs.5/- brought out by India Post on 06.03.2009 

3) C.Subramanium and the Indian Green Revolution: A Commemorative stamp of 500 Paise or Rs.5/- brought out by India Post on 28.11.2009 

List of Commemorative Stamps Posts issued in 2008: 

1) Centenary of the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru: Commemorative Stamps brought out by Indiapost in 2008

2) Standard Chartered Bank: Commemorating 150 Years of Banking in India: A Rs.5/- Commemorative Postage Stamp issued depicting the SCB Mumbai Heritage Building 

3) "Aldabra Giant Tortoise": A commemorative postage stamp brought out by India Post in 2008 

List of Commemorative Stamps issued posts in 2007:

1) 2550 years of Mahaparinirvana of the Buddha: Commemorative stamps issued by India Post 

List of Commemorative Stamps issued posts in 2006

List of Commemorative Stamps issued posts  in 2005:

List of Commemorative Stamps issued posts in 2004:

List of Commemorative Stamps issued posts in 1996

1) Spirit of the Olympic Games, Athens-Atlanta: Celebrating the Centenary of the Modern Olympic Games: A set of two stamps issued

List of Commemorative Stamps issued  posts in 1964:

List of Commemorative Stamps issued posts in 1961:

Commemorative stamps issued in 1931, 1947 and 1950:

 Postage Stamps from Thailand depicting Buddhist Jataka Tales:

1) Thailand postage stamps commemorating Buddhist Jataka Tales & celebrating Magha Puja Day (Part I)

2) Thailand Post stamps commemorating Buddhist Jataka Tales & celebrating Asalha Puja Day (Part II)  

3) Thailand Post stamps commemorating Buddhist Jataka Tales & celebrating Visakha Puja Day (Part III)

4) Postage stamps from Thailand commemorating Buddhist Jataka Tales

Other Postage stamps from Thailand:

5) "Nang Yai" (or Shadow Play Puppets"): International Letter Writing Week - 2008: Commemorative Postage Stamps issued by Thailand Post on 04.10.2008

Forever Stamps from United States Postal Service (USPS):

1) Forever Stamps: A Series of Stamps commemorating the "US Civil War 1861-1865"

2) Forever Stamps: The Hindu Festival of Lights - Diwali (2016) 

Postage Stamps from the Bailiwick of Jersey

1) "Man of Steel": A Superman movie. Jersey post stamps commemorating a local lad Henry William Dalgliesh who played Superman in the Movie 

Postage Stamps from Gibraltar

1) 800th Anniversary of the Magna Carta - the Universal guidepost/landmark in Liberty and Freedom: A miniature stamp sheet issued by the Gibraltar Philatelic Bureau

Postage Stamps from Guernsey/Alderney Island:
Postage Stamps from Romania:

Postage Stamps from Kyrgyzstan:

Postage stamps from Tokelau:

UNESCO Postage Issues:

Postage stamps from Israel:

Postage Stamps from Norway:

Postage Stamps from Correos (Spanish Post):
Postage Stamps from Armenia: